Questions about POIs

Started by eldron, August 22, 2021, 11:10:05

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on my last holiday I used Locus a lot (as always) and came across a few issues with POIs.
On my map (in this case the North Italy LoMaps Map) with the "Hike and Bike" theme I can see certain POIs, depending on the zoom level (Bus Stations, toilets, viewpoints etc.) - see attached screenshot.
These POIs are always visible and not just when I use the point of interest search function. As soon as I scroll around on the map it takes a second and these POIs show up.
I use these POIs a lot, so i definitely want to keep them.
So here are my questions:
1) Where can I decide which POIs I want to see? Let´s say I don´t want to see the train stations, where can I switch that off or switch others on?
2) The POIs often overlap other writing, especially town names (see screenshot). This can be very annyoing, so is it possible to change the layers and have them behind the layer of the town name tags? Or is there a way to easily turn off all POIs to read the tags and then turn them on again?
3) Sometimes (I have not found any pattern yet) locus suddenly stops showing these POIs and I have to completely close locus and start it again to see the POIs again. Sometimes I have to do this repeatedly, before the POIs start showing again. Is this a known bug? It´s a bit annoying, especially when I have a track recording running which I have to stop to close locus completely.


The way it looks are you using Locus Map Pro? Or is it a not updated Free? In Locus Map 4 you can turn off the POI with a button.
Here is a suggestion for selecting the POI you need. Simply vote for it and you can write whether you can still integrate a selection field to place Poi behind the place name.
At point 3.
This is important so that you have an up-to-date version. It is best to always include the version in the Text. If the error still persists, the best thing to do is to report it to the help desk or to check first whether the error has already been reported. You can also ask questions there.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Hello Freischneider,
thanks a lot for your reply. I have upvoted the link that you sent me and left a comment.
So if I understand you correctly there is no way at the moment to choose the POIs that are shown on the map? Not even in Locus Map 4?
I´d say that that´s quite a shortcoming for locus and should really be changed.
To answer your question - I am using the latest version of Locus Map Pro (updated it a few days ago).
I had read about the development of Locus Map 4 but never paid any attention to it. Maybe it´s time to download it and have a closer look. The 10€ per year charge is fine by me, I use locus a lot and I´m always amazed by it´s development which is definitely worth supporting.
And maybe the POI bug won´t be present in Locus 4.


Hello eldron, freischneider

existing offline LoPoints solution is very old and we are aware, it needs a bigger update. We have anyway decided to set order of priorities as
1) online LoPoints service (mostly done, working on better search, support for categories)
2) integration of extra content like Wikipedia, photos, optionally comments
3) big update of the offline solution

So, offline LoPoints should work, but if possible, we suggest using online LoPoints solution (available for free in LM4) that offer already a lot more points with a clever grouping and visibility based on the current zoom level. And data usage is really minimal ...

Maybe @Radim V may add few notes as the main guy behind our new LoPoints system if wants.


And your problems. I see mainly a problem in your point 3) as this should really not happen. I'll be using the offline version a little more and watch it as well. Thanks.
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Hi Menion,
thanks for your reply.
I downloaded Locus Map 4 yesterday to see if the POIs work better compared to Locus Map Pro.
It´s definitely useful that you can now easily turn the POIs off, as they often overlap other writing.
Thanks for posting your roadmap, it´s good to know that the POI system is already being worked on.
I generally prefer using offline data, as it´s more reliable when you are in remote areas or in a country where roaming is expensive and therefor turned off. But I´ll definitely keep an eye on the development of the LoPoints service.
Are there any plans on making it more customizable so that we can choose which POIs we want to see?
Will there be a way of avoiding the current problem that POIs overlap other writing (town names etc.) ?

I also have a couple of questions about the Locus Map 4 GUI - can we adjust the colour and transperency of the GUI panels (top, bottom, side) somehow ? I preferred the more transparent look of Locus Map Pro, but couldn´t find anything in the settings. I´d also prefer to have the zoom buttons back in the bottom panel if that´s possible.
I am really sure that the zoom button and the hold map center button were grey (like the rest) when I installed Locus Map 4 yesterday, but now they are white and have no transperency at all. The only thing I did was to import my latest Locus Map Pro backup. Is this possible or is my memory failing me?



As for the zoom buttons, it is possible to show them, eg search settings for 'zoom'. As all elements, you can show/hide/autohide.

POI - For me the most important area for improvement. We've got some really nice databases coupled with Lomaps or OAM, but ui/ux is not good yet. Like: Adding 100,200,300 poi from a specific category, it returns to map, you have to start over for next category...
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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I'll be short
- POI customization: we will see, it depends on other tasks that modify our priorities. I would like to, but ...
- problem with overlapping > not sure if we talked about this, but it most probably won't be considered a serious and easily solvable problem, sorry
- transparency of panels can't be modified
- zoom buttons position can't be changed
- color is based on day/night app theme that may be selected in the app settings
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I'll be short
- POI customization: we will see, it depends on other tasks that modify our priorities. I would like to, but ...
Ok, I´ll just wait and see. The current, pre-selected POIs work quite well for me, but sometimes it would be nice to be able to tweak it. Maybe there´ll be a xml file that can be edited instead of an in-App solution?
- problem with overlapping > not sure if we talked about this, but it most probably won't be considered a serious and easily solvable problem, sorry
Now that I´m using Locus Map 4 it´s not as much of a problem, as the POIs can easily be switched off, but with Locus Map Pro I couldn´t find any way of turning POIs off - is it even possible?
- transparency of panels can't be modified
- zoom buttons position can't be changed
- color is based on day/night app theme that may be selected in the app settings
Ah ok, that explains why the buttons where grey when I first used Locus Map 4 (in the evening) and then white the next day. Changed it to dark mode now. Is there a reason why the grey buttons have some transparency and the white ones don´t?
I´d like to be able to modify the transparency and the zoom button position (I did prefer them in the bottom panel, as it left more space for the map), but can totally understand that you can´t make everything customizable.

Keep up the great work and I´m looking forward to the upcoming POI improvements.


Andrew Heard

Quote from: eldron on August 25, 2021, 11:59:37
...zoom button position (I did prefer them in the bottom panel, as it left more space for the map)
add a setting to hide existing zoom buttons (100% consistent with all other map items), and allow selection of zoom buttons as function buttons in side panels? @eldron create a help topic @ for voting? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Zoom buttons in the bottom panel ... c'mon guys, don't complicate me such nice UI :)

To turn off offline POI in LM Pro, open a screen with all offline points, and in the top right toolbar menu is an option to turn them off.
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I've hidden the zoom buttons. The zoom with 2 fingers is much better. And when I'm wearing gloves, I use the volume buttons to zoom.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on August 26, 2021, 19:51:02
Zoom buttons in the bottom panel ... c'mon guys, don't complicate me such nice UI :)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ;-) I've always felt the LM3 UI was more functional in this regard - zoom button size controlled by dev_gui_main_rescale_value, zoom buttons along bottom of screen so less wasted space, better contrast in sunlight, better separation for more reliable tapping. Just my 2 cents worth. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


I can already hide the zoom buttons, if you don´t have that setting you should maybe update locus. I have the same options as with the other map items (vissible, auto-hide, hide).
That´s a good idea, I´ll give the volume buttons a try. 2 finger zoom is activated, but I don´t use it much, as i normally use locus with one hand.
But I can also live with the way things are at the moment. With the size of current smartphones there is plenty of space left for the map.

And maybe at some point there will be a way to customize the GUI a bit. Because I also think that the side panel is unnecessarily wide  ;D But I have it set to auto hide now, so it doesn´t bother me much.
I guess you can never get it right for everyone anyway - a narrower side panel leaves more space for the map, but also makes the buttons harder to hit under certain cricumstances (e.g. when biking).


Tip: best zoom system by one finger ... tap > up tap > tap and hold ... now swipe with your finger up and down.

Customizations > right, it is the app's strength. In queue is many pages where some customization should occur. The first in row is currently track screen ... just find time on it ...
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If you are looking for something for cycling. There is the option of using a remote control. Here you have BT buttons directly on the handlebar. Here you can zoom, screen on / off, move the map, etc.
You can keep your hand on the handlebars. Search in the forum or here:
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)