Online LoMaps & Online POIs

Started by voldapet, December 29, 2020, 09:43:50

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The new Locus Map 4 comes with the new online maps in the old Hike&Bike LoMaps theme and online POI service.
We'd like to ask you for feedback, reporting for example wrong artifacts, line thickness, icon size, POI loading, text labels, etc. Thanks

How to display:
- Install the latest Alpha version
- Menu > Map Manager > Online > Asamm > LoMaps
- Map screen content > Enable LoPoins (online)
- Map screen content > Disable LoPoins beta (if you use any offline LoMap map)

Known issues:
- some text captions (especially rivers) are cut off.
    The following users thanked this post: Menion


@Andrew - are you sure that you use the latest, please?

Andrew Heard

I was using .7 instead of .9. All good now - perfect. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


my first impression
the map display is clear, too bad the hike and bike trials don't have signs.
The prioritization of the online POI's takes some getting used to.
ZL15: train stations, churches, way markers
ZL 16: bus stops
ZL 17: public toilets
ZL 18: ATM

10 min ride in car at ZL14 and 20 min a short walk at ZL 16/17. data consumption ~8 MB

Question about the text for my understanding and translation,
LoMaps/3-dot button/download/

at crowdin  > Selected map can\'t be downloaded on the map server owner\'s request.<

i understand that the map can not be downloaded and if so this button is obsolete.

Next button in this popup, a clock with arrow down. In portrait as well as in landscape i can read in german language  "Übernehmen O..."

for the user it is unclear which function lies behind this button and what the units mean that are to be entered. Only after confirmation the puzzle is solved, whereas here the explanation is only visible for a very short time.
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Thanks balloni.
Just my 2 cents from my field of work.
- "Download" under LoMaps context menu should in next version point to LoMaps in Locus Store.
- un-readable text in menu > well it is a general problem in many places. I'll probably soon or later change most of these popups to simple small dialogs.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems):
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


I like the online LoMaps as a starting point for new users. Nice hillshading also in lower mountain ranges (Germany) without much elevation difference compared to e.g. the alps.

Hiking/Biking route signs would be great but I understand that this might clutter the map view too much.

Rendering speed of supposedly not yet cached regions seems ok, but there are not many users as of now, of course. Will be interesting to see how your setup performs when this is the default map of new LM4...

Also, the online LoPoints feature is great!


Update: you can also check online LoMaps&LoPoints on your desktop using our new web planner -


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I compared the LO POI online with the OAM POI. At OAM there are a few useful information in the field of restaurant, bar, cafe, baker.
Diet: Vegetarian (Only, No, ....)
Cuisine (Pizza, Greek, Italian ....)

Possibly this:
internet_access (WLAN, ...)
outdoor_seating (yes, no ....)
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)

Radim V

Hi, regarding more generic qualities of places: there already are "attributes" - icons and short verbal description of features like WLAN access, wheelchair accessibility, smoking ... these are visible in the point detail, if present at all (in well mapped areas there are more of them). Diet is already somehow expressed by icons (veg. is "V", non veg. is "fork and knife"). Anyway being more specific about cuisine would be good, I agree. Probably a feature to do for next version of the database. 


Not all parking spaces are available at the Lopoi. That's why I still use the Oam Poi, there are more parking spaces.
The parking (OSM 783728160) is available at OAM. For Lopoi he is not available online and offline.
There are also differences between Lopoi offline and online. Parking (OSM 688458079) is available as online and not available as offline.
Then I have a parking lot as a permissive (OSM 784802209) this see in the Oam Poi. In the Lopoi he is not available online and offline. Maybe it's on the permissive. You should provide parking as a permissive. But you should display a warning in the POI. That could be a red field with exclamation mark. When I click on it, the note will be displayed to me. This field could be next to the Fee fields.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)
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