[APP] - version 4.1.+ ( 4. 5. 2021 )

Started by Menion, May 04, 2021, 11:53:33

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Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on May 11, 2021, 08:42:10
the little surprising combination caused by testing and not the real-world experience :) ... what you did is simple: the created route is really short and leads along a single road.
Result? No navigation commands = no waypoints! When you then start navigation, Locus Map detects no navigation commands and uses an internal app generator to generate commands based on the route shape! These are commands you see in the itinerary during navigation.
@Menion - OK a little too simple, so next time I will have one real-world turn. But you didn't comment on incorrect display of "unknown street" instead of the real-world "Buckland Rd"? Instead of "no waypoints" the itinerary could still display name of road. @0709 has kindly imported same simple route into the Kurviger app - compare the result - far more pleasing, see attached. And with correct road name. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Don't know if it's specific to this current version or generally to LM4, but Action Task "quick_action_menu" doesn't seem to work any more. The Wiki still documents it. Were there any changes in LM4 compared to LM3? If I try to trigger it from Tasker, a toast with "Action `quick_action_menu` does not exists" is shown.

PS: yes, I changed the Package from "menion.android.locus.pro" to "menion.android.locus" of course.


I think that new track screen is a bad idea. First of all previously user has choice between small pop-up and roll down, configurable list of options or full screen info. Now it is gone. This huge, half screen has less usefull info than previously smapp pop-up. No info about distance at selected point of track or distance to the end of the track. This data are available four click later at track analyzator. New screen works very bad for me, especialy when accidently tap sany track on screen. Scroll up animation and map shifting is anoying, track planer hidden in 3 dots menu etc. Is there Any chance to get back choice between new and old track detail info?


Quote from: swirkowiczmarek@gmail.com on May 13, 2021, 09:11:34
I think that new track screen is a bad idea. First of all previously user has choice between small pop-up and roll down, configurable list of options or full screen info. Now it is gone. This huge, half screen has less usefull info than previously smapp pop-up. No info about distance at selected point of track or distance to the end of the track. This data are available four click later at track analyzator. New screen works very bad for me, especialy when accidently tap sany track on screen. Scroll up animation and map shifting is anoying, track planer hidden in 3 dots menu etc. Is there Any chance to get back choice between new and old track detail info?
While I enjoy the new screen, especially the quick availability of a track chart, I understand your point. Menion said he first wants to implement the screen and then think about customization. Imho the customization should have the following aspects:

  • Parts to show/hide
  • Order of parts (below title, of course)
  • Up to where the screen scrolls up initially
With that, you could customize a screen that only shows title and current position info initially, taking much less space, but still offers all the other info with an additional scroll.
Would you agree that'd be a solution?

PS: About the point info: I also proposed that the track chart should spell out the values for distance/altitude of current point in numbers. However, you only need one click on the icon in the lower left to get to the track point details, not four.


Maybe also: What to show initially (track screen (default) or trackpoint screen).
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Graf Geo

I'm not entirely happy with the new trackscreen either and can understand swirko. The altitude diagram, for example, takes up a lot of space and is unnecessary in flatter areas. Even 20 cm (!) difference in altitude is shown in the diagram, which takes up just as much space as a track in the high mountains.

Configurability would be ideal, or an optional choice between short info and the large track screen.

SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)


How about configurability AND optional short info.

I can see options for "tap a track":
- Show hint (tapping the hint would bring up trackpoint screen)
- Show track screen
- Show trackpoint screen
- Do nothing? (idk)

I guess Menion wanted to get rid of the small hint screen. In that case, configurability should allow for a small track screen with user defined elements. Personally I think the hint can stay and may be desired. Should just not be the default.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Quote from: slarti76 on May 13, 2021, 09:28:25PS: About the point info: I also proposed that the track chart should spell out the values for distance/altitude of current point in numbers.
Useful when out in the wilds, but that information is not an attribute of the whole track.

Hmmm... it's always about track/trackpoint... I am not sure any more if there should be a unified screen... maybe...

Especially I don't like the way to toggle between the two modes. For a newbie, the two different modes are confusing I guess. And how to access them.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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In my opinion the way this screen appears need some work. Scroll animation and map shifting are laggy even my phone is quite powerful. Majbe it should just apear without scrolled animation? Customization of this screen will be nice, for me everything below altitude chart is unnecessary and basic data with chart takes to much space. But I still think that will be nice to give us choice hov Locus will behave when tap on track  - screen or small popup.


Lopoi offline can not be switched on. I activate it and it is displayed as enabled. Close the Map Content Panel and I do not see. Then I look in the Map Content Panel and it's off.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Quote from: freischneider on May 14, 2021, 21:32:37
Lopoi offline can not be switched on. I activate it and it is displayed as enabled. Close the Map Content Panel and I do not see. Then I look in the Map Content Panel and it's off.
I have problem with online LoPoints. Never tried it before, and for me the eye icon stays on, but nothing is displayed.

Correction: It works depending on map.
OruxMaps db: NO
LoMaps: YES
OAM: Weird: First I had a LoMap, enabled LoPoints online -> shown. Switch to OAM -> some POI disappear, but some are shown. Turn off LoPoints and turn on again -> nothing shown

Didn't do acomnprehensive test, but it's definitely not working as expected/intended.


Quote from: freischneider on May 14, 2021, 21:32:37
Lopoi offline can not be switched on. I activate it and it is displayed as enabled. Close the Map Content Panel and I do not see. Then I look in the Map Content Panel and it's off.
It is strange. Today it works again. But I have not changed anything.

What I noticed too. The database of online and offline is very different. There are POI available online and do not offline. And the other way around. In OSM, nothing has changed to the POI for 1 year. And I have the latest Lomap. So the error has to be in your data.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Hi guys,

incorrect rotation of texts when map rotates > thanks, got it.

@Andrew Heard
street names > I've found two issues thanks to your report, so please try the next version, it should be a lot better.

"Quick action menu" > ah sorry. With LM4, we have renamed it to "Floating menu" and also change ID for the Locus API. So try to use "floating_menu". I've also added support for old ID to keep existing tasks working. So in the next version, thanks.

So offline LoPoints works now, fine. It should really work with all maps without any limits (in LM4).
Anyway old and different data: the first task was to get all data on the web. The second big step completely changes old LoPoints offline system to the new one is a task on this year. Anyway, if there is any significant difference, please write me more info (coordinates, zoom, point(s)), I'll gladly forward this to Petr and Radim who should take care of it.

Online LoPoins - same as offline. Should work without any limits. Anyway, I probably see a problem with raster maps: LoPoints usually appear since level 14+ and it is possible that your raster maps end in 15/16? Then maybe you see nothing. App ignores scale value (percents) so it stick to last full zoom level. I'll look at it ...

Track/trackpoint screen
Thanks all for the feedback. I can't simply say that I'll change this and that. It is quite a lot of ideas and I'll write them on paper and try to find something in the "middle". It will take some time (priority now is preparation for stupid change in A11 filesystem), sorry.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Search tool:
From what I see the same problem that I found in the webplanner is also present in the Locus app.
All searches are performed on the basis of the name key, but a lot of information is present in the other keys and therefore these places are not found.
In OSM many nodes do not have the name tag, but have the amenity key valued therefore Locus does not identify these values.
An example above all, of relevant importance for those who are outdoors is the search for a source of water. This public drinking fountain has no name, but is tagged as amenity = drinking_water
<osm version = "0.6" generator = "CGImap 0.8.3 (1793695 spike-08.openstreetmap.org)" copyright = "OpenStreetMap and contributors" attribution = "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" license = " http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/ ">
<node id = "6312687085" visible = "true" version = "1" changeset = "67715997" timestamp = "2019-03-02T15: 22: 00Z" user = "Cascafico" uid = "361003" lat = "45.9451386" lon = "13.6199964">
<tag k = "access" v = "yes" />
<tag k = "amenity" v = "drinking_water" />
<tag k = "drinking_water" v = "yes" />
<tag k = "indoor" v = "no" />
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker