Re: [APP] - version 3.36.+ ( 30. 1. 2019 )

Started by Menion, January 30, 2019, 14:43:06

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New Beta version > candidate for release

Changes are summarized after app start. I would like to focus on fine-tuning before release, so feel free to report whatever you want to improve/fix ;).
thanks for the video, but I'm still unable to simulate it :/. Seems that Locus Map loads still same old inventory, weird.
Currently, when you start creating a new log, Locus Map finds latest "found it" log, extract from it all "visited" trackable logs and add it into "trackables" panel. But not for you, hmm.
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Žajdlík Josef

Unfortunately, the issue with the map persists. Android 8, OSM map.

Andrew Heard

@menion - a very minor & cosmetic request - but it would be nice if when the new release notes are displayed by the beta, and you scroll down the list but then switch to a different app or tum off the display, when you return to Locus Beta it doesn't repaint the list starting with the first line i.e. it forgets the scroll position within the displayed list. Do the release notes need to be repainted at all?
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

so feel free to report whatever you want to improve/fix ;).
Tried several geocaching functions (log online/offline/as fieldnote ; TB logs;  picture upload; bulk log via logmanager)... and all worked well.😎 (for me😉).


@Žajdlík Josef
I noticed the same issue maybe twice, but was never able to simulate it, weird. Will try it once more, thanks for the reminder.

@Andrew Heard
sure, I'll check it. Believe it's "fixable" :)
very glad to hear it

Btw. please @balloni55 or anyone other who play geocaching more then me (very little now), try to play little with "notes" for caches. I need to know if it makes sense and if small improvement is usable. And ... maybe, if there is something more app can do. Thanks!
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Žajdlík Josef

Experience. If I turn off the phone and turn on before On Screen Display appears, the map will be displayed correctly. But if I turn it on later, only POIs will appear, but no map. GPS must be turned off.

Cz: Zkušenost. Pokud vypnu telefon a zapnu dřív než se objeví On Screen Display tak se mapa zobrazí správně. Pokud ho ale zapnu později, tak se zobrazí jen POI, ale mapa ne. Musí být vypnuta GPS.


Quotetry to play little with "notes" for caches.
for me it´s well usable
- if i run "update cache" text of note from GS is loaded but message online is furthermore "not loaded yet"
- upload note with no content isn´t possible
- no hint "uploading note overwrite note on GS"
- only cosmetic... after save/upload a note the cursor is blinking furthermore
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@Žajdlík Josef
perfect, got it, fixed thanks!

thanks for feedback!
- "update cache" downloads all data from anyway between this update and between moment you display "Notes" dialog, you may change notes on the web. So this small dialog is completely independent and it's always needed to load fresh new notes. Which is correct I believe.
- upload without content is not possible in GC API. Make it sence to fake it with just " " (space) character?
- "hint" ... hmm is it needed? I'll risk it :). Uploading is there for quite a long and till now no problem.
- and cosmetic problem ... when I tap "save", dialog is dismissed immediately right? In case of upload, it's little weird, agree. I'll try to improve it.

So thanks all for quite an intensive testing. Seems there is no serious issue, so I'll risk and release new version during next days ...
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puplish "notes" as it is, we will see ;)

there is a small difference in topbar of beta
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Last Beta version published.

The release of the new version is planned on Monday, because I really want to use a sunny weekend for some field testing.

nice obsevation, improved
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Quote from: menion on March 15, 2019, 16:43:51
Last Beta version published.

I am not able to do anything groundspeak related with this version.


Omg, I'm in love to GC even more. Yesterday I received an email from Groundspeak with

QuoteToday, hardware issues caused OAuth2 flows to fail around 3:28pm PST. To resolve, we are using the version of the OAuth2 code from before the changes that were announced in the last release. We are planning to re-release the code at 2pm PST tomorrow (March 14 2019). We apologize for the inconvenience.

Seems that changed something that worked to something that does not work so they reverted it back to something that also does not work?! ... I'm going to write to them. Thanks for the notification!

EDIT: hmm maybe it is something on my side :). Seems their change (reverted) on their side caused invalidation of existing logins and Locus is unable to correctly offer "re-login".

EDIT2: fixed version uploading on Google Play. It will most probably notify to "check internet connection", so just try it again. Not an ideal solution, but I consider this as a rare case.
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Tried and able to log in with this version. But I am not able to load the online cache note from GC to the phone. Uploading the other way from phone to GC works.


Beta version The Track-Name of Export-File isn't correct.


Andrew Heard

latest beta: tracks sorted by Nearest - all distances are 0m, but when sorted by advanced > distance to Start, the distances are valid. Note - performed inside office test with GPS turned off.
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a