Re: [APP] - version 3.38.+ ( 22. 5. 2019 )

Started by Menion, May 22, 2019, 13:23:28

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Probably, thx. Then I have never seen it I guess.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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if i click "round button" behind coords inside POI/WP screen to correct coords locus FC
Log send this morning ~9:00
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Whole "Active items" dialog was made because of the need to control the transparency of Ground overlay KMZ maps. Later was also added an option to show/hide part of KMZ files because some KML files may be quite complicated (it's directory structure). I absolutely agree it should be useful to apply the same system not just on the KML/KMZ files, no doubt about this.

Consider "Eye" in mapItems screen more like a toggle button. It just says "yes, the item is loaded on the map" and "no, the file is definitely not loaded in the app". But if it's content or any part of it is currently set as "hidden" in "Active items"?

I see here space for improvements (support all formats, better reflect loaded/visibility state), but I'm sorry, but Map items are really not a too high priority.

for maybe a year, @milan.cejnar is 100% responsible for Live tracking feature. Milane, please look at it. Work on improvement and fixes of the web page started last week, so hopefully, things will move a little now.

thanks, weird issue. Probably the problem in Locus Map "caused" by any 3rd party add-on that should appear on this screen. Should be fixed now, thanks.
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I found the layer transparency UX genuinely confusing. At 0% the layer is fully transparent (fine). The label "transparent" appears at the right hand end of the slider (bad), which made me think that the right hand end was the 100% transparent end of the slider.
The reverse is true regarding the label "opaque" appearing at the 0% end of the slider when the slider is at 100%.
Just put these labels at the appropriate end of the slider when they appear, please.

Voluntary and Velocity themes -


hmm I'm using this kind of slider for so long, that I do not see there a problem :). How can I put these labels on the second side when on the second side is a small dot you use for drag. This may be only improved by putting small "transparent" and "opaque" labels below the whole slider. This slider is really really old and definitely does not fit to current Locus Map style, so good points, I'll try to improve it, thanks.

Willy, there is a really stupid issue (you already found in a different topic) that cause some mess as you noticed. In the next Beta, it will be for sure ok, sorry!
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Viajero Perdido

Hi.  Apologies if this was already discussed up-thread or in another language.

3.38.7 is really laggy when panning the map.  For a typical swipe-to-pan, you drag your finger across the screen, but the map doesn't react until after you've lifted the finger!

Psychologically, it sucks the energy out of exploring the map.

This happens with LoMaps, OAM V3, and OAM V4, on my low-DPI phone, also the high-DPI tablet.  Scrolling elsewhere, eg in the geocache logs list, is normal and responsive.

Is there a drag threshold that's set too high?  Is this something I can adjust?

EDIT:  Ah, I suppose I could turn off some of the ~15,000 geocaches I've got visible.  Trimming that down to ~4000 (my local area) made all the difference, performance acceptable again.  (The others were far outside the area covered by the current view, so should they have made a difference?)


Huge slowdown when more points are loaded at once is unexpected. The map is a lot slower even if an only a small portion of the points is directly visible on the current screen? Hmm are all points from +- same area or is there a few points far away, the second side of Earth for example? This may have an effect.
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Viajero Perdido

Just checked again.  I turned on ~21,000 geocaches in Canada, then zoomed into a Hong Kong offline map, where only 3 personal waypoints are shown, nothing else nearby, and POIs are turned off as well.  Result: lag, can lift finger before it reacts.  A small but noticeable fraction of a second.

Then I turned off (hid) all those faraway Canadian geocaches.  Result: Hong Kong is nice and fast, very responsive!

Then I enabled "POI grouping".  Same result, both cases.

I assume this might be triggered by LoMap POIs too...

Since some weeks geocaching live doesn't work in route planer.  :(

... in latest beta it's working again Thx  8)


@Viajero Perdido
I just tried something similar on my Galaxy S2 (15k caches on the map) and when caches are not visible, the map is perfectly fast. When one or two caches far away from the big group are visible, no difference, still fast.
You wrote you have visible "3 personal waypoints". Does it mean 3 cache waypoints that are connected by the thin line with it's cache? Maybe this may slow down rendering, these three lines in case you are in higher zoom.
perfect :)
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Viajero Perdido

Quote from: menion on July 21, 2019, 12:47:18You wrote you have visible "3 personal waypoints". Does it mean 3 cache waypoints that are connected by the thin line with it's cache?
Sorry, no.  Those were simply 3 manually-entered waypoints (great dim-sum, etc), with no connection to the great mass of caching waypoints far away.


Does it have performance issues? I have never seen that behaviour before in Locus:
I have no POI loaded and no tracks; Locus works fine.
Now I load all tracks from a folder (39) - and Locus is unusable. Moving the map takes long, double tap for showing/hiding the toolbars is unresponsive and very laggy. Feels like 100% CPU consumption.
My device is a Sony Z1, ie. not a new one, but I have never experienced Locus to be this way. Have also restarted device, no change.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Henk van der Spek

With 3.38.7 I cannot confirm this. No problems with 64 active tracks on Tenerife and 20 big tracks in east-europe. Android 7. (From HOME).
Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13


@Viajero Perdido & @tapio

performance problems are really complicated to solve. Best usually is to give me steps to simulate it. If there are no simple steps, full backup over Backup manager may help (together with information what point/tracks enable and where to place a map). In the worst case, I may prepare a special version that may tell us more.

Also, suggest to try the latest Beta version or wait a few days on the new version on Google Play. I made there some performance improvements, so it may help here as well.
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Viajero Perdido

Quote from: menion on July 22, 2019, 16:57:44.Best usually is to give me steps to simulate it.
Short and sweet:
1. Enable 20,000+ geocaches in one region
2. Zoom in to opposite side of planet, and note responsiveness.

No tracks visible, no map overlays, nothing else fancy.  I'll charge up the old tablet I use for betas, and give the beta a try...