Locus Map 4, discussion (alpha)

Started by Menion, December 06, 2019, 14:57:45

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Some thoughts to the new point screen:

At the first glance it looked good great ... but after some playing with it I found some annoying things.
Normally I used the popup screen to examine an unknown cache area and page threw the caches to see D/T, Favorites, latest log icons ....
Now I have a huge window which covers a lot of the map. The position of the active cache isn't shown directly. I have to press the lower left button. When tapping the next cache this focus doesn't change.
Many of the shown information in the screen isn't useful ( for my geocaching view) ... and to switch to full description I have to press the lower cache-button. Some information is missing ( favorites).
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Žajdlík Josef

I have a question about the notification icon, see SCR in green circle. Will it be possible to tell from this icon whether it is a warning or informative? When you automatically export to the Strava, the icon background is red. Wouldn't it be better if it was green and only red when alerted?


@Andrew Heard
so GraphHopper, ok :)
Itinerary list behavior will be improved, thanks for pointing on this problem.

Generate trip does not work, hmm. I'll look at it.

ah thanks, fixed
The geocaching part of the new point screen is definitely not finished. The current state is work-in-progress. So if, I will appreciate some feedback based on work with all points except geocaching :).

@Žajdlík Josef
in case of any problem, you should see a big notification icon (as in the current Free/Pro version), directly on the map screen. In case of only "info" notifications, only this small number on the main menu button is visible.
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The new point screen is good stuff. I don't like that the command bar is always on top of text elements. I. e. when I drag the point information up, there's always some information behind it.

EDIT.OK I see, Zossebart has already reported and Menion confirmed it.
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Žajdlík Josef

Hi Menion, I have a proposal to modify the display of warnings and warnings. I don't like the current version, when the warnings are displayed twice. Please try to discuss this. This is because if the backup fails, for example, and you are on an expedition somewhere, the icon now unnecessarily overlaps the map.
soucasnostinformace.jpg - current status for informative announcement
navrhinformace.jpg - proposed version in Google style
soucasnostvarovani.jpg - current status of warning notifications, the icon is shown unnecessarily twice
navrhvarovani.jpg - an icon that nobody will miss should be sufficient

Ahoj Menione, měl bych návrh na úpravu zobrazení upozornění a varování. Současná verze, kdy se varovaní zobrazují dvakrát se mi moc nelíbí. Zkuste se o tom prosím poradit. Důvodem je i to, že pokud selže například odesílání zálohy a jsi někde na výpravě, ikona nyní zbytečně překrývá mapu.
soucasnostinformace.jpg - stávající stav pro informativní oznámení
navrhinformace.jpg - navrhovaná verze ve stylu Google
soucasnostvarovani.jpg - stávající stav varovných oznámení, ikona se ukazuje zbytečně dvakrát
navrhvarovani.jpg - ikona, kterou asi nikdo nepřehlédne by měla postačovat


Hi guys,

the new version just uploaded to Google Drive (like to download in the end of the first post).

I worked mainly on the route planner system, so let me know how you like/dislike some improvements (like "Trip generator" ;) ).

Josef, thanks for the good tip. Improved a little bit ...
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Andrew Heard

In latest LM4 in the Route Planner when I tap on a segment to insert a new shaping/ via point, there is now an additional step - Route segment X > menu > Trackpoint Y > Change to... I sorta see why, but it does considerably increase the # steps when adding shaping/ via points to a route. PS. Long tap > add new point - great.

The new tap on itinerary > centre map to item also works beautifully.

menu > Generate trip > still nothing happens.


  • from itinerary > menu item (has single item Delete) - add menu item to switch between shaping & via points RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

Thank you for your quick response and change in the notification display. So far I have only done one test and everything works. Initially, although I saw a warning triangle after a successful export, it quickly changed to a green dot. It could just be a coincidence.
The new route planner system is very nice. The route generator works smoothly. If it wasn't too difficult, it would be nice to mark the shaping and through points on the elevation graph.

CZ: Děkuji za velmi rychlou reakci a změnu zobrazení upozornění. Zatím jsem udělal jen jeden test a vše funguje. Zpočátku se mi sice po úspěšném exportu zobrazil varovný trojúhelník, ale rychle se změnil na zelenou tečku. Mohla to být jen náhoda.
Nový systém plánovače tras je moc hezký. Genrátor tras funguje bez problémů. Pokud by to nebylo moc obtížné, bylo by pěkné na grafu převýšení vyznačit tvarovací a průjezdné body.


In the route planner I agree with another user who wrote about insert the points in the graph.

When showing the detail of the points, there is no reason to see the the graph for each segment because every graph has its own scale and you can not compare the segments, so I disabled this function.

In the attached mockup, I suggest a better use of the point detail panel:

  • When enabled the top should be hidden
  • At the bottom show the whole altimetry graph with the reference of points
  • Highlight in the graph the selected segment
  • Highlight in the map the segment centering and zooming at the top

The REC button still overlaps.

Now, here in Italy we can just play with the planner waiting for the end of this nightmare.
Locus Map 4
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@Andrew Heard
"Generate trip" > nothing? No toast, no message? Quite weird ...

Menu item to switch points in the itinerary, good idea, thanks.

hmm what a nice idea, thanks! Looks quite good. I'm checking what is capable of the library, used for the charts and this seems to be too much for it (which is also answer to @Žajdlík Josef). I'm adding this idea to my "Check it" list and look at it more carefully a little later. I'll most probably need to modify this library for some other tasks as well later.

REC button, sure I know, not yet found a good idea.

Italy, hmm ... at least some solo hiking in your case is not possible? Good luck anyway!
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No we can not move out of city boundaries without a good reason (work, medicine, food).
A lot of work activities are closed, in my case I work from another site were I'm alone or at home.
We can go out for light sport activities that can not cause a possible injury to call an ambulance (they are all too occupied with covid19).
It's hard to explain to my daughter: no school, no gym, no friends. Just our garden and we are lucky to have one where play.
Our family is suffering more because we use to go out every time we can, it's out there we use locus.
We are not addicted to PlayStation, tablet, and so on, but today for the first time I set up an old smartphone with a videogame for my daughter when she completed all the homeworks.
We are all afraid for our elderlies.
Other countries closed their boundaries with Italy, I live near Slovenia and it seems to be back at the time of old Yugoslavia.
When I go out for a run usually I go at a bycicle path in Slovenia, now I can't, seeing the border fence closed again it's a knife in the heart.
I attached 2 images of the borders and the one where you can see there is noone out there.
Good luck to all countries

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Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
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Žajdlík Josef

Hi Menion,
after each successful automatic export to the Diet, a warning exclamation mark appears in the hamburger (Menu) icon. When you click on any button, it immediately changes to a green dot. There will be a slight mistake somewhere.
I wondered if it would be a good idea to merge the Track Log and GPS page under one icon. It could be halved to indicate the condition. The screen would be just one, because of the size of the displays should no longer be a problem to get everything on one screen. With regard to the importance, I would place the icon next to the burger icon for the Menu before hollowing out and still display it. The vertical side REC icon that does not fit in with the new design could be completely eliminated.

CZ: Ahoj Menione,
po každém úspěšném automatickém exportu do Strava se napřed ukáže v ikoně hamburger (Menu) výstražný vykřičník. Po kliknutí na libovolné tlačítko se okamžitě změní na zelený puntík. Někde bude asi drobná chyba.
Uvažoval jsem, zda by nebylo dobré sloučit stránku Záznam trasy a GPS pod jednu ikonu. Mohla by být kvůli signalizaci stavu třeba dělená na polovinu. Obrazovka by byla jen jedna, vzhledem k velikosti displejů už by neměl být problém vše dostat na jednu obrazovku. Ikonu bych s ohledem na důležitost umístil vedle hamburger ikony pro Menu ještě před vyhloubení a nechal stále zobrazenou. Mohla by se úplně zrušit ta svislá postranní ikona REC, která už nezapadá do nového designu.


No intensive testing currently. Generate trip, interesting stuff. If I drag the map center away from point 1, Generate Trip should point to this direction already. More general, it should initially point to map center.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on March 14, 2020, 19:46:22
"Generate trip" > nothing? No toast, no message? Quite weird ...
@menion - nothing, I would have mentioned them. A tap is completely ignored from what I observe. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: lor74cas on March 14, 2020, 15:21:46

  • When enabled the top should be hidden
  • At the bottom show the whole altimetry graph with the reference of points
  • Highlight in the graph the selected segment
  • Highlight in the map the segment centering and zooming at the top
@lor74cas - nice ideas! Maybe the only positive of virus self isolation is you have much time to dream clever suggestions for Locus? We cycle toured through Slovenia/ Italy in 2015 - lovely areas. Hang in there. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a