[APP] - version 4.3.+ ( 28. 7. 2021 )

Started by Menion, July 28, 2021, 11:38:24

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Andrew Heard

Quotenotification center > offline elevation data download - error: bad gateway code 502 with other bad text characters - error cleared when exited then restarted, but not when Refresh icon was

Quote from: Menion on August 27, 2021, 09:01:06
- error 502 > how do you simulate it?
sorry, but no idea how to reproduce it Menion, I was not trying at the time ;-(
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on August 27, 2021, 09:01:06
- Loading/Downloading ... not so simple. In the "Loading moment" app probably do some merging or extracting. I've at least changed loading > working that makes more sense.
@menion - does there need to be a screen update for this merging/ extracting? It is relatively fast compared to the downloading, so the text switches around for no very good reason. Very minor detail.
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


I am wondering: is the checkbox in the first screenshot obsolete? IMO it is. It is achieved by the eye symbol, 2nd screenshot.
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Andrew Heard

@tapio - excellent observation. In fact I was going to ask a related question, but now you have solved it for me:- why when I have <main menu > LoPoints > Show on map:unchecked> but still 100's of POI appear on the map until each time I <clear temp points>. It appears there is a conflict/ fight with <Map screen content > LoPoints>.

If I check/uncheck <main menu > LoPoints > Show on map> then it should at least also be reflected in the <Map screen content > LoPoints> setting, and visa versa?

Or, as part of the LoPoints promotion from beta to fully working, this will be better resolved ;-)
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a
    The following users thanked this post: Tapio


The whole LoPoint system needs an overhaul IMO some day... And the subsystems a) "show n*100 poi as temporary items on map" vs. b) "show some unknown subset of close online/offline LoPoint on map" - for sure are confusing.
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Quote from: Menion on August 31, 2021, 15:25:10
New version with "final" new Sensors manager: MapGooglePlay_4.3.3.5_1032_beta.apk .
Finally, thanks a lot!  8) Tested and connected Sigeyi power meter by

  • ANT: Connects fine as power meter, but seems to be adding up the watts when riding instead of displaying the current power value. Added up >20000 W after a few meters.
    Did not display the cadence info the sensor sends. I also could not add the sensor again as a cadence sensor.
  • BTLE: Connected fine, displays cadence nicely, but no power.
Further issue with speed sensor: Connected fine per ANT and BTLE, but the wheel circumference is limited to 999 mm. I would need ~2325 mm.

For power meters, an option to display the average power over a few (configurable) seconds would be great.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: tapio on September 03, 2021, 08:01:16
The whole LoPoint system needs an overhaul IMO some day... And the subsystems a) "show n*100 poi as temporary items on map" vs. b) "show some unknown subset of close online/offline LoPoint on map" - for sure are confusing.
it appears (from user's point of view) these are 2 independent settings, when logically (?) they should be the one setting; just two places to access. It sure had me confused, still after all these years ;-(
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


LoPoints-experience and the partially illogical logic noted on page 3 https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=7496.30#lastPost and month ago.
Must be more confusing for people not that experienced with LM though.
    The following users thanked this post: Tapio


Locus doesn't apply {city} {city_end} to the recorded tracks here any more. Anyone else?
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Žajdlík Josef

Do you use Lomaps maps? Unfortunately, it doesn't work without them. Must be in the map folder.
    The following users thanked this post: Tapio


Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on September 06, 2021, 10:24:46Do you use Lomaps maps? Unfortunately, it doesn't work without them. Must be in the map folder.
Ah, thanks that's the reason. I deleted Lomaps the other day,I always use OAM because MFV4. And if you display offline Lopoints via the eye symbol, poi from both databases are shown, ie many duplicates.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Quote from: Menion on August 31, 2021, 15:25:10
New version with "final" new Sensors manager: MapGooglePlay_4.3.3.5_1032_beta.apk .

Thanks for the overhaul.
Tried with my powermeter "Assioma Uno" but not able to connect (neither BTLE nor ANT), sensor could not be found.
Power meter connects and works fine in Assioma setup app and other apps (i.e. Urban Biker). Other apps were completely shut down before trying to connect power meter to Locus.
Locus connects fine to my BT heart rate monitor.

Please let me know which further information could be helpful.



the checkbox in the "LoPoints offline" is redundant, you are correct. Anyway, it is necessary for Locus Map Pro so till I start work on the new offline LoPoints screen, it will have to stay there. The system in the LM4 is some kind of hack to allow work with offline LoPoints no matter what map is currently selected.
Anyway "offline LoPoints" > later. Now it is really not an ideal time because it will be a bigger task and we do not yet have a ready new generator that will convert our new online LoPoints (that already contain a lot more info than old offline) to offline.

finally some serious testing, thanks!
- ANT: ah right, fixed issue with cumulating power value. Also added support for "cadence" thanks.
- BTLE: cadence is supported because I have BT cadence sensor at home but for "power" data, I need to purchase a power sensor. Sorry, not yet done  :).

Circumference: ah damn, issue in this setup, thanks!

Average power value: I'll be playing with it once I have it home. I also expected that some average for last few seconds will be necessary.

Is you sensor visible when you try to add new BT4 sensor? If so, what happens when you pick it?
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download
    The following users thanked this post: Tapio


Quote from: Menion on September 07, 2021, 09:51:36
Is you sensor visible when you try to add new BT4 sensor? If so, what happens when you pick it?
That exactly is the problem  ;), unfortunately the sensor is not visible when trying to add and consequently searching as BT4 or ANT+ power meter.


Quote from: Scooty on September 07, 2021, 10:35:11
the sensor is not visible when trying to add and consequently searching as BT4 or ANT+ power meter.
I had to reboot the phone after installing for the sensors to be visible.

@Menion: Fantastic, thanks! Let me know once the new version is up, I will test right away.