Started by fricek, May 20, 2011, 14:17:43

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I have problem with Locus. It is few months ago, when did it start (after update).
I am using map 2GB size (Cyklomapa_CZSK, kdysi jsem ji sem nahrával, ale pak ji výrobce přestal nabízet jako free, přesto mi zůstala a mám ji na svém telefonu).

When I start Locus, it will Inicialize map ("Pracuji..." "Inicializace..."), stil working... about 10-20 minutes and then it Crashes ! (From eror list I can read: Out of memory ... at line XY...)

I had to remove one layer from map (Layer 22 or 21 which is 1.5 GB file), then Locus finaly after 10-15min map inicialization, started without crashes. (But, I cant use the zoomed map layer)

Could you try to fix it ??
Maybe the same problem is for all large map files... Locus is just out of memory when initalizing... Could you write more memory-friendly function in source code if It is possible ?

Napadlo mě například nějak rozdělit ten proces inicializace mapy na více fází a jednotlivé fáze ukládat na SD kartu jako zálohu, aby uživatel nemusel vždycky po pádu aplikace znovu zahajovat celej inicializační proces úplně od začátku, ale aby Locus navázal tam kde přestal a postupně (i přes občasné pády programu) by se podařilo Locovi konečně celou mapu inicializovat....

Maybe add progress bar in percent too (e.g. working, please wait... 22% done)

Thank You


 I expect you use TAR maps right? There is limit to 1GB. This limit was there since start. Phones with low memory cannot handle so big files which I really need to initialize at once. I saw here somewhere some tool that allow convert TAR map into SQLite database (which have 2GB limit), so this should be solution for you ...
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hi, thanks. I 'll try it. So sqlitedb are limited to 2gb ? I am afraid my map is 2100 MB in tar format. Hope after conversion to sqllitedb it will be little smaller :-)

PS: btw the progress bar (e.g. " 123456/654321 files done. Presumable time left: 3 minutes. Please wait...") while Locus initializes new map file could be usefull ;-)