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Load other Map

Started by Bu_locus, May 28, 2011, 19:12:59

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Im using by now the free version, so I dont know if the Pro Version supports that, sorry if so, but
is it possible that another map automatically loads when you leave the boundaries of the current map?
Like in pathaway (for my old windows mobile phone).
Or are you implementing this in the near future?
Thanks very much for your answer


  I would like to add something like "auto-load" but I have still not idea how to implement this because of ability to display various maps with various zoom and levels ...
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thanks for your answer, perhaps like in pathaway where it is indicates in the taskbar if another map with another zoomlevel is available.... and a button to switch between differen offline maps..
But sorry, it is probably hard to develop something like that.


hmm, button idea is maybe a good idea :) I'll think about it, thanks for tip ...
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hmm so I did partial solution. When on screen is part where you do not have any map, new button will appear in top left corner where you can select nearest offline map (distance computed by center), last online map or center actual map ... hope this will help to handle offline maps
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The new map switching button is very nice! Can it be made to appear with a double tap? Sometimes I need to swap between two different maps of the same area...


hmm I'm glad you like it :) Don't know ... I was thinking about new settings like ...

"Display quick map switch" - never / when out of map / always

should this solve your "problem"?
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Yes, perfect. Thanks!


Hey menion,
the button makes it much easier, thanks very much for this quick help!, great!!
you answerd me a few days ago: "I would like to add something like "auto-load" but I have still not idea how to implement this because of ability to display various maps with various zoom and levels .."
So if a button like this is possible (and of course there is this problem with varios zooms and levels) is it perhaps possible that only when you leave the boundarys of the actual offline map, and there ist another map for this area available, than locus loads this with the most levels available and shows also this button (so that you may choose if you want another one)....
But thanks so far for the button soluution this helps a lot!!



Would be very helpful and great if you could solve that!


Hi Menion,

great app by the way, using pro version which fully substituted OziExplorer I used before.

I also miss the map autoload feature which worked quite well in Ozi on WinMobile. In Ozi you also could have more maps and more zooms and it still worked fine.

How about this:

1) once you zoom in or out to the last zoom level of current map Locus would automatically display another available map with desired zoom keeping the position (even if GPS is off). If there are two or more maps available with the desired zoom level a pop up window would appear where user could select which one wants to use (e.g. Sattelite or normal/touristic map). I mean the same window which now appears when you click the nem Map icon in the top left corner.

Btw. I would appreaciate more than one digital zoom out (using the lock icon next to zoom in and zoom out buttons) - same as there are more zoom in steps. I have a tar map converted from Ozi 1:10000 and I would like to zoom it out much more than once.

2) once you get off the current map, Locus would automatically display next map with the same zoom level as current map, again if more than one map available a pop up window would allow user to select desired map. This part could be maybe solved by a subfolders in the Locus Maps folder. Each subfolder would contain same map files (e.g. whole Czech Rep. map divided in more files).

I think this would make Locus even better and users more happy ;-)


hmm so what about to move a little with this topic ... with feature that is basic one and still not implemented!

so, I'm working on it, and not sure how to handle one think. I'm working on some auto-load mechanism that will load next map with same zoom when you leave your map. This is now working quite well. Offline SQLite map you select in map manager, is parent one, so you can zoom in this map as usually and if any tile is missing, I'll search and load next valid SQLite map ... till this fine right? But question for me is, which map load. Sample situation on image. Top right map end on some border, and I loaded satellite map from card. Same zoom but different map. So solution for me should be new settings with

1) one checkbox
 name:  Map autoload, description: allow to automatically load maps when needed

and below it one settings active only when "Map autoload" enabled (spinner with possibilities)
1) auto-load maps of same type only
2) auto-load map no matter of type

so? any better solution on your mind?
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I'd suggest a third option:

3) auto-load maps of same type if exist, other type otherwise.


it's same as second one .. I'll surely check firstly is same type exist and even if not, I'll load any other ...

question is, whether this solution (like new settings) is comfortable and clear or if there should be any other mechanism for auto-loading map
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Wouldn't it be better to have the user select the maps that's are searched for auto-load? Maybe the user can check more than one map in the map selection screen.