Locus Map Gold is too dark

Started by Wole, June 12, 2021, 16:08:19

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Viajero Perdido

I've never seen this problem with my two Samsung tablets.  (I have no Samsung phones.)

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Wole on May 09, 2022, 10:49:48
Samsung devices are unsuitable for LM 4
@Wole saying (all) "Samsung devices" is a very broad brush stroke - I have no problems with a Samsung A520, although admittedly this is an older device now. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 10, 2022, 01:20:46
Quote from: Wole on May 09, 2022, 10:49:48
Samsung devices are unsuitable for LM 4
@Wole saying (all) "Samsung devices" is a very broad brush stroke - I have no problems with a Samsung A520, although admittedly this is an older device now.
Do you use the A520 and LM4 in bright sunshine ?

In cloudy conditions you can not see it or minimal.

The darker display don`t show immediately. It shows within 30 seconds. So you have to look at the display longer.


Quote from: Viajero Perdido on May 09, 2022, 17:16:19
I've never seen this problem with my two Samsung tablets.  (I have no Samsung phones.)

I can't say about tablets. When I'm cycling or hiking, I only use my smartphone.

And here are the newer devices, I tested S 8 and up, see post, useless.


Quote from: jajaballard on May 09, 2022, 12:34:50
I have no solution ,
but I can confirm this issue on my Samsung A52s.

Look to the question of JackRussel. I dont't believe, that you testet LM 3 and LM 4 in bright sunshine.
The comparison between LM 3 and LM 4 is important. Of course, this is the only way to see the weakness of LM 4.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: JackRussel on May 10, 2022, 15:46:03
Do you use the A520 and LM4 in bright sunshine ?
@JackRussel - that's my usual case - for cycling. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 11, 2022, 09:13:38
Quote from: JackRussel on May 10, 2022, 15:46:03
Do you use the A520 and LM4 in bright sunshine ?
@JackRussel - that's my usual case - for cycling.

But did you really compare LM 3 and LM 4?

I just saw that A520 has Android 7.0??? The problem only occurs with Android 9 and higher!



LM4, Android 12, Galaxy S10, Locus Always screen on, full sunn in my back: stays at full brightness as long as I want (Android shows the red sun icon)
Switching off the Always screen on in Locus will die the screen after short time.


Quote from: michaelbechtold on May 12, 2022, 13:32:54
LM4, Android 12, Galaxy S10, Locus Always screen on, full sunn in my back: stays at full brightness as long as I want (Android shows the red sun icon)
Switching off the Always screen on in Locus will die the screen after short time.
Hallo, ich vermute nach Deinem Namen, dass Du aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum kommst. Daher schreibe ich hier auf deutsch, um mögliche Unklarheiten, die durch Übersetzungen entstehen könnten, zu vermeiden.

Ich verstehe Dich so, dass Du in Locus unter Einstellungen - Steuerung - Anzeige - Display immer an "immer" ausgewählt hast (oder meinst Du mit "Switching off/on the Always Screen in Locus" etwas anderes?). Wenn Du ansonsten keine anderen Einstellungen hast, kann ich mir das nicht vorstellen, denn auch ich habe diese Einstellung. Auch bei mir ist das rote Icon in Android immer vorhanden. Dennoch dunkelt Locus ab, allerdings stelle ich das Problem eher fest, wenn die Sonne von der Seite bzw. - ganz extrem - wenn sie von vorne kommt. Könntest Du das auch noch einmal überprüfen? Einen Vergleich zwischen LM 3 und LM 4 unter denselben Sonnenbedingungen hast Du auch gemacht?



Gut geraten ;-) Aber ich antworte in Englisch für breiteres Auditorium ...

I had not compare LM4 and LMP yesterday, as screen brightness of LM4 Was never less that Android UI.
But today I did extended tests:
- LM4 and LMP behavior exactly the same way, keeping max brightness, i.e. do not dim, even after longer wait.
- I also tested angles towards the sun, turning 90 degree every 20 sec: no change

Setting is indeed this "Display immer an" (Screen always on on my device)


PS: hast Du andere privilegierte Apps (Admin Rechte), die da reinfunken könnten. Bzw. andersrum: hat Dein LM4 Admin Rechte?


Quote from: michaelbechtold on May 13, 2022, 12:05:48
PS: hast Du andere privilegierte Apps (Admin Rechte), die da reinfunken könnten. Bzw. andersrum: hat Dein LM4 Admin Rechte?
We can continue our discussion in English (or switch to the German forum). It only mattered to me that we mean the same settings. This is not always clear in a translation.

But now a stupid question: Where can I see whether LM 4 has admin rights? Under the app info I had previously been "Change system settings - not allowed". But I also have this attitude with LM 3.


Admin righjts: when I mentioned this, I recalled the Locus request from quite some time ago.
Now I checked on my device: BOTH apps doe NOT have the admin right ... (still work fine)


Hello Michael Bechthold, thank you very much for your post of May 12, in which you say your S 10 does not dim. I couldn't believe this statement at first, so I rummaged through the relevant Samsung forums again.

There was actually often the statement that these problems do not exist with older devices such as the S 10.

So this afternoon I went on a bike ride in full sun for 2 hours using the S 10 +.

In fact, LM 4 did not get darker at any stage.

This obviously means that all devices that are younger than the S 10 series dim and are therefore not suitable for the use of LM 4.

I have therefore decided to stick with the S 10 +. This meets all my requirements (large and bright display, good battery life, SD card slot).


I have a Samsung S7. A friend of mine also has an S7. Also tested after a factory reset.
Same problem.
Android 8, 11 and 12 are affected in my case.
Exynos and Snapdragon.

The S10 seems to be a fluke.

I could not see any connection yet.
