[APP] - version 3.45.+ ( 14. 4. 2020 )

Started by Menion, April 15, 2020, 14:07:36

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ETA in route planner:

If I use BRouter bicycle profiles in the route planner, it is my understanding the stats bar uses the ETA ( estimated time of arrival ) provided by Brouter, or by some internal defaults.

But if I make LocusMap calculate ETA by ETA estimation from the planner menu, none of ETA estimation profiles fits the stats ETA.

I think it could be good to optionally allow binding a particular ETA estimation profile to a particular Locus transportation mode.

Eventual votes at https://help.locusmap.eu/topic/consistence-of-eta-in-the-route-planner

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Well, the ideal case would be to be able to create and assign custom Route planner ETA profiles, tailored for your performance and various activities.

But as we do not live in an ideal world, for now just the Menion's predefined profiles from the Planner.

Note that I mean in this context just planned ETA, not the real time ETA on the road, but that should be obvious.

For now, I can observe the bicycle Router stats ETA fluctuates between fast and slow trekking ETA profiles. It would be better if you knew how it is calculated, no matter how good it fits your best fit.

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Quote from: 0709 on April 26, 2020, 20:32:26
hmm...the suggestion is about planned ETA, of course only in Locus map..to say in your personal installed one.

I know it is, just not to confuse not involved users, as there was much of discussions about real time ETA.

I would prefer rather customizable than personal installation.

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But customisation could do exactly that. Setting your own flat, climbing and descending speed rates, that may decrease over the time.

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Andrew Heard

I *think* you are both in agreement! I agree too. Instead of the current 14 Estimated Travel Time profiles (track > More), none of which meet my requirements, it would be much better if a user could define their own. And for @0709 these could be updated over time to reflect "physics". I've always been curious (annoyed) why there is no car profile too, which is inconsistent with default routing profiles.
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


thank you. You can cancel it anytime in the detail of the item in the Locus store. I updated the description of this item to improve it.
Thanks Petr


Hi guys,

the best to start with a small explanation.

1. ETA visible directly in route planner
Compute ETA should match ETA computed during navigation (at least when navigation starts). It really internally start navigation feature in some kind of "simulation" and just compute time to target and finish it.

Here are two options:
- routing service supply times between navigation points, than app only sum these times
- or does not supply them, then Locus Map use average speed and distance. Speed is internally computed over time (1 hour block) for you based on activity in three categories: walk, cycle, car.

2. Time visible in "Compute trip" feature
In this case, it is a completely independent feature. Every profile has hardcoded a few parameters (more below). Use-case of this feature is to simulate real travel experience together with breaks on snacks etc.

        // basic horizontal speed in m/s
        var speed: Double = 1.0
        // speed to uphill (in vertical metres per hour)
        var speedUp: Double = 1.0
        // speed to downhill (in vertical metres per hour)
        var speedDown: Double = 1.0
        // container with breaks
        var breaks: Hashtable<Int, Int> = Hashtable()

So for example "Bike trekking easy" looks like:

        tripCycle1.speed = 14.0 / 3.6
        tripCycle1.speedUp = 500.0 / 3600
        tripCycle1.speedDown = 1000.0 / 3600
        tripCycle1.breaks[60 * 60] = 10 * 60
        tripCycle1.breaks[180 * 60] = 30 * 60

Among speeds, it also define 10 minutes break every 1 hour and 30 minutes big break every 3 hours.

Hope my explanation is clear.

Space for improvements I see:
- in case routing service return time, keep some kind of internal modification that modify even these time based on users real speed (discussed here on for maybe the year before)
- for "Compute trip" feature, allow to modify/create customized profiles
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Locus exports/imports track color to gpx in a standard extension... and locus activity as custom locus extension. However, the rendering pattern and color (arrows, dots, whatever) is not exported/imported. Could you maybe make this work too?

I remember this working already at one point, that's why I post it here in the versions thread. But maybe I am mistaken, it's been a long time that I tried to import properly colored tracks with patterns.

<line xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/gpx_style/0/2">


@menion Thank you for the thorough explanation. I have approximately already understood what you have explained.

What I had in mind was, that for user convenience, the user could decide, what should be there.

The summary ETA value on the stats bar could be

either as is now, as is or modified internally
either as the trip  ETA result from a chosen  particular ETA profile(built-in or custom),

It would have advantage of not to have to go there.

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- invisible short segments > thanks, fixed
- recalculate all > hmm, may you give me a screenshot? Are you sure, it is an old track? Isn't it an alternative route provided by online GraphHopper in the Alpha version?

This never worked yet. I was already thinking about it, but because no global standard exists, I left it as is now. How you may use this? Just to share tracks from your Locus to other Locus instance right?
There is quite a lot of parameters, but I'll look at it ...

This is definitely not a task for one evening ... I'm now little pushed by time to finish some less or more cosmetic improvements for LM4. Once it will be out, I really really wants to focus mainly on many incorrect algorithms on background so please remind me (again, sorry), this serious topic maybe half an year later. Thanks!
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Quote from: menion on April 28, 2020, 19:49:53
This is definitely not a task for one evening ... I'm now little pushed by time to finish some less or more cosmetic improvements for LM4. Once it will be out, I really really wants to focus mainly on many incorrect algorithms on background so please remind me (again, sorry), this serious topic maybe half an year later. Thanks!

Sure :-) No big deal. Just nice to have.
I wish you being just pleased by the user feedback, not being frustrated by it.
Thanks for all your great work.

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Feedback is amazing all these years ... and most probably it's the main reason I do this day by day for more than 10 years now :).

The only problem I see > my own on my working speed ... unfortunately, it won't be better :)
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Something else:
May I ask about the Cloud Map/Data Storage/Sync?
Topic https://help.locusmap.eu/topic/cloud_map_and_data_storage_sync is locked, but that's 14 months ago... Is that part of LM4 or postponed because of that?
Thx for your answer!


Quote from: menion on April 28, 2020, 19:49:53

This never worked yet. I was already thinking about it, but because no global standard exists, I left it as is now. How you may use this? Just to share tracks from your Locus to other Locus instance right?
There is quite a lot of parameters, but I'll look at it ...

Yes... share your tracks with the people you are on trips with... and also import my own tracks into Locus in a proper way. I have literally thousands of tracks from my own trips and coloring them manually in Locus is not possible any longer. I can easily generate GPXes with proper coloring and patterns in Locus syntax from a script, but that gets mostly lost on import.

In general, it just sounds reasonable if you import something you exported, it ends up being identical.


thanks a lot for the precise videos. Weird that I can't simulate exactly what happens to you. Anyway, I made some minor changes in recent code so please check the next Alpha/Beta version and let me know if the result will be the same. Thanks.

@slarti76 & others
this is really good question. I'm trying to convince Michal to write a post about our current team and what we do (or just a page "About us") but it seems it will take some time ...  :o

So shortly: even it's not visible, we grew from good old small-team (me, Petr, Michal), to six people this year (January)!
Important is that Radim firstly worked on the library for WMS maps (in preparation is support for WMTS, for voting and labels) and now he's fully focused on a new online database for POI (that will convert to offline as well).
Ondra since February work on the big web server that will first serve as a synchronization/backup server, in the second step as web route planner & data manager and later maybe also as small "community network" (not yet 100% decided). Third guy Honza (who is also the creator of the add-on for Garmin watches), work with us as some kind of "manager". I'm not a born team-leader so someone who will take care of plans & progress is definitely needed!

And that's all ... summary? I believe that we finally move with sync server and POI  & sync is a must-have for us for Locus Map 4. Because Ondra already has a month delay, it gives me time to, thanks to Your help, fine-tunes Locus Map 4 ;).

oki, consider as done (will be in next Alpha/Beta)
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