[APP] - version 4.1.+ ( 4. 5. 2021 )

Started by Menion, May 04, 2021, 11:53:33

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Hi guys,
a week (full of testing, company meeting, WMTS maps) without a response and so much feedback, thanks :).

OSM go, thanks for the tip. It mostly works on me. The best should be to contact devs of both apps, improve little bit Locus API and allow to integrate these apps as add-ons into point detail screen with an option to receive directly an OSM ID of point and the type (point, way, relation). I'm now not 100% sure it is easily doable, but I should discuss this with @radim, who create a LoPoints service.

thanks for the map, I'll look at it anyway I'm still not aware of any problem so please double check you use valid working map themes.

@Viajero Perdido
If you have tested "Quick bookmark URL", you may share it so I may add it to list of predefined URLs in the app ;).

Problem with "hide" - may you write me more? Thanks. A simple "move to" click does not disable "hide" button for me.

@Andrew Heard
Progress in sync system - ah yes, it is incorrect. I planned to improve it a little more. It is not so easy as it may look :). Anyway, I already have a task on the to-do list for this ...

Surface & way types - this info comes from computed routes by the BRouter service. It is not possible to simply get these values to imported routes, sorry.

Contour lines values - hmm interesting ... @voldapet?

SRTM 1' - we would like to offer download of 3'' AND 1'', based on users' choice (most probably). But it is not yet ready (we did not yet start to work on it). So, in all cases, now are still downloaded only 3'' data.

Long-click on the prev/next waypoint - I was playing with it and decided, based on the usually very low amount of waypoints in the track, to still move only one by one. Do all agree that it should be more useful to move directly to the start/end?


General discussion

Beta version expiration - well, this limit is not anymore useful because no extra paid features are currently enabled in Beta for Free. Anyway, it is at least push for me to finally publish new version :)

Hiding of the navigation panels - as @tapio wrote, it will be improved in the next version.
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And new beta version finally generated and uploaded to Google Drive.

Have a nice weekend!
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    The following users thanked this post: Tapio


Longtap prev/next waypoint:
If there's few, there is no problem in tapping multiple times. If there are many (I often have > 15) there is currently no easy way to jump to begin/end. Well, this is just a small thing tbh.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Lovely one, thank you.

- Control point alert via intent is working.

- New navigation icon and panel option could go to the navigation options at some point.

- If no navigation icon is displayed, upper panel should use full width.

- Small nav icon is a few pixels higher than the statistic panel.

- Screenshot. Can't we get rid of the top left nav arrow? It is there in any case. Arrow on track plus voice is enough for me. When hiking, 2nd next command is uninteresting.

- It is not possible to show the embedded waypoints screen, endless loading, screenshot.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
Discuss - Releases - DL latest - Install latest


Thanks tapio!

- visible second navigation command: just disable notification on the second navigation point
- loading of waypoints ... ah thanks, quick bug-fix version published
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Viajero Perdido

Quote from: Menion on June 04, 2021, 13:03:57@Viajero Perdido
If you have tested "Quick bookmark URL", you may share it so I may add it to list of predefined URLs in the app ;).

Problem with "hide" - may you write me more? Thanks. A simple "move to" click does not disable "hide" button for me.

"Inspect OSM"
(I think this was John Percy's version; a bit better than the one I conjured up.  I've used it a couple dozen times so far, with no problems.)  Thanks for supporting this.

As to the "Hide" minor issue...  I tap a point, details pop up, I tap the dots in the lower-right corner, Move To, select a different folder.  Now, I see a simpler version of the details pane, with only distance+altitude, coords, and (original) creation date.  In this state, Hide is greyed out.

If I tap the point again, I get a fuller version of the details pane, now also including a "Details" section with folder name, and a last-update time.  Now, Hide is available.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on June 04, 2021, 13:03:57
Surface & way types - this info comes from computed routes by the BRouter service. It is not possible to simply get these values to imported routes, sorry.
OK, at least now I understand, thanks. I will just trace over top of an existing track if wanting to display surface & way types. Would it be possible to take an existing track/ route with waypoints & feed this into the BRouter service - it would allow every track to consistently show surface & way types. I'm guessing too much work/ too little pay back.

Quote from: Menion on June 04, 2021, 13:03:57
Long-click on the prev/next waypoint - I was playing with it and decided, based on the usually very low amount of waypoints in the track, to still move only one by one. Do all agree that it should be more useful to move directly to the start/end?
Nice summary by @tapio. +/- pros & cons. Although I originally suggested long tap to move direct to start/ end, I now quite like the idea of moving between waypoints.

Short tap middle buttons: +/- 1 tp
Short tap outer buttons: +/- 1 waypoint or begin/end
Long tap middle buttons: +/- 10 tp (automove)
Long tap outer buttons: +/- 1 waypoint (automove) or begin/end

But maybe larger buttons? Attached is how they look to me. The outer buttons+(i) is just a fuzzy blur. I had to take a screen cap then zoom in to see what the <+i & >+i was meaning. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Some thoughts on the track editor:

1) Modify track > "to edit the track, tap it"? Isn't this second tap redundant  (1st screen cap)? Why not just enter the track editing mode once "Modify track" is tapped?

2) Can the trackpoint info panel (2nd screen cap) be moved a little away from the trackpoint? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

A question on how to access the "track info" for a just saved track - sometimes the bottom icons includes the (i) button on the left side, but other times this is the navigation button. Why do the set of buttons change?

  • from the main map > tap the track, the (i) button is always displayed
  • select the track from the list, sometimes the (i) button is not displayed
  • after I have just saved a track, the (i) button is never displayed GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


V4.1.1.2 versions history
"support for geometries in LoPoints
how to create/display this areas?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: Menion on June 04, 2021, 13:03:57

OSM go, thanks for the tip. It mostly works on me. The best should be to contact devs of both apps, improve little bit Locus API and allow to integrate these apps as add-ons into point detail screen with an option to receive directly an OSM ID of point and the type (point, way, relation). I'm now not 100% sure it is easily doable, but I should discuss this with @radim, who create a LoPoints service.

I looked at both apps again. Streetcomplete is for missing information.
But if you have information that changed. Very specifically in Pois, then OSMGO is better (for example, new opening hours, parking is now chargeable, etc.)
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Quote from: Menion on June 04, 2021, 13:03:57

thanks for the map, I'll look at it anyway I'm still not aware of any problem so please double check you use valid working map themes.

thanks for taking a look

I don't know if it's an issue with my phone right now, but it's not visible when overlaying the map
Locus map version is beta version
I also uploaded a YouTube video below for reference.


It works fine in LocusMap 4.1.1 version.
Also, vector maps that are not visible in the beta version are visible well.
The smartphone I tested is a Samsung Note 8.


@Viajero Perdido
the issue with the "hide" is really weird. This happens when you use points stored in the internal memory right? No matter what I try, I can't simulate it ...

@Andrew Heard
mapping any route to roads is called "map matching". Quite a complex problem that is for example solved by GraphHopper (the app does not use it), but as I know, BRouter does not support this feature. It is anyway more a task to Arndt than on me, sorry.

Size of buttons: an area that reacts on the click is big enough, only the icons are a little smaller. On your device, it looks (again) a lot worst than on mine. Hope you will have a higher resolution one-day :).

Track editor: when you open the track editor from the main map screen with any trackpoint selected, it should automatically open editing options. When you describe allows to fine-tune selecting of the trackpoint before you start editing. I think it is fine as is to be true.

Movement of the popup: it firstly needs someone skilled with drawing/graphics, who should redraw the background image with the arrow. Our graphics is currently filled with huge list of tasks and already have a delay  :(

"i" button is not a "track info", but a "trackpoint info". This button should be visible in case, any track trackpoint is currently selected.

I was worried that someone asks :). Sorry, I was too rush ... @radim who prepare our LoPoints service has prepared only a test version on our testing service and it is not yet public. But will be during next week.

really interesting. Once you choose a map, try to tap on "Choose Theme" and select any of the internal map themes (button on the screenshot) please. Does it help?
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: Menion on June 06, 2021, 11:25:09

really interesting. Once you choose a map, try to tap on "Choose Theme" and select any of the internal map themes (button on the screenshot) please. Does it help?

thank you for your answer
The vector map shown in the video is a theme applied. The same phenomenon occurs even when running several different themes.
The problem is that not only the vector map can't be overlaid, nor the online map.
But there is nothing wrong with version 4.1.1 This happens only in beta version

Viajero Perdido

Now I can't duplicate the "Hide" issue either.  It seems to have gone away with the .1 beta.  8)  (It applied to points I had manually created some days earlier in the Favorites folder.)  Now, after choosing a destination name, there's a momentary delay (new) and the details panel slides up (new) with info including the updated folder name.  Now - as expected - Hide is available and working.  Thanks!
    The following users thanked this post: Menion