Export & re-import of recorded tracks

Started by Eric, May 25, 2011, 14:24:25

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     Since many recorded tracks in " dbtracks.sqll " & file size was become greater and also I wanted to manage the recorded tracks for my personal hiking records , I needed to export the recorded tracks to " export " folder and deleted the recorded tracks in the file . I found that If I exported one of the recorded tracks which recorded by Locus Free to " export " folder , then I imported back this recorded track from the " export " folder , I found it's appearance was not exactly the same appearance as I recently recorded in Locus :
     1. Customized waypoint icons on recorded track imported as individual points in " Points " categories . No more customized waypoint icons displayed on the imported tracks except selected points to display together with the track .
     2. The Informations of track record had some duplicated data , e.g. track hours , distance . The " Created time " of the information of track&  all internal created points were also found incorrect to my time zone area ( less  8 :00 Hrs ) with compare with my orginal recorded track .

    Is there any method for the processing of " Export & re-import of recorded tracks " can re-produce exactly the same appearance as my orginal recorded tracks which recorded in Locus ?

    Previously , I needed to find out the locus/data/dbTrack.sqll file and store it for backup everytime after my recording of tracks .

thx for help