Re: [APP] - version 3.36.+ ( 30. 1. 2019 )

Started by Menion, January 30, 2019, 14:43:06

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Andrew Heard

I don't think this is a new bug but just observed in Pro: track time for new created route is 430,584:13:25. Steps: route planner > create route > save > track time should be 0? Also why navigation data source offers car, and route planner therefore estimates travel time for car, but from the track details > More > Travel Time there are 15 options, none of which are related to a car or other transport modes available for selected navigation data source. See related topic . GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


hmm between step1 and step6 is only 200 ms! So in creating UI won't be a problem. Your log is full of some information about "FwkPlugin". Not sure what is it but seems it may slow down the display of the screen. Anyway "step6" is last moment before screen should be visible, so sorry, I have absolutely no idea what happens here :/.

thanks for the algorithm, I'll look at it.
About the list of tracks: well, I was doing just a tiny improvement not some huge changes.
- scrollable list ... heh sorry, fixed
- problem with "Too many requests". In the app is already defined pause between requests, but seems not to be enough. So next version ...
- logging own cache: I've firstly removed "found" and "not found" option from list of logging options in the case, user is the owner
- delete log in logs manager ... best probably long click on the log and in opened point screen just delete log at top of the screen.

@Andrew Heard
what about mentioned domain? Where you get the info that this page is somehow related to live tracking?
The issue with time ... I'm trying to simulate this issue and still no success. I know about it, but still not found exact steps to reproduce it. Does this happen always for you?
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In the attachment I post a formula for a self made IBP
Distance in km
Positive Gain m
Terrain (from 1, scale to be defined)
H1 altitude at start m
H2 altitude at end m
bpm optional but usefull for comparison of multiple session on the same track

It's just an idea I did just few tests with my runs

Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker

Regarding the last beta version, while logging online and after I have refreshed my inventory, the trackable list is as shown in the first picture.

When I decide to log the second cache, I expect the inventory list to be the same as while logging the first cache, but instead I have to refresh again. The list is shown in the second picture. And it has to be refreshed on each and every found it log. The list is not persistent.


If I by mistake try to log a trackable as visited which is not in my posession, I am correctly warned about this. But afterwards I get not expected double log error message.



Hello menion,
i didn´t know behavior is only on BETA
while offline logging my found i attached a image to the log and wrote a title.
After upload the log to GS, on PC the title of the image isn´t there instead of is visible "Uploaded from Locus Map"
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


thanks for the tip. Will consider it!
Locus can't know if there were meanwhile any change in your inventory. That's why it always needs to reload your current fresh data. A big problem in the field? If so, then it may be better to log "visited" in batch over "Logs manager".

And to problem in second post. How did you do that "log a trackable as visited which is not in my posession"? :)

ah thanks, good point. I see that now it is supported only single text value for uploaded images, not two. So I'll remove "Description" field (which is used in Beta) and only "Title" will be used and correctly send, thanks!
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Quote from: menion on February 25, 2019, 19:17:49
Locus can't know if there were meanwhile any change in your inventory. That's why it always needs to reload your current fresh data. A big problem in the field? If so, then it may be better to log "visited" in batch over "Logs manager".

And to problem in second post. How did you do that "log a trackable as visited which is not in my posession"? :)

My inventory does not normally change every 5 seconds  :) The problem was that the inventory list wasn't persisted in the app after I refreshed it. But I tried today while walking to the office and was not able to reproduce it. When I refresh my inventory, the list is now properly saved in the app so that I don't have to refresh it again a few seconds later when logging a new cache.

Regarding the second problem, I simply logged a cache as found without refreshing my inventory list. The Locus inventory list then contain trackables which is not in my Groundspeak inventory. When I try to log, I got correctly the error that the trackable could not be logged as visited. I also got this double found it log error.


Sorry, but I'm still unable to simulate something like this. May you please write me some steps to follow to simulate this error? I mainly do not know how to get to state when "The Locus inventory list then contain trackables which is not in my Groundspeak inventory".
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Quote from: menion on February 26, 2019, 15:19:41
Sorry, but I'm still unable to simulate something like this. May you please write me some steps to follow to simulate this error? I mainly do not know how to get to state when "The Locus inventory list then contain trackables which is not in my Groundspeak inventory".

1. Log a cache online in Locus and make shure you refresh your trackable inventory and log them as visited.
2. Go to and drop one of your trackables in a cache.
3. Log a cache online in Locus and DON'T refresh your inventory before you log your trackables as visited.



Quote from: john_percy on February 09, 2019, 20:11:49
1. I can't find any way to clear the cached images for mapsforge V4 themes. That is to say, I've changed the icon for "ruins" in a theme and the V3 theme displays the new image but the V4 theme doesn't. I've tried clearing the caches within Locus.
Edit:. The beta version displays ok.

Quote from: john_percy on February 09, 2019, 23:04:25
Quote from: menion on February 09, 2019, 21:45:40
1. as I see, the cache will be probably somewhere in /sdcard/Android/data/ directory. Maybe subdirectory "mapcache".
1. I've closed Locus, cleared all the files in the cache directory, restarted the phone, but the incorrect map icons persist.I read somewhere that svg files are bitmapped and cached at different sizes. That's what I want to clear, though it ought to happen automatically,

I have the same problem, and hope it will disappear with the next Update of Locus Pro.


I'm afraid I had to uninstall Locus and reinstall it to solve the problem.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes -

ah ok, so you made some changes directly on the web page. Then what happens in Locus is partially correct in the current system, when Locus use the list of trackables used in the previous log (as do now) without loading always fresh list. I may change this and always load the list of all available trackables ... but does it worth it? It will prevent this error but slow down a little logging system because it will need to download the whole list from

@john_percy, @Spartaner
wanna solve it? I may try it just need to push to correct direction. So what should I do?
- download any map from OAM, also latest theme from OAM?
- then try it in app, close app
- change any icon and re-open app
... and icon remains same as before, that's the problem, right?
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Thanks. Those are the correct steps, except it is any OAM Mapsforge V4 map.
I don't think the source of the theme mattered - I was working with my Voluntary Mapsforge theme.
Voluntary and Velocity themes -

Quote from: menion on February 27, 2019, 09:00:52
ah ok, so you made some changes directly on the web page. Then what happens in Locus is partially correct in the current system, when Locus use the list of trackables used in the previous log (as do now) without loading always fresh list. I may change this and always load the list of all available trackables ... but does it worth it? It will prevent this error but slow down a little logging system because it will need to download the whole list from

It's not about the message that the trackable cannot be logged. I expected that.

This is all about the error message that Locus is trying to log "found it" twice on the cache.