how to share location with other locus user

Started by papab, November 10, 2018, 01:53:24

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What is the easiest way to text msg my location using locus with another user using locus?    Every way I've found so far is pretty cumbersome.


no option from menu > share fits your needs? Mainly the first option "My current location"?
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share:my current location   generates a google map address, not what I want.   But 'share map cursor location' > text msg works.    Then the receiver copies the text and goes to search:Move to:clipboard.


I tested this to my wife's phone and found it a bit confusing, i think this is why I couldn't get it to work in the field.     The Search screen only showed 'search address (online)',   only after comparing to my phone and opening the menu on the right did I see the 'move to' option.   


This is correct. Base option (online search) is mainly for address search. From what you wrote, you wants copy & paste coordinates? Or please describe little better your use-case, thanks.
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The use case is:
My wife and I are out on bikes, or whatever.  We're both tracking with Locus.   With the minimum number of steps I'd like to share my location with her.   The best way that I've found is:
On my phone:   Make sure map cursor is on my location,   Share> text msg.  Send the msg
On her phone:  Rcv and Copy the text msg, go to locus, Search: Move to:Clipboard.   Then she sees where I am.

If there's an easier/faster way let me know.
I haven't tried Live Tracking,  I'll look into that, it may be useful.



Live tracking is definitely something you may try. Or in Share menu also "My live location".

If you just want to copy & paste coordinates, maybe small hidden tool may help: tap on the top title on main map screen and choose coordinates. Then long click on these top coordinates will copy current map screen center coordinates to the clipboard.
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