Locus Map 4, discussion (pre-release)

Started by Menion, March 18, 2021, 13:00:40

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pictures > top right butto in opened cache > scrolldown > pictures
waypoints > click on horizontal arrow behind "waypoints"
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Is it possible to get the tabs view back?
The new view is agonizing to me.


Today I installed LM v4 free and went for a long walk.
First impression is very good althoug I still love my LM Pro.
While comparing both versions I discovered a little problem with the GPS symbol in both apps:

I am used to turn off the screen (and the GPS also) while hiking and every now and then turn it on to check where I am. Normally, after turning on the screen again the GPS symbol turns green again after a few seconds and I've set a short beep to let me know there is a satellite fix. Today this didn't happen, the GPS symbol stayed orange althoug I got a beep and the cursor is correctly showing my position and walking direction.

I am using LM Pro v3.51.1 and LM v4.0 free on a Samsung A8 (2018) with Android 9.


Hmm, now what I do differently?

- log a cache offline
- later tap on the log and choose "edit"
- pick an existing photo and tap on save (after that, I see the whole log together with the photo in the detail view)
- later upload directly from cache or over "Logs manager"

See my attached screenshots.

Public Locus Map Pro has nothing to do with this. We had worked on this whole day with Petr and identified two issues. Both are now fixed and we do some final tests. The updated version will be published today (at night probably).

"tabs" back? No, funny, definitely not :). The new screen is maybe 10x faster (oki, maybe less) and definitely faster on most of the operations. What I'll gladly discuss, mainly related to geocaching, are "how to make it even faster". @balloni55 already had a few tips and I'll gladly discuss them. So maybe we should after release (not now please), open a new topic here on the forum related only to this "problem". If there will be the interest of course ...

hmm, thanks for info. I'll try your steps and will be watching it ...
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Beno Müller

Just wanted to thank you for the new version. I immediately switched to Gold and now enjoy the internal offline route planner which works (in my perception) much faster than the external, BRouter solution. This is one of the greatest and most versatile outdoor apps available, indeed!

Just as a minor remark: When downloading a new LoMap in the Locus-Store, I'm every time a little bit uncertain whether I need to download first the map, than the elevation data and (since LM4) the offline routing data (assuming that I want all of this data). Or whether the last two datasets (elevation data and offline routing data) are already included in the overall map download. Maybe make this more explicit in the translation? "Additional download of elevation data / offline routing data" etc. And if the data has been already downloaded, grey out the download arrows next to the options (or replace the arrow by an update symbol similar to this one:
(i filed the above as idea in the issue tracker since I assume you have more urgent things to do)


Hi Beno,
thanks for the feedback. Exactly this in the Locus Store needs improvement, I'm well aware of this. Currently, map, elevation data, and also routing data are downloaded separately. It has also its advantages: you may just download elevation or routing data without the need to download the map itself (if you use any other than LoMap). We will anyway try to improve it ...
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Well, i came from Cachebox, maybe i go back.
Maybe i'm not the only one.



That's amazing on the Android > so many options  :).

Saturo, don't get me wrong. I'm trying to do some updates and also find a compromise. Fact that updates do not fit all people's needs is logical. For people like you, who do not like changes in functionality that are core for their use-case, will be still perfectly working Locus Map Pro/Classic version ... or a Cachebox!
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Downloaded LM4 "free" from Playstore yetserday.
Tried a silver/gold function and followed the subscription process that was offered - chose Gold and got it. At least for me it seemed to work even without new version from tonight/tomorrow.
I trust the glitches will be sorted for everybody very soon.


Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on March 24, 2021, 11:13:58
app manual: ah, then it is correct. On top, you see "" domain. Michal just does not had yet enough time to rewrite and create screenshots for all pages. It will be done during the next months ...
@menion @Michal even just a quick & dirty "draft" or "3.51 content yet to be updated to 4" added to the top of a key page(s) may reduce confusion. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


LM4, went premium (Pro in 2012 ;D)
- ads have temporarily gone - at start, later back
- Locus Store not accessible
- choosed POI Alert as functionality - still subscription notes, function then not usable. After notes, the ads reappear :) still like this funky 90-style
- still 'Go Premium' (polishing)
- Locus is noted correctly in GooglePlayStore as subscription (still did my screenshot during process)


After going Gold I started to test sync.
While the web view tells me there is nothing uploaded (correct after Asamm cleanup some time ago), LM4 shows "points downloading" - while there is still nothing to be seen in the web, except the list of track groups - all of them empty.
How can there be a heavy and lenghty (20 mins to get to 7%!) download - from NOTHING? But the device is heating like crazy and burning battery.
To me this sync thing is still a mess. Intransparent, and maybe even unreliable (I will know after completion and further tests).
The least I do exepct is:
- a LIST of actions planned - drill down (i.e. summary at folder/group level, "+" to expand), for both, tracks and points (where are the points in the web view, BTW?)
- check boxes (all checked initially) to give control to the user
- once executing: progress indication in detail, not just % (e.g. # done/to be done per folder/group)
TXs and cheers


Quote from: michaelbechtold on March 25, 2021, 00:46:02
To me this sync thing is still a mess. Intransparent, and maybe even unreliable (I will know after completion and further tests).
The least I do exepct is:
- a LIST of actions planned - drill down (i.e. summary at folder/group level, "+" to expand), for both, tracks and points (where are the points in the web view, BTW?)
- check boxes (all checked initially) to give control to the user
- once executing: progress indication in detail, not just % (e.g. # done/to be done per folder/group)
I support this "overview before the deed" idea! I also still even in recent betas had sync hiccups, so I'm definitely not at a point where I trust it completely. I will keep my personal backup-restore system (of full db with FolderSync) ready for a while.
Menion, at the least bring back those "debug" options to store all to server/overwrite all from server. You need to have a fallback if something goes wrong, but the user knows where the correct data is right now.


Next checks:
- after hours of work on the "master" device, the web database is still empty (the folders are there, but empty)
- tapping sync on this device restart "downloading" from the empty web database. Again slow, will take hours again, Isuppose.
- now try ningotherr device (all of them had no Locus running while master sync):
-- my Gold status is not recognized
-- when trying to sync, the subscription screen comes up, but chosing my google account end up in a "loading" forever
- the new version Menion mentioned has not been offered by Google PLay yet.
Good luck ...
And who is going to fix this sync thing, please?
TXs and cheers


Story to illustrate my "sync-trust-issues":
After public beta got out, I could finally sync my main device again. Worked fine, only uploads to/deletions on server. Synced on second device, also fine. Then immediately synced on second device again: There were changes! I checked the database, and everything seemed to be fine, so probably just "identical overwrites", but these things are disconcerting and undermine trust.
At the very least we should have the option to get a detailed list of executed sync ops to check integrity after the fact. And, as mentioned above, forced upload/download operations back.