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LoMap updates

Started by SonnyS, December 03, 2018, 00:28:54

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I'm using Locus Pro and I noticed each time there is a map update I have to pay again for the map. I thought you only pay once.
Was I mistaken?


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Viajero Perdido


Notice the price: very very low.  Barely enough to cover the cost of the bandwidth for your download, plus maybe a little extra to pay for the server that crunches the updates.

Andrew Heard

If you think the cost is too high &/or you don't think there are any relevant updates for the LoMap(s) you have or or areas/ regions you are riding in, just don't update them. It's your choice. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Notice I'm buying the LoMaps and supporting Locus and NOT getting the same maps for FREE from openandromaps????

Thanks for the clarification... Oh and the attitude.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk



as Viajero wrote the price basically cover our expends for preparation and distribution of LoMaps. We had  several discussion about pricing of LoMaps in our team in past years. But we have never found the best solution. However there are plans for subscription model but I can't say more...