[Theme] UPDATE for outdoor and desert themes for openandromaps

Started by bm.ffb, October 26, 2018, 12:13:54

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To all users of Locus and Openandromaps,

I have just published some major updates for my themes "outdoor" and "desert" and added the new theme "navigation". You can find some description (in German) and the downloads also on:

Please use always my website to download the NEWEST version of the theme!

Here a brief summary of changes:
- the 3 themes use a common backbone, meaning in general they use the same styling and symbols
- they differ in zoom levels, detail levels and amount of selectable features
- they can be used in parallel on the same device
- all symbols (nearly) are now switched to svg (scalable vector graphics)
- the most predominant symbols can be switched to be only small circles to not overpopulate and confuse the map
- the "navigation" theme is thought to be used for car navigation and shows road bigger but leaves off some other elements (i. e. elevelation lines)

Feel free to use them and send me feedback.
I am constantly trying to improve these themes.


Here are some screenshots and the themes for download.

Theme icons which show up in Locus:

The "outdoor" theme:

The "desert" theme:

The "navigation" theme:

Henk van der Spek

Fitst look: impressive. Especially the navigation theme. So cleaned up.

Please add a .nomedia file to each base directory.
Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13

Andrew Heard

The desert theme is fantastic. Thanks bm.ffb. I intend to use it for all my cycling route planning & navigation because of the increased detail. One minor suggestion regards the color scheme for OSM minor+unsealed roads - it currently uses alternating bands of white & yellow - these colors are so similar that it can be difficult in sunshine to tell the difference from a sealed minor road with solid yellow color:


Could the white & yellow colors have more contrast please? RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Dear Andrew and Henk,

I have invorporated your ideas. Please find the new versions on my website (see on top).


Andrew Heard

The unsealed roads are very distinct now. Thanks Bernard - excellent. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Are there plans for a v4 maps version?
Would be nice since Openandrompas will stop producing v3 maps mid 2019.


Dear all,

I was able to generate a new version of the "outdoor" theme suitable for v4 maps. Please have a look here:

The conversion of the "desert" theme is under way.


Andrew Heard

Hi Bernard. Your latest V4 desert theme works very well with V4 OpenAndroMap. It is still my main theme. Is there any way to create a "key" sheet (PDF?) showing the various element styles. For example - attached - the map displays these tracks - red dash with grey and purple rectangles. Note - all Locus tracks are hidden. Thanks for any help. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hi Andrew,

sorry for the late response.
I agree, a legend document would be useful. I hope to have some day time for it.

The picture you posted as example shows the overlay of bicycle routes. These overlays can be switched on/off in the theme-menu. Maybe, this helps already.
