problems importing .gpx (different sources)

Started by wosieber, July 04, 2011, 14:40:03

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Hi there,
first of all: LOCUS is absolutelly great and I love it - really great work - go ahead with it!!

today I tried to import GPX files into Locus (data import). I tried GPX route and GPX track of the same track. I generated the data with
- I selected the file "01_GPXRoute.gpx"
- Import -> YES
- "importing...."
- there was a problem with <filename>
- Information: imported 0 points

Then I downloaded a file from ... b=ToursTab
("Rundradtour.gpx" and "Radtour.kml" - both are the same trck / route)
"Radtour.kml" generated same error after 34 imported pointes
"Rundradtour.gpx" generated same errors also after 33 imported points

When I'm trying to open "tracks" ind data manager I don't see any track.

I'm not sure if I'm making something wrong, but I couldn't find any further information on this issue.

Can you help me with this?

Best regards and many thanks - Wolf


  I tried both your files and both works fine. There was one problem with import (unfortunately in last market version) but should be fixed now, so please try next version (should be published tomorrow or at least in Wednesday) and let me know if problem still remain
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Many thanks for the fast response.
Sorry I missed to give you my version number: 1.8.11
Where can I find the newest version within the next days? On Android market or elsewhere?

Many thanks - also for te fast support!



you're welcome :) yes, on market. Sometimes here on forum are some testing versions, but these are really only experimental, so wait for market release
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems):
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Now it works quite fine! Many many thanks for your great efforts.