[APP] - version 3.32.+ ( 31. 7. 2018 )

Started by Menion, July 31, 2018, 13:19:59

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Quote from: Andrew Heard on August 05, 2018, 02:50:37Test of Locus Pro+BRouter Route Planner ETA: quite good result in my first test. Well done @menion.
Du you have an example? What brf files do you use, maybe you can upload one? I get good results for 90 year old people. 3 km/h in flat areas. Is the ETA depending from something inside the brouter brf files maybe?
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I cannot save tracks from route planner any more. Buttons at the bottom are missing. In fullscreen mode, old story.
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I'll check your different web vs Locus ETA, thanks.

ETA times computed by BRouter are currently completely computed by Locus itself. If you, for example, pick "bike" as routing profile, Locus has internally stored your average speed for bike activities (navigation, track recording) and use this average speed. This avg. speed is computed from last cca 1-2 hours of this activity. It will be quite precise if you still move on the same terrain & same speed. Otherwise, it may take a while till your speed adapts to new conditions. Consider as first test version ... :).
In the case of GraphHopper ... these values are completely computed on the web server of GraphHopper. Here I can imagine to use also your average speed and compare it to expected values and modify it the little bit as well. This later.

thanks, I'll check it
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Ok. Average speed from my tracks is not perfect. I was in the mountains recently, with very low average speeds, because we had at max. 1400m elevation change per day and 1-2 km/h speed at times.

I think you just let us define climbing/descending/flat speeds. You already know the different ETA formulas, because it always has been in the track options... Thanks for your hard work!
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Žajdlík Josef

Hi Menione. If I use a Brouter with my own routing profile in the Route Planner, is the route time not counted? It would agree that Locus calculates value-based activity. But with his own routing profile he probably does not know what activity to use. Personally, I do not mind, it's just a question.

CZ: Ahoj Menione. Pokud v plánovači tras použiji Brouter s vlastním routovacím profilem, tak se čas trasy nespočítá? Souhlasilo by to s tím, že si Locus vypočítává hodnotu na základě aktivity. Jenže s vlastním routovacím profilem asi neví jakou aktivitu použít. Osobně mi to nevadí, je to jen dotaz.


A good time for reminding of poutnikls ETA calc proposal: http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=5176.msg45502#msg45502
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Not a bug report just for information about power saving mode of my device.
Today I tested the battery saving mode on the a5 2017 Samsung.  Mid power saving mode with locus excluded from it I recorded a track.
Locus was working correctly but it did not had any response from gps, I could fix a point only when watching the map so not in background. I disabled power savings without stopping the recording and all went ok.

I think in this mid power saving mode only the foreground app have access to gps.
Now I know it I will not use it anymore.
Power saving not Locus

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Andrew Heard

Quote from: tapio on August 05, 2018, 07:36:29
Du you have an example? What brf files do you use, maybe you can upload one? I get good results for 90 year old people. 3 km/h in flat areas. Is the ETA depending from something inside the brouter brf files maybe?
@tapio - example in Australia so may not be of use to you? "ordinary" downloaded BRF file. I can send track GPX & link to BRF if useful? Saving tracks - no problems for me. I have no idea how ETA is calculated, maybe based on selected profile - it seems quite good (PS. @Menion earlier reply confirms my experience).
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: lor74cas on August 05, 2018, 21:44:36
Not a bug report just for information about power saving mode of my device.
Today I tested the battery saving mode on the a5 2017 Samsung
@lor74cas - thanks for report - I have just bought this phone so am hoping no power saving problems with Locus.
I note has inbuilt barometer - do you find the ascent measurement more accurate than a phone without inbuilt barometer?
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Andrew Heard on August 06, 2018, 02:09:00
Quote from: lor74cas on August 05, 2018, 21:44:36
Not a bug report just for information about power saving mode of my device.
Today I tested the battery saving mode on the a5 2017 Samsung
@lor74cas - thanks for report - I have just bought this phone so am hoping no power saving problems with Locus.
I note has inbuilt barometer - do you find the ascent measurement more accurate than a phone without inbuilt barometer?
I use light filter in combination with automatic gps calibration with good results. I also use hgt files with 1 arc accuracy.

Compared to the old s5 mini it's really more accurate, but elevation seem to not be exact science: every device, every app can give you different values, now I'm happy to have values near to what expected when planning my trips.

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setup of "climbing/descending/flat speeds" is overkill, nothing like this will happen. I'm sure I'll be able to improve the algorithm to be clever enough even without these parameters.
Anyway thanks for pointing to poutnik's algorithm, I'll definitely read it once more.

@Žajdlík Josef
every BRouter profile is based on either car, bike or foot. Generally, every routing profile in every router belongs to one of these three categories. So no matter what custom profile you use, it will always be in one of three groups.

battery saving mode is always ... "wrong" for GPS usage

Anyway I'll always suprised that my overcomplicated altitude system return quite good elevation values. Nice :)
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Quote from: menion on August 06, 2018, 09:18:45
battery saving mode is always ... "wrong" for GPS usage
Anyway I'll always suprised that my overcomplicated altitude system return quite good elevation values. Nice :)
I think your system of high complexity is used by the sapcex project, you have to try to ask them for money or a tesla in exchange for your code. ;)
I think the altitude manager needs some simplification once we find the way we have the best results.
We have these use cases:
A) no srtm - no baro> ok user do you want to download the srtm data to improve the altitude data? Yes (B) - No ok good luck I hope you are running by the sea, do not bother me for inaccurate elevation data :)

B) srtm - no baro> altitude assisted by srtm by default (I do not know which filter is the best solution)

C) no srtm - baro> ok user do you want to download the srtm data to improve the altitude data? Yes now (D) - No ok I hope you are by the sea, where you can calibrate your baro at 0 mt or do not bother me for inaccurate elevation data :)

D) srtm - baro> srtm and active baro in car with light filter

Any other configuration in an advanced menu (manual offset, geoid, nmea, calibration ...), is just my opinion, but emerges from the face of the frightened users I saw while watching the altitude manager (wife, friends, colleagues)

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Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: menion on August 06, 2018, 09:18:45
every BRouter profile is based on either car, bike or foot. Generally, every routing profile in every router belongs to one of these three categories. So no matter what custom profile you use, it will always be in one of three groups.

So it might be a problem maybe that my profile is older. The time on the route is empty. As I wrote, I personally do not mind, but if you want to explore it for other users, then I attach the SCR and also the used profile.
profil: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2JefmdshiwpaUxZaExseXhZOEE

CZ: Tak to by mohl být problém možná v tom, že ten můj profil je staršího data. Čas na trase mám totiž prázdný. Jak jsem psal, osobně mi to nevadí, ale pokud bys to chtěl prozkoumat kvůli jiným uživatelům, tak přikládám SCR a taky ten použitý profil.



Return home from vacation and trip ...
Somewhere in the middle I gave up an online log ...
Today, for more than 7 hours, I have been posting logs, posting more. It's all there is. . . .
I have to control 140 logs that have passed and which are not. Skips the TB log, the attached photo of 400 has passed about 300. So all logs go through a manual check. Add Missing ... Can not insert in order. So the gallery is in the wrong order. Chronology is in. . . .
Patience comes to me ...
Locus does not report a bug! Do not send TB and from 15 photos go 10 and no announcement! Terribly bad.
Locus became totally unreliable.

The new version did not have the courage to risk the route.

The only thing I can think of ...
Either I go back to some version of 2014-15.
Or it is time to think (Menion) or it could be possible to generate a functional "Lite" version of Locus.
Only maps, points, navigation, geocaching.

Without trainers, sensors, bicycles, Fitnes, LT, chat, health records, Boats, planes, heart transplants .... and I do not know what's all in Locus.

Yes I understand ... Locus is a multifunctional application.
But if the base function is not working reliably, it is unusable for a large group of people and we will have to look for a reliable alternative application.


Quote from: menion on August 06, 2018, 09:18:45
setup of "climbing/descending/flat speeds" is overkill
OK! Hey, Locus already does calculate decent ETAs internally for the temporary track... and also offers it in route planner (Menu -> Travel time) - There is "Bergwandern (mountain hiking)" which would be more appropriate for me for display in the bottom bar.

BTW as you probably know, Germany has a norm for this (DIN 33466):

Up: <u> meters
Down: <d> meters
Horizontal: <h> meters

Conservative assumption - the hiker walks per hour:
300m up
500m down
4km horizontal

a = u/300 + d/500
b = h/4
c = greater value of a and b
d = smaller value of a and b

Walking time: (0.5*c + d) hours
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