external tile maps - which format?

Started by asw28, June 09, 2019, 15:34:59

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I have a external map which I would like to use in Locus. It is stored as tiles in the jpg format, each tile is 256x256 pixels. I know the projection and the reference points.
Now I have seen that Locus supports several data formats for external maps. I've looked at the tar, SQLite and MBT format. I've spent half a day googling but I didn't find a straight forward guide how to turn my tiles in one of those formats (respectively the geo-information). It seemd to me like that .tar format would be the easiest way, but I didn't find any documentation for the needed .map file.

What would be the easiest way to import this map? Which format should I focus on? Has somebody maybe done something similar and could provide me a guide? Does somebody have a good documentation for map tiles in the tar format and the .map file?
Thanks a lot in advance!


Hi Marc,
if the JPGs are coming as a tree of two levels (x/y or vice versa), then MOBAC will perfectly do to compile MBT, SQLITE or so.
Documentation for MOBAC is good for this purpose.


Thanks Michael for your answer! I looked at MOBAC, but the problem is it supports only one projection type. My Map is in the 'Swiss Grid' projection, which isn't supported. I managed to index the map with the trial version of OziExplorer and create a map file. I packed the image and map file into a tar file. I tried to import it in Locus but I get an error 'File do not contain any valid images'. I tried it with bmp and jpg, but neither doesn't work. Does somebody have an idea how it has to be packed in order to work? Does Locus even support .map files that specify 'swiss grid projection'?