[APP] - version 3.33/3.34 ( 26. 9. 2018 )

Started by Menion, September 26, 2018, 21:40:46

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the latest Locus free (test) crashes immediately after start on two Sony Z1c 5.1.1 stock ROM.
I made a catlog.

I am back again to

Thank you
Sony Xperia Z1c     Android 11 LOS 18.1
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14

User ID acc406201


I'm not sure how new this is, but when having a navigation running, I now get a "Guidance" notification, at least on Oreo. Which I assume is due to background running restrictions - so that's fine.
However, when also recording a track, there are now two notifications! I'm pretty sure, that for ensuring background running, one would be enough?!
Unfortunately, they both have the same category ("Ongoing notifications"), so I can't turn off the guidance notification without also hiding the recording notification (which I absolutely need).
So would it make sense to automatically hide the guidance not. when there is a recording running, or at least put them into different categories so the user can decide? (which however is only possible on Oreo, granted)

Žajdlík Josef

1) In the new BETA the graph is already displayed correctly.
2) The icon has a blue background. It looks a little odd, the other programs are white. See SCR.


Andrew Heard

I don't think this bug is just in latest beta: map > tap track > popup > Delete > observe track is still displayed until map is dragged or otherwise forced to repaint. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quotethe latest Locus free (test) crashes immediately after start
confirm on my device
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@tramp20, @balloni55
ah perfect, issue with conversion. It is caused by the content you have on SD card. Thanks to log from tramp, found & fixed, so thank you.

what means "Guidance" notification? Maybe a screenshot + describe better what you hear. By "Track recording" notification you mean announcements from "Audio coach" right?

@Žajdlík Josef
2) it is new system how app define icons. There is always background color and inner icon. For example your "Musicolet" app has the same ... colored background + white icon over it. Unfortunately Locus Map is full of colors and then best will be to keep white color for now. At least till we prepare completely new icon ;)

@Andres Heard
interesting, for me deleting of track works correctly anyway I've added into code one more "refresh of map" after task is done.
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Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: menion on October 18, 2018, 17:03:03
@Žajdlík Josef
2) it is new system how app define icons. There is always background color and inner icon. For example your "Musicolet" app has the same ... colored background + white icon over it. Unfortunately Locus Map is full of colors and then best will be to keep white color for now. At least till we prepare completely new icon ;)

I misinterpreted it. It's not about a transparent background, but about being behind the white icon. PRO version has white RGB 255, 255, 255, BETA has blue RGB: 192, 227, 255. White or gray would probably be more appropriate. But it's just an aesthetic detail and has no effect on functionality.

CZ: Špatně jsem to vysvětlil. Nejde mi o průhledné pozadí, ale o to aby bylo za ikonou bílé. PRO verze má bílé RGB 255, 255, 255, BETA má modré RGB: 192, 227, 255. Bílé nebo šedé by asi bylo vhodnější. Je to ale jen estetický detail a na funkčnost nemá žádný vliv.


Quote from: menion on October 18, 2018, 17:03:03@slart76
what means "Guidance" notification? Maybe a screenshot + describe better what you hear. By "Track recording" notification you mean announcements from "Audio coach" right?
Sorry, nothing audio at all. Just talking about notifications in the notification area of Android.
Attached screenshot.


Ah finally understand.
Yes, what you see is the result of changes on Android 8. Track recording may be stopped independently on Navigation/guidance so I should rather stick with both notifications active at once, thanks for understanding.
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Quote from: menion on October 19, 2018, 09:10:35
Ah finally understand.
Yes, what you see is the result of changes on Android 8. Track recording may be stopped independently on Navigation/guidance so I should rather stick with both notifications active at once, thanks for understanding.
Yes, understand - but can't you define different notification categories for them? That way, the user can hide the ones that are not needed. That shouldn't be a biggie?!


Understand, I'll look at it. We thought a while about some inner logic where only single notification will be visible with the most important information, but ... what is most important when navigation, track recording and live tracking are running at once? Best to allow enable/disable then separately over app settings, agree.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


FC right after init screen with latest BETA on Sony Z1C with Android 5.1.1 stock ROM. It is reproducable 100%.

Another thing: did you find time yet to investigate the nav point on hand-drawn route parts issue I mentioned some time ago?

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the latest Locus free  (17.10.18) (test) crashes immediately after starton my Nokia 8 (TA1004) with Android 8.1.0



I turned on live elevation display and then got an error message. I guessed I needed to log in via the Store, and then captured this screenshot.

Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quote from: menion on October 20, 2018, 14:01:15
Understand, I'll look at it. We thought a while about some inner logic where only single notification will be visible with the most important information, but ... what is most important when navigation, track recording and live tracking are running at once? Best to allow enable/disable then separately over app settings, agree.
Yes, thx.
Just one additional comment: The thing about the "Guidance" notification, as you can see in the screenshot, is that it doesn't hold any information. It's obviously purely functional. It didn't try Navigation, perhaps that notification holds more information like the next change of direction; but guidance is kinda useless.
Anyway, it's necessary for Android, but if you put it in a different category, anybody can disable it if annoyed by it :)