[APP] - version 3.49.+ ( 15. 10. 2020 )

Started by Menion, October 20, 2020, 22:17:18

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Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on October 28, 2020, 08:07:34
The new directory for custom profiles should be "Locus/router/profiles". This directory should be already created by Locus Map upon start. Old Locus/data/brouter directory is no longer used.
Thanks for reply. I can see an empty Locus/router/profiles2, but no Locus/router/profiles directory. Directory datestamp is yesterday 28/10/2020 when I upgraded to 3.49. I also assume Locus has copied BRouter BRF files into Locus/data/brouter/profiles2. Directory datestamp is 15/4/2020. This is quite confusing. Should Locus move all Locus/data/brouter/profiles2/*.BRF to Locus/router/profiles/? And if the former directory is now empty, delete that directory?

I moved one BRF from Locus/data/brouter/profiles2/ to Locus/router/profiles2/ & this is displayed in profile list. So are you sure you mean /profiles, not /profiles2?

I created a short route yesterday (GPX attached) to test another issue, but Locus 3.49 crashes very shortly after I start navigation along the route. There is one navigation command announced then crash. I've never seen a navigation crash before. Can I send more info?

PS. I have just used a long route for which navigation was working in 3.48 but now crashes in 3.49. So this bug is related to 3.49 (or my configuration), not something strange related to the route. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


routing data for integrated BRouter now needs to be download/updated manually. As I wrote before, I'm currently with @radim work on system integrated also in Locus Map.

@Andrew Heard
Ah sure, sorry, I wrote address just from the head without verification. "Locus/router/profiles2" is the correct path. During the update, the app only copied old existing profiles from Locus/data/brouter directory to new Locus/router/profiles2, nothing more.

Crash: nothing un-usual on the GPX file.I've tried it and no problem, so please if this still happens, create a log by common method. Thanks!
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Quote from: Christian on October 25, 2020, 17:00:59
: GPS in LM Pro is always on (with an entry in cfg)
: Location service is handled in Android settings (on/off global)

If you start LM Pro and _than_ switch on Location service , LM Pro will never get an satellite signal. LM Pro has to be shut down and restarted. Means, LM Pro needs an activated GPS from the beginning. Not nice :(

Can't confirm.

In LM, I've set "always enabled GPS at start", then closed that app. In system, I've disabled "location" and started Locus Map. Blue warning about disabled GPS appears. The GPS icon is colored orange, but nothing is visible on the map. Later, I enable "location" in the system. Immediately Locus Map start loading new location. Did I miss any steps?
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on October 29, 2020, 12:42:11
Crash: nothing un-usual on the GPX file.I've tried it and no problem, so please if this still happens, create a log by common method. Thanks!
thanks for checking the GPX file; I've emailed you the report

The crash is 100% repeatable in LM Pro 3.49, it didn't happen in LM Pro 3.48. Unfortunately it happens in LM 4 too although it was a few announcements later. But it is always just after a navigation announcement. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Quote from: Menion on October 29, 2020, 14:16:11
Quote from: Christian on October 25, 2020, 17:00:59
: GPS in LM Pro is always on (with an entry in cfg)
: Location service is handled in Android settings (on/off global)

If you start LM Pro and _than_ switch on Location service , LM Pro will never get an satellite signal. LM Pro has to be shut down and restarted. Means, LM Pro needs an activated GPS from the beginning. Not nice :(

Can't confirm.

In LM, I've set "always enabled GPS at start", then closed that app. In system, I've disabled "location" and started Locus Map. Blue warning about disabled GPS appears. The GPS icon is colored orange, but nothing is visible on the map. Later, I enable "location" in the system. Immediately Locus Map start loading new location. Did I miss any steps?
Did you switch off the display (multiple times) before you activated GPS in system and before GPS signal is available?
Sometimes i can not reproduce the behaviour but last week i happend three times in an row.


uff. If I remember correctly, you wrote nothing about turning on/off display etc etc  ;D

Oki ... so please, exactly

- system GPS turned off
- Locus Map GPS settings set to "Start always"

- start Locus Map, it tries to use GPS, but it is disabled in the system, so the icon remains orange and you see a blue warning popup after a while
- turn the screen on/off multiple times
- turn GPS in the system settings
- Locus Map ignore enabled GPS and still does not load location


These are steps that cause the mentioned problem? No problem with my device. So please modify if you do something differently, thanks.
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Henk van der Spek

An old? problem seems to be back.
It's about track style and color.
Style on map for this track is set to be "Folder" but that is partly ignored when navigating reversely. We use arrows pattern 3 and they are reversed but the color of the "folder" is not applied.
It works ok when navigating in original direction (so using complete folder style).

To make it even more complicated this happens on my wife's android 10 phone but I can not simulate it on my Android 7 with the same track and settings.
Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13

Žajdlík Josef

Greetings to all and I apologize for the Czech language. But the description is too complicated for my knowledge of English.

Dnes jsem narazil u Locusu na dvě věci. Jednu považuji za chybu, ta druhá by byla dobrým vylepšením Presetů. Bylo by asi dobré, kdyby minimálně ta první byla v LM4 opravena.
Když spustím navigaci bez přepočtu trasy, navigace vydává navigační příkazy i když sjedu z trasy. Je to dost blbé, když jsem třeba dost daleko od trasy a ona hlásí, abych odbočil po za 500 m doprava. Přitom já vím, že musím jet doleva abych se na trasu vrátil. Takže bych doporučil, aby se navigační příkazy vypnuly po překročení vzdálenosti na upozornění ze sjetí z trasy. Zapnuly by se pak až po návratu na trasu. Nemělo by to snad ani být moc složité. Hlavně pro začátečníky je totiž současný stav dost matoucí.
Když mám vytvořených více Presetů, ztrácí se přehled, které funkce jsou ve kterém použity. Takže třeba vytvořím Preset pro turistiku bez otáčení mapy, ale s čárou ve směru pohledu. Po čase si chci vytvořit Preset na kolo, ale už nevím, že jsem v některém předchozím nastavil neotáčení mapy. Vznikají z toho takové zmatené situace. Pokud by to tedy bylo možné, barevně bych v "Obsahu" zvýraznil funkce, které už jsou v nějakém Presetu použity. Při nastavování by hned bylo jasné na co si dát pozor. Tohle je asi složitější, ale rozhodně by to moc pomohlo s přehledností nastavení.


Check maximum deviation from route distance.
Locus Pro Classic 3.70.15 - Locus map 4.27.1


Quote from: Menion on November 02, 2020, 09:06:03
uff. If I remember correctly, you wrote nothing about turning on/off display etc etc  ;D

Oki ... so please, exactly

- system GPS turned off
- Locus Map GPS settings set to "Start always"

- start Locus Map, it tries to use GPS, but it is disabled in the system, so the icon remains orange and you see a blue warning popup after a while
- turn the screen on/off multiple times
- turn GPS in the system settings
- Locus Map ignore enabled GPS and still does not load location


These are steps that cause the mentioned problem? No problem with my device. So please modify if you do something differently, thanks.
Sounds weird? Display on/off means GPS on/off when energy savings are active.


@Henk van der Spek
thanks for the info about the incorrect style of navigation route in the reverse direction. The issue found and fixed.

@Žajdlík Josef
1. as 0709 correctly wrote, check the mentioned settings. Also agree Willy, that is should be somehow united.

2. I also have a bigger update related to presets in my head that will hopefully help in this case as well. Next year hopefully ...

So my steps are exactly what you do + enabled "energy saving" in your device?
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Žajdlík Josef

@ Menion, 0709 Thank you, that will probably be the problem. I have set 2000 m.


Noticed an annoying new behaviour:
When I edit a track with "Modify Track" and exit the editor, it returns me to the position when I opened the editor! Usually, I exit the editor to add or remove waypoints from a track at the position where I am just now (because, unfortunately, still can't do that in the editor).
Is there any way to turn that off?
I faintly remember this in the changes list of a new version - but what is the reasoning? I don't see the benefit...


Quite old topic
- 3 positive votes, 0 negative
- united behavior with the Route planner
Feel free to convince more people that old behavior was a lot better. But as usual, this will lead to different personal usage > extra settings to satisfy all  ::)
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