criteria for showing a file / files under the "spoiler" tab of a waypoint

Started by bongo, June 13, 2021, 08:57:22

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for showing details on saved waypoints (may be up to about 50k), i use html files saved under locus/data/geocaching, each one with the name of the waypoint.
in addition, there are many pictures, which are linked from these html files.

so far, this seemed to be a very smart solution, as replacing the whole bunch of those files on my android 10 device could be done in below 1 hour.

now, after updating to android 11, all file operations seem to be slowed down a lot. so this whole process takes up to hours...days...

even if transferring all those files to the device as a single zip (which can be done in a few minutes) and storing the zip in internal memory, unpacking the zip then (to internal memory) takes hours again:
so first the folder with the old files needs to be deleted (looks like this takes about 6h for 30000 files, is still ongoing), and then unzipping the new ones again takes a few hours.

the reason for this very long processing time seems to be that android 11 adds a fixed amount of time for handling each file. so it would be great to have an alternative way of storing the data shown under the "spoiler" tab, which does not base on so many individual files. this would probably be the only way to work around this new android issue which could probably only be solved by google.

so finally my question is:
what are the criteria for data to be shown under the "spoiler" tab?
does this really need to be "one html file per waypoint" with a name, exactly the same as the waypoint name?
or are there alternatives?
- does locus accept some compressed format?
- are only html files acceppted or does locus accept other formats?
- is it possible to have several waypoints grouped in the same file?
- can locus access several files under one waypoint (which would allow to separate html and images and access them individually)
- anything else?

any idea to works around this android 11 disaster is welcome...


Hi bongo,

currently, the app supports only simple XXX.html files per cache, nothing more was needed till now.

Why you update so many files? If you update fresh data, isn't simply possible to update only changed files? Most of the images and also HTML files should then remain the same = skipped.
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hi menion

the reason for updating so many files is that they are generated from gsak. so no matter if there are changes, when you export a set of waypoints, a new html is generated. so this is then replaced on the android phone.
and besides this, when exporting a new html from gsak, all the images referenced by the html are exported too, but they are renamed on export. so after each export, all images get a new name.
therefore, there's always the whole bunch of files to be replaced...

as a workaround, i thought about having the geocaching folder on the external flash. so this would allow me to copy the data directly on a pc when i remove the flash card from the android phone.
the first test failed, as after switching the geocaching folder to the ext flash, i was no longer able to start locus. all i got was a black screen and locus failed to start.
in the mean time, i recognized that the behaviour changes, depending on the path to the folder configured for the htmls. i.e. the path configured in locus. this applies for internal and external memory. e.g.:
having the htmls under
/sdcard/locus/data/geocaching/html -> works
/sdcard/locus/data/geocaching/geocaching_html/html -> fails
no matter if configure the geocaching folder to

so maybe the issue i had with the external flash (with the no longer starting locus) might have to do with i'll do some more tests...but this will take time...


Hi, hmm "geocaching" data on the SD card won't probably work so easy.
The only solution with the SD card you may try is moving the whole Locus Map directory on the SD card.

This may be done manually, but it is very easy with the latest Locus Map 4 (Beta) > Menu > All features -> Beta - testing > File manager. Here choose "Set working directory". This copy the whole "Locus" folder to a private directory on the SD card. Just be aware that if you un-install Locus Map, the whole directory will be removed!
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i'm a bit surprised that this seems to work, at least so far...
on the external sd card, under /locus, i had the two map folders so far.
there i added the folder /locus/data/geocaching and copied the two subfolders html and images to this geocaching folder by inserting the flash card in the pc.
so now back in the phone, i reconfigured the geocaching folder and now, the spoiler tab occures and the html files are shown as this was befor when having the whole thing in the internal locus folder.
so i really hope this persists and does not just work for a first test ;-)

there is just 1 small issue:
all above is done with the waypoints taken from a gsak db using the "gsak für locus" addon, and there is a html for each of those waypoints.
when i move the map further away to a location not covered by the gsak db and then enable geocaching4locus to show live map waypoints, then on opening a waypoint, this may really take a long time to open after loading. sometimes it opens after a few seconds, sometimes i first get a black screen for about half a minute until the waypoint opens in locus.
does my setting of the geocaching folder have any impact to waypoints loaded from geocaching4locus?


And the slowdown that happens to you, happens only with with caches from G4L, not with the caches from GSAK?

App simply tries to find the html spoiler file and because of slowdown on A11+, it takes some time ... it is still weird, it took so long to you, hmm.

I do not know how to help here to be true. I do not have such issues on own device with A11/A12. Anyway I already read, mainly from the @Andrew Heard (and some others) about extremely slow filesystem on A11+ ...
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yes, but i cannot fully compare. the former setup with A10 was:
gsak db with old gsak for locus addon (version 2.2.3 or so) and all html (with folder structure) in internal memory.
with this setup, it always took a few seconds to open waypoints from gsak db together with it's html.
for g4l waypoints, i think there was almost no delay.

the intermediate solution with A11 was:
gsak db and html (all html in 1 folder) still internal but new gsak for locus addon. this setup immediately opened both types of waypoint, no matter if from gsak (opened together with html) or from g4l (without html).

now, because there is no more quick way to store the html in internal memory, my A11 setup ist:
gsak db internal, html external (all in 1 folder). waypoints loaded from gsak for locus addon open quite quick (together with html). waypoints loaded from g4l (which do not have a html) may load quick or may take quite some time to open. no idea on what it depends.