In which directory are tracks stored?

Started by svartbjorn, June 15, 2011, 10:47:53

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I want to make a backup of my tracks. Looking through the directory tree under Locus, I can't find any "tracks" directory. I see directories like "poi" and "maps" etc, and expected to find something like "tracks"?
The only I find is "cache/track_rec". There I found two files with today's date. Since I had a problem with a crashed recording that prevented Locus to start (even after Locus reinstall and reboot if the phone), I deleted those two files in the "cache/track_rec" directory. That solved the start problem, but I lost ALL my recorded tracks too!

So where are the directory/files with the tracks such that I can make a backup?


The tracks have to be exported first, otherwise they remain in the sqll databases in the data/ directory. When you export them, the tracks will appear in the export/ directory (you can set Locus to do an automatic export when you stop the track logging).


you removed cache/track_rec directory and all tracks disapear? nonsence ... all track are stored in data/dbtracks file, so backup this
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You are right - it was nonsence. I first did indeed not see any of my Locus tracks. But now I see them all. I don't know why I initially didn't see them. Anyway, good to know where they are stored and which file to backup. Thanks for answers!


You're welcome. Anyway you have this file with some data on correct place and you do not see any tracks? Hmm it looks like you have corrupted this database. You may try to add any track in application and check if will be stored or not. Anyway you have so problematic phone :). My only wish is to have it here home for one day test :)

EDIT: I still think that this problem is due to some problems on SD card. Did you tried any other card?
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I DO see the tracks now - see my previous post. (The other crash problem - see separate post. No, I haven't tried another SD card for that issue)