Problem with stop track recording during automatic start

Started by Spartaner, July 02, 2019, 08:06:48

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My standard is to start track recording automatically after starting Locus. But when I play around at home or so, I want to stop recording before it starts tracking.

After one of the latest updates, the option to stop track recording is only visible the half of the time normally allowed. This is because the count down starts already with the time bar in the middle (Video 16 sec).

May be it depends on the time the initialization needs to pass. I have a lot of maps and tracks to load, witch takes time, ok. But then the countdown to break the track recording shoud start only after that initialization prozess.

Even more frustating is it when GPS is off. The the blue warning is over that button, and you have to wait, until it disappears. But than it is too late (video 26 sec).
Here I would wish to have a sound that warns of "GPS off", instead of the blue written warning. Or / or and, the blue written warning should be perhaps in the middle of the screen, so it does not appear over the track recording count down.

Locus 3.38.7, Android 7.1.1, MIUI

Andrew Heard

Spartaner - one easy workaround - put a Track Recording button on one of the sides of the map. If you don't get a chance to cancel the startup countdown, its only another 2 taps - tap Track Recording, tap Stop, and its done. Maybe I miss your point? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


The problem is just a little nuisance that's been better solved before. Of course I can live with it, but it would be nicer to fix it.

Andrew Heard

Spartaner - it seems even worse in (beta) - cancel panel not displayed at all. I don't see any problem in 3.38.7 (Pro). I'm sure @menion will fix this bug.

PS. bug still in (beta). GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hi guys,
can't promise I'll fix this to next 3.39 version. In the worst case, it will be fixed in 3.40.
Thanks for the bug report. I'll write you here once it will be fixed and ready for the test.
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