[APP] - version 3.32.+ ( 31. 7. 2018 )

Started by Menion, July 31, 2018, 13:19:59

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31. 7. 2018 - Locus 3.32.0
4. 8. 2018 - Locus 3.32.1
6. 8. 2018 - Locus 3.32.2
7. 8. 2018 - Locus - BETA
17. 8. 2018 - Locus - BETA
31. 8. 2018 - Locus - BETA
7. 9. 2018 - Locus - BETA
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Hi Menion, the new time estimation in route planner. It is very conservative. In flat areas it assumes I walk < 3km/h,which is way too slow. I use brouter. Can I configure it? Thx

It detected, after a second start, a change in the file system, but I did not change anything. I just confirmed, it works, but makes me nervous.
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I can confirm the same thing as a tapio . Every second start of the app i see "it a change in the file system", but I did not change anything. I just confirmed, it works. Android 7.1.1


I think for the ETA to work correctly with Brouter, we need a new version of Brouter app, right? The commits for Locus ETA on Brouter github are from 8th of july, but no official version with the changes is available. Do we have to ask Arndt for a new version?

Gesendet von meinem D5503 mit Tapatalk



QuoteClick on "download" button does not work on your Android 6.x? Hmmm, have to try it, thanks

with PRO V3.31on same device it work well
now with V 3.32.0  FREE as well as PRO i can´t download needed BRouter data :-[ with both of my devices
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Where is the confirmation for 'quit Locus' gone??? The new green toast 'tap twice to quit' is not enough.


This year, I have feeling that I only solve problems, interesting and little frustrating. We tested new login system that is provided by Google itself for almost two months, even published Free version week ago, just for sure, but still some weird problems appear and we are with Petr second day try to find any working solution for something, that clearly does not work on Google server, stupid ... so sorry to you, affected by problems with login to Store :(.

To problems (thanks for reports!)

time estimates will be improved in next version. Expect better times when using online GraphHopper. In case of BRouter, times will be based on your own movement for certain activity (mainly time spend in navigation with certain routing).

clickable buttons in toasts will be fixed in next version, finally. I had to change this system and use special new component which should allow displaying really clickable buttons on all devices.

why you need this confirmation dialog? We removed it as non-standard, useless feature. Does it have any possitive effect on usage of app for You?

New version? Most probably tomorrow ... little risky before the weekend, hope it will be better than this one!
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A new BUG:

Can't create geocache waypoint.


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Henk van der Spek

Quote from: menion on August 02, 2018, 17:43:22

why you need this confirmation dialog? We removed it as non-standard, useless feature. Does it have any possitive effect on usage of app for You?


In 3.31.3 it still functions but now I understand that is because the setting (was under Miscellenaneous) was not "resetted".
I am going to miss that one since I often use the back button of the phone instead of the left arrow in the topbar. (As does my wife).
The confirm option (with a cancel button) often prevented the accidental closure of Locus for us. Since guiding and navigation are not saved upon closure of the APP it is a real step back for us.
Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13


Hmm and you press "back button" so frequently when you return to map screen, that you press it even two twice more (necessary to close the app) then you wanted?
I have to say that rarely when in hurry, I also close app itself, but when within 1 or 2 secs I again tap on icon of the app, it continues without problem.

Also (and mainly) in case, some service is running ( like recording, navigation, etc.) , dialog still appear!
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Henk van der Spek

Good to read this! Thanks you. If you add Guiding to this group of services that notify me before closing Locus, I will sleep even better.  :) (and upgrade after the next hiking holiday).

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Armor_2 met Tapatalk

Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13

Viajero Perdido

I don't mind the lack of a confirmation on exit (never used it, if it was available), but could understand why some people might like it.

  • It takes a while to start Locus if your database is full of stuff.
  • Sometimes I exit by mistake by mis-pressing + or - to zoom.

But no big deal for me.


Quote from: menion on August 02, 2018, 17:43:22@Christian
why you need this confirmation dialog? We removed it as non-standard, useless feature. Does it have any possitive effect on usage of app for You?
The dialog prevented unwanted exit by tapping back buttons by accident with wet fingers, gloves or when out of breath and have shaking fingers. To have to restart Locus in the wild when i only wanted to have a look on the map is a real PITA and should not happen at all.
I could not find any user request to remove this nor a poll either.
The confirmation dialog is an essential thing in Locus like running as a service imho. So please bring it back.
Thank you for understanding.

Žajdlík Josef
