Re: [APP] - version 3.38.+ ( 22. 5. 2019 )

Started by Menion, May 22, 2019, 13:23:28

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Uff most of support on help desk finally done after two non-stop days, so let's continue here  ::)

should I understand that you lost all your points?
Problems with autobackup .. sorry, there is nothing how you may help me here. Maybe some optimization on your device has any effect here? Do not know. Anyway as I already mentioned, I want to rewrite service that takes of this, to little different and more reliable system. So later, thanks for understanding.

@Thomas S
1. really interesting. Just get same bug report on the help desk and have no idea how this happens. There is only a single file per map in your maps folder? Are you using "External maps"?
2. Do not understand. Fact that application is visible in the list of recently used apps means nothing. This list only displays apps you used, not the apps that run. Also, on Android everything runs always, it says nothing. Important is if application do anything, if consume battery, CPU, internet etc. Do Locus Map anything when you close it? Hope not.

@Andrew Heard
quick restarts are never good :)

The wrong version in GPX, really? Please check it once more, thanks.

still anyone uses custom screens?  :'( Which theme should I use? Testing MS-UniCS and seems to work.

this issue happens always after some time? If so, I'll probably need a bug report right after map disappear.

ah, maybe two years old issue I still can't catch. Happen randomly and rarely. Solution? Quickly press back few times. If you find exact steps to reproduce it, it will be very welcome :).

thanks for the check of "Ads" functionality, nice :). I really hope we will be able to get rid of ads in the near future. I personally hate ads and have that all the time in Free version ... crazy.

many posts from you, where to start ...

- sending action after app start: created log helps here
- performance of V4 maps: these maps are still little slower than optimized V3 maps. There is probably space for improvements, but this later

@Žajdlík Josef
good news, perfect, thanks!


General problems
- rescaling of the maps: yes, it is there :). Seems that some users have serious problems with this new system and completely ignore the fact that in previous versions, texts on raster maps were unreadable. Interesting. What you think about reducing this "rescale" to half? Compromise.

Usually, on most of the average devices with 1920x1080 resolution, rescale is currently equal to 3x. So common online map tiles 256x256px are draw on 768x768px on screen. This half cause rescale to 2x so it will be 512x512px. Still better then before and not so blurry as is now.

Delay in the start of app: still do not see a problem, but searching.
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Can you allow for a userdef rescale factor? I was thinking a long tap on bottom bar +/- could do changes to the map scaling. Could even be used for vector maps.
As for rescaling: Yes, before, raster maps had ant size, and now some raster maps cause eye cancer.
Maybe the used interpolation algo is crappy? For comic like imagery, I'd say raster maps would fit here, there is an awesome upscale algo called waifu2x which I used for upscaling Dwarf Fortress tilesets, with great results.

Also, hqx. Probably it's all about performance.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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I hope, such settings it won't be needed. Anyway, it is doable in the future, just not as you suggest. Change of this parameter requires a full restart of the application.

Eye cancer: you exaggerate :). I'm sure, that with layer scale 100% maps are ok.

The custom algorithm is not possible. The whole logic is done in a lot lower in places, where I as app dev cannot touch ... somewhere deep in Android core.
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still anyone uses custom screens?  :'( Which theme should I use?
sure ;D till you implement this feature to dashboard
sliding compas in yellow topbar isn´t visible
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: menion on May 25, 2019, 16:07:14The custom algorithm is not possible. The whole logic is done in a lot lower in places, where I as app dev cannot touch ... somewhere deep in Android core.
But another idea, you could internally do a quality upscale when user downloads low resolution raster maps. You could do quality upscaling and offer such maps, if license allows, in your store and become wealthy.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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For me, the raster maps are now great. Some are not available at high zooms (OSM Outdoor) so look really jaggy when expanded further to eg ZL16 @ 400% but others are available right up to high zooms.
They were completely unusable before, without using a fixed zoom on the device.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
Voluntary and Velocity themes -


why you have in main.xml this
> locus:slideInfinite="[true]"?
Just remove the bracers around "true" and it should work. As I see, it does not work in latest 3.37 version, so seem you are not using it too much as well  ;)

hmm no storing in Locus Store is unfortunately possible. Almost all data are downloaded directly from the servers of data providers. Really, there is not much to do around the quality of upscaled map tiles.

thanks, I see it the same. I still do not perfectly understand these complaints. Previously unusable, but crisp, maps are now finally usable like back in 2012 (no devices with huge DPI), it's amazing :).


Well so my idea and offer to find some compromise:

Current solution: all raster maps are scaled by device DPI, so it is usually 3x.

Possible improvement: all raster maps will be scaled by half of device DPI (rounded up), so it will be usually 2x.

What you all who use raster maps think? I'll probably release a Beta version in next few hours so we may give it a try.
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Menion - can you please provide a download for the last stable version of LM for Android 4.1.1? Just for my old backup phone. Thank you.


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- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
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Well, I had a look on the 2 raster maps I use. TopPlusOpen and Kompass. The size is pretty much perfect (a bit varying in different ZL). But I can see if Locus chose 2x instead 3x, it'll be too small again. I'd prefer to use it as it is now.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
Discuss - Releases - DL latest - Install latest


QuoteJust remove the bracers around "true" and it should work.
thanks, work again :)
please update manual
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on May 25, 2019, 15:28:06
@Andrew Heard
The wrong version in GPX, really? Please check it once more, thanks.
retested - all good - sorry to waste your time :-[ GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Die Batzen

Quote from: menion on May 25, 2019, 15:28:06
@Thomas S
1. really interesting. Just get same bug report on the help desk and have no idea how this happens. There is only a single file per map in your maps folder? Are you using "External maps"?
2. Do not understand. Fact that application is visible in the list of recently used apps means nothing. This list only displays apps you used, not the apps that run. Also, on Android everything runs always, it says nothing. Important is if application do anything, if consume battery, CPU, internet etc. Do Locus Map anything when you close it? Hope not.

  • External Maps did the trick: in "Maps-Offline" view there was an "external" path set; after removing that path the issue is gone.
    Thanks for the tip.
  • I try to explain.
    Press button down left and afterwards the cross top right in LM. LM just gets send to background and is still running (as LM notification in top panel says).
    You can also see if you start track recording first, then try to close as described --> track recording is still running.
    All other Apps (and all previous Locus versions) will be closed by this procedure.


I've got problems with my old theme, which uses the old menu style. Listing themes works, but if I select my theme it shows an infinite loading screen and after a while the menu to select styles pops up (see attached screenshot). It's rather cosmetic and not future oriented (I'm really to lazy to update it to the new structure), but probably you should know.
I use a Xperia Z5 Compact with LineageOS 14.1.


Zooming with hardware buttons doesn't work in route planer ...