Locus Map 4, discussion (pre-release)

Started by Menion, March 18, 2021, 13:00:40

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I apologize for the English translation via the translator, but I don't speak English.
Thank you for a good job, I have already switched to Gold and there was no problem.
I use Locus mainly for geocaching and track logs where I moved.
I found a problem with geocaching when I open a cache that has waypoints, eg (it has 8 waypoints).
The basic panel with information about the cache will open, but when I want to look at the waypoints, they will not open, but the message "Cannot do with an unsaved point" will appear.
I only look at waypoints when I open the cache in the browser.
From that basic screen I open Logs, TB objects but not waypoints.
The last thing. It would not be possible to bookmark a discussion about Locus in the Czech or Slovak language. Thank you
Omlouvám se za anglický překlad přes translator ale anglicky neumím.
Děkuji za dobrou práci, už jsem přešel na Zlato a problém nebyl žádný.
Locus požívám především na geocaching a záznamy trasy, kde jsem se pohyboval.
U geocachingu jsem zjistil problém, když otevřu cache, která má waypointy např. (ta má 8 waypointu).
Otevře se sice základní panel s informacemi o cache, ale když se chci podívat na waypointy, ty se neotevřou, ale objeví se hláška "Nelze provést s neuloženým bodem".
Na waypointy se podívám jen když otevřu cache v prohlížeči.
Z té základní obrazovky otevřu Logy, TB předměty ale waypointy ne.
Poslední věc. Nešlo by udělat záložku pro diskuzi o Locusu v českém či slovenském jazyce. Děkuji

Viajero Perdido

"Any idea what to put here instead of "Geocaching"? "Geocache metadata" is too geeky"

"Basics" maybe?

Not an ideal suggestion, because the stuff far above (D/T, size) would count as "basics" too.  It's not possible to combine the two sections, is it?  Both sections seem, to me, conceptually the same, even though there's other stuff between.

Distance and Altitude, currently at the very top, would seem to belong at the very bottom, along with coordinates under "Location", no?

The whole thing is organized in a way that doesn't make sense to me, I'm afraid.  Of course I can get used to it.

Roughly the same order as on a cache page?  Logs at the bottom, but - unlike a cache page - coordinates also near the bottom as they are now, because in this app nobody cares about the actual coordinates.  (On the web page, you might need to key them into a GPS unit, so coords are important.  In a map app, they're a housekeeping detail.)

Listing preview???
if i click on more text and fotos are displayed
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Geocaching apps v Locusu ve verzi 3.51.1 byla skoro dokonalá. Nešlo by zapracovat Geocaching apps i do  verze 4.0.0. Zobrazování Geocaching apps v nové verzi je moc těžkopádné a málo intuivní.
Geocaching apps in Locus version 3.51.1 was almost perfect. It would not be possible to incorporate Geocaching apps into version 4.0.0. Displaying Geocaching apps in the new version is very cumbersome and not very intuitive.


to ballani55:  I have the same thing.


Quote from: Menion on March 27, 2021, 11:51:38
1.  I've just at least added a check on duplicities based on the name and coordinates. Let me know if this helped.

I don't know whether the fix is already live, but I don't see any difference yet. Maybe because for some reason, the points don't seem to have the exact same coordinates (very small variation)

Quote from: Menion on March 27, 2021, 11:51:38
2. Hmm this settings most probably no longer works in Locus Map 4. Please open the left "Map content" panel and here is an option for LoPoins online and also separate for LoPoints offline.

Enable/disable from the sidebar works indeed

Quote from: Menion on March 27, 2021, 11:51:38
Automatic night mode: you mean coloring of the map, right? It does not use any system settings. It is based on the compute of sunrise/sunset by the app itself.
That's indeed what I mean. It might be a good idea for an improvement to make it configurable: "follow daylight" or "use system settings"  ;)
LM Pro - LocusMap 4 🥇


"Track rec visibility - auto hide"
Set via presets. Rec. button does not hide, at least while recording.
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Quote from: tapio on March 28, 2021, 11:05:24
"Track rec visibility - auto hide"
Set via presets. Rec. button does not hide, at least while recording.

Isn't that exactly what you want? Optionally hide it when it's not recording, but when it is, keep it in view?
LM Pro - LocusMap 4 🥇


Quote from: auric on March 28, 2021, 11:19:48
Quote from: tapio on March 28, 2021, 11:05:24
"Track rec visibility - auto hide"
Set via presets. Rec. button does not hide, at least while recording.

Isn't that exactly what you want? Optionally hide it when it's not recording, but when it is, keep it in view?
My understanding, too.


First time in field today with new public beta. Have been in a cache tour. Locus crashed about 10 times.
Active target guiding (Zielführung in German) to a cache. Clicking on another cache on map crashed locus several time ( but not everyone).
Furthermore I get an error when trying to send field notes . 3rd attempt was successful.



Quote from: Diddi on March 28, 2021, 20:39:27

Furthermore I get an error when trying to send field notes . 3rd attempt was successful.
for your info, this afternoon GS page was down ~2 hours
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4
    The following users thanked this post: Diddi



Quote from: balloni55 on March 28, 2021, 20:43:09
for your info, this afternoon GS page was down ~2 hours
Ahh yes, I experienced the same issue. I found that Locus became unresponsive after trying to load a cache (which failed). But after several seconds, the app unfroze and I could work with it normally

LM Pro - LocusMap 4 🥇


Pro version: currently I do not want to give any promises. I expect long (+- 5 years), but maybe there will be just a few people left after a year or two so we speed up the transfer to LM4.

renaming of Locus Map Pro > Locus Classic will be most probably done when LM 4.1 with web planner V2 will be published.

[CZ] Díky, tohle by mohlo fungovat. Jen zobrazení waypointů, tedy ne jejich editace či přidávání, by neměl  být problém. Tak v další verzi.
A českou sekci ... stačí využít eixstující kategorii:

"Geocaching apps" > tomu nerozumím.

@Viajero Perdido
I've just removed "Geocaching" label but left the horizontal divider line.

Distance and altitude > I do not agree. Mainly distance is crucial information where coordinates themselves are usually quite useless.

And compare the app with the web cache page? Both pages have completely different use-case. You use the app usually in the field, and you usually need cache parameters D/T etc, and not coordinates. And if so, the small scroll is not a problem, right?

thanks, the issue with the description fixed. The photo still won't be correctly visible, but important here is a speed of display of this dialog, not 100% precise display of description.

1. different coordinates? Why? Hmm, then it of course can't work.

"Crashed 10 times". Oki, thanks for the precise bug report. RC3 version? Steps to reproduce crashes?
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QuoteHmm, now what I do differently?
    - log a cache offline
    - later tap on the log and choose "edit"
    - pick an existing photo and tap on save

exactly my process, I'll test it next week and report back.
today "add foto to log" work as expected :)

other small issue
my settings: screen alway on
generally it work :)
today i found that on opened geocache windows
- listing > more
- waypoints
- logs
close after time set in android settings "screen-timeout"
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4