Re: [APP] - version 3.36.+ ( 30. 1. 2019 )

Started by Menion, January 30, 2019, 14:43:06

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I am not logged in and whatever I try to do regarding access to groundspeak, Locus map is crashing. I have sent in two crash reports.

My address is

Viajero Perdido

Quote from: on February 15, 2019, 17:37:03whatever I try to do regarding access to groundspeak, Locus map is crashing.

You are referring to the beta, I hope.

I need to be sure 3.36.2 (non-beta) works properly.  I have a trip coming up, so it's mission-critical for me right now.  I've disabled auto-update to prevent mid-trip surprises.


QuoteAnyway even here, you see only "loading", hmm. In which browser login opens?
if i click top right 3dot button "Opera" or "FF" is available.
First i tried Opera, login on browser ok, but im not logged in inside locus
next i tried it with FF, since that time locus crash alway as reportet from @
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Ah thanks guys, got it. I'll prepare one more version with hope. it will finally work ...
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Ah, more complicated then I expected anyway new version published. So third try ...

@balloni55 , I'm worried that Opera browser will be, as usual, causing troubles. So at least for now, try to use any different browser for login, thanks.
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Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Yes, now I'm connected with my account. It seems as if the permission of Pro is used because I didn't need to allow a connection ....

Several things are working ... but if I use "log a trackable" I receive an error :

When loading trackables within the log dialog similar error occurs:

BTW 🙄.. would be (very 😊) nice to have the ability to upload a picture directly with a trackable log.
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Login works, finally :)

Forbidden error: hmm nothing like this happen to me. What should I do exactly to simulate it? If some tracking code needed, send me it over PM, thanks.

And images for trackables ... we may discuss improvements once all existing functionality works as before ;).
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Žajdlík Josef

Beta, navigation warnings do not work. I will describe it in Czech because it is very complicated for my English. Sorry.

V poslední betaverzi mi nefungují navigační příkazy. Navigace trasu vytvoří a správně se zobrazují i vzdálenosti k místu odbočení. Zobrazení zvýrazněné šipky přímo v mapě je taky v pořádku. Nezobrazí se ale symbol šipky v okýnku nahoře (je tam nějaký divný kruh na silnici) a navigace nevydává hlasové pokyny. Nastavení hlasu je v pořádku protože na začátku trasy jsem dostal hlášení: "Můžeme vyrazit", pak celou cestu nic až na konci trochu podivné: "Čárka po XXX metrech budete u cíle". Správně asi mělo být: "Odbočte doprava a po XXX metrech budete u cíle". Vypadá to tedy na nějaký problém předávání příkazů vytvořených Broutherem Locusu. Ve verzi PRO je vše v pořádku, přikládám dva SCR stejné trasy z verze PRO a BETA.
PS: nový dialog pro zobrazení POI je moc hezký. Má to být náznak budoucí grafiky, kterou se bude Locus ubírat?


Really interesting. These small red arrows usually indicate "via-points".
You use default config for car routing? So Car >Fast, routing profile: Car-FastEco?
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Žajdlík Josef

I first noticed the CarFastEco profile for the first time. Then I tried it with my own bike profile but with the same result. In the Pro version, I have the same settings and there it works.

Cz: Poprvé jsem si toho všiml opravdu u profilu CarFastEco. Pak jsem to zkusil i s vlastním profilem pro cyklistiku, ale se stejným výsledkem. Ve verzi Pro mám úplně stejné nastavení a tam to funguje.

Forbidden error: hmm nothing like this happen to me. What should I do exactly to simulate it?
For me the error always occurs when
- I log a cache as found/or note and within that log dialog I want to load my inventory
- when I'm in a cache detail and I want to log only a TB visit. Entering the code works: the TB is found and shown. Ican choose visited, drop etc. But when I press "Log" the error occurs.

What works is just a log in a TB, such as discovered, note ...

Quotewe may discuss improvements later ..../quote] O.K.👍