Locus Map 4, discussion (alpha)

Started by Menion, December 06, 2019, 14:57:45

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I have noticed that after cache clearing, LM4 build 936 does not restart after 5s progress bar before restarting,

LM3 pro / free / beta restart always worked for me after settings restore before ( not remembering last success ), but now I have realized the latest LM3 pro fails to restart as well, after settings restore or cache clearing on my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10.

In both cases, I have to start it manually. No big deal, but It should work if advertised.

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk

They are not visible right when this screen displays?

Yes, with one preset the panel is (almost 🤔 ) hidden.
I tried a little bit to touch the area ... and when I hit a place where a butten shoud be ... it works.
It seems as if the panel is compressed.
... and after some attempts it appears partially.

They are not visible right when this screen displays?

Finaly found it out after switching one by one option:
when you set 'display->full screen ... not only notification bar disappears but also bottom panel of this popup.

The geocaching part of the new point screen is definitely not finished. The current state is work-in-progress. So if, I will appreciate some feedback based on work with all points except geocaching :).

... ohhh, just forgot. 😚


and there is a text that app will restart after 5 seconds? On modern Android 10+ devices should be the text "Please restart the app after %s seconds", because I've lost the option to restart the app automatically and still can't find a method to do it.
ah thanks. This bottom panel drives me mad, hmm ...
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Well, you are true, it is "Please restart.." :-D

I have not read it properly, fooling myself seeing old good 5s to restart message.  Like if you rode through a crossing for many years and suddenly they changed the way priority. :-D

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk



In the old Android version, it was possible to simply terminate the app by something like "kill -9" and before this, register action to start it again after 5 seconds. But this unfortunately no longer works on A10+. App simply cannot start itself ... so for now ... "Please restart..." :)
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  • bug: with activated Controlling>Display>Screen on/off control (wave once) Locus runs nuts when I hit the main-menu-button (map-screen hamburger-style)..the display continuously goes on and off , only reboot helps. Had this several times now. Haven't had this with 933 AFAIR.
  • personal preference: theme-details is too long away. I would go a step further than Tapio ;)..I wish I could do long-press layer-button or some other magic to directly jump into the theme-details-screen. Just as a suggestion as I don't want to use map-screen-space with the 'old-but-gold'-blue-flag e.g. But 3 well-placed long-distance-finger-placements are..well, more than 1. I will beat you all in speed-tests by the way 8)
  • question: long-press position-button pops up the 'Hold map center' menu which I can modify this your default-mechanism to be able to expand this menu to 2 settings or even more? I suggest long press directly changes the one-and-only-option in the case it's only one. With 2 or more entries then pop-up..

Today I was navigating along a route ... and had several problems:
- navigation has stopped several times while searching (with compass) a geocache
- two or three time Locus started completely new (track recording was continued, navigation had to be started manual)

Because all this is not repeatable by a single action ... is there a logfile where problems are documented?

PS: maybe some problems are caused from screen lock (I use basic lock) . With this lock it's always a little bit weird ... but finaly it works while driving.

PSPS: during my tour today I didn't use lock screen and geocaching - just navigating - and all works great over 3h and 140km 😎

How can I start expert settings?
Long press menu doesn't work ... 😨


Here long-press-menu (main map screen, hamburger-style flag-button) does work - a new window 'Public Tools' pops up with Tweaks and Basic tools. Expert settings activates the additional 'Expert settings'-entry in Settings

Here long-press-menu ...
Weird ... on my tablet it's working. On my mobile S10e it doesn't. 🤔


Not working on my phone either. But as already reported, hamburger menu not keen on responding anyway.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes -


New Alpha version on Google Drive for download.

Among many smaller fixes & improvements, as usual, most visible change is completely rewritten "File browser" and added support for the "One drive" storage system from Microsoft.
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Hello Menion,

Nice that OneDrive Support is now available, is my preferred online storage service.
Unfortunately, nothing works there, only an empty tab is displayed in the file manager.  ???