[APP] - version 4.4.+ ( 23. 9. 2021+ )

Started by Menion, September 23, 2021, 10:13:25

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Quote from: michaelbechtold on October 27, 2021, 12:39:00
Quote from: CabrioTourer on October 26, 2021, 19:23:32
But it doesn't provide the possibility to download the gpx, right?  It just shows route on map?
Did I missed this Feature?

I thing you missed it. When I select a track or any other route, the context menu offers a "share as gpx". The tools available then depend on the staging of your smartphone (apps).
In the App the share gpx can download the gpx and you can send it to friends somehow

I talked about the share in the Web. This will create a url you can send to your friends. If you open that url you see the track on the map. I see no way to download a gpx. That's what I mean.

Sharing the track via URL is a nice modern way but today the possibilities with such a link is very limited. If would be nice if adding gpx download doesnt make much work.


I'm buried under work on the filesystem on A11 ... on the last possible moment. So sorry for the late answers.

a reminder is not necessary. I have added a task to my task list. Hmm maybe remind me a year later when this won't be done yet :).

even a Beta forced you? I thought this is not yet public. Well, it will be in the next version for sure.

I've just modified how data are transferred and it will be moved one by one > so copy & delete every file. Previously it firstly duplicated the app directory and then deleted it. But there was a problem with huge directories and low disk space.

@Viajero Perdido
Duplicated folders are more a warning, not a real problem. The app always use previously used directory. Maybe check it with the next Beta if there still be this info and if yes, post me a screen so I may see a paths visible to you, thanks.

@Andrew Heard
you see these statistics for already saved tracks? They should be visible only a) during track recording or b) in case the track really contains these data.

Good point with the export of shared routes. Added to the web planner to-do list with high priority.
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Appreciate very much, Menion!
This will spare you tons of angry users, too :-)))
Maybe folders with many small files could be done at once? In any case, this is a one time exercise, so people should start it in the evening, not when they want to hike/bike in the morning ...

One more essential thing: READ ONLY access for additional map folders - external or internal SD regardless. You get this done?

Good luck and kind regards


To my surprise, the whole transfer is quite fast. I test it with my 30GB installation and it is done within a few minutes. I made it as a process that can't be stopped and also as a self-recovery process so when for some reason, it is interrupted, app will restore transfer immediately on next start.

Anyway access to any other directory, so for example, mapsVector in custom location is really a pain and for now, it is not doable.

Only what I was able to implement, also because I consider it as crucial, is the "backup" directory on the user-defined location.

What I also tried for some time is to allow "srtm" data on custom-defined location, but even I had partial success, I also ended on 2x worst performance. And this is a real problem for the map shading system ...

So for now, it is almost worst case with close to very small hope to be better ... sorry  :'(
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I am having SRTM on the external card and noticed no performance problem in shading (the normal map shading, also the slope shading) at all. Please don't remove the possibility to use userdef places, our SRTMs may be quite huge (23G here).
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Shaping points are still green, but I noticed on create the icon is orange...
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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There is currently no slowdown because you still use the old system. But since 1. 11., I'm unable to publish the new version on Google Play with this system.

"Orange" shaping points > thanks, I've noticed this too and forgot to fix it ...
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TXs for the additional details, Menion.

I think you have to take the bull by the horns head-on!

The whole scoped storage thing is for the Instagram world, only good enough for images and videos.

All other big data sets suffer by deadly performance issues.

So, to summarize your (and similar apps) scenario:
- huge data sets
- random access needed (database and alike)
- shared between different apps
Forgot something?

If I were Asamm, I would create a dummy geo app with request for MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, with above justification. Hence no danger to Locus itself, just for the battle with Google.

Quote from : https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/10467955#zippy=%2Cexceptions

Google Play may provide a temporary exception to apps that do not qualify as permitted use designated above, when;

    Use of the permission enables the app's core functionality; and
    There is currently no alternative method to provide the core functionality; or

use of the privacy friendly alternatives (e.g., MediaStore API, or Storage Access Framework) has a substantially detrimental impact on the critical features of the app that are tied to the core functionality.

    The impact on user privacy is mitigated by security and privacy best practices

The developer must justify in their Console declaration why the Storage Access Framework or MediaStore API is not sufficient for their app's purpose.

You can fulfil all three conditions. And if Google finally comes up with an enhanced framework that goes beyond Instagram (and alike) use cases, such exception can be ceeded. But not before!

Good luck and kind regards


New version "MapGooglePlay_4.4.3.14_1044_beta" just published under "New filesystem, A11+" sub-directory. Good luck everyone ... backup your data to be safe!!

Based on our experience with Google, we give up the option to get full storage access. The problem here is, that Locus Map is perfectly fully working even without full access to the filesystem. Generally, there is no need for most of the cases, to access the rest of the file system directly. And this is a bullet-proof argument. Fact that advanced users suffer by this is the second side that will be perfectly ignored by Google, trust me.
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


If noone had ever tried the near impossible, we'd still climb on trees - without any maps :-)

And BTW: would your product FAMILY be able to use the stored maps across the board?
You have  LM4, LMP, and some GIS stuff, right?
Double or triple the maps for the same area - Google must be kidding to insist on such!

And sharing between multiple apps beyond is not an advanced user thing.

Viajero Perdido

I tried the beta (from the Android 11 folder) on my Android 9 phone.  (That part made me nervous.)

  • On startup, it said, "Working directories ... have been changed ..." (this is a SCARY message), and gave only one option: Internal storage.  Only one?

  • Checked About.  The "duplicate" message is gone, simply /sdcard/Locus.

  • Went to "Set working directory".  Now it showed two options:  Internal storage and private folder in internal memory.  I double-checked the backup, crossed my fingers, and changed it to private folder, clicked Move.

  • After a few minutes, Locus restarted.  I needed to re-select my preferred map and theme, odd, otherwise, all seems well.

  • In an external file manager, I see /sdcard/Locus is almost empty, except for mapsOnline containing 3 sqlitedb files for the hike-and-bike map that showed briefly after restart

  • NOW the About once again shows "duplicate folder", see attached.
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I installed it on Android 10. Noticed no changes. It just works. LM already was in private folder on internal SD, backup, MapsVector and SRTM on external.

My experience with Google: They don't give a f***. They are intransparent, they don't care, they don't reply. You don't need to understand what they do, it is, as it is.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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geocoded photos taken with a poi cannot be displayed as geocoded photos on the map, the folder Android/data.... is not selectable.

Furthermore, photos of these folder cannot be displayed by any gallery app that I know so far. ???

Until now I sync by time interval these photos to the external SD (no storage space problem) so I can display these photos as geocoded photos inside LM4 (path is selectable) as well as in my gallery app.

My idea, create an optional setting " save taken photos as duplicate on the ext SD

as a security measure, i first switched off the automatic update for LMP that is still installed directly on the SD card. ;)

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on October 29, 2021, 10:14:01
you see these statistics for already saved tracks?
@Menion - sorry I don't remember whether saved or currently-recording track. I'll take more notice next time. Just confirmed - no saved tracks show these 0-value cadence & other sensor stats.

Quote from: Menion on October 29, 2021, 10:14:01
They should be visible only a) during track recording
why visible if there is no sensor and no sensor data?

Last number in APK filename is no longer being incremented? Stuck on _1044. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

update to on Android 8 appears to perform correctly GOLD user ID:c7d47597a