[APP] - version 3.31.+ ( 4. 6. 2018 )

Started by Menion, June 04, 2018, 15:03:46

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It crashes when i change the map alignment from compass to gps or automatic.


3.31.1: Intent for preset change works perfectly! Finally I can 100% automate the start/stop of all my outdoor setups. Thx!


I also experience fcs when activating any preset from the ui in 3.31.1. Activating a preset via intend works, though...

Gesendet von meinem D5503 mit Tapatalk


FWIW, I can activate presets by intent and manually in the UI with no problems/FCs.


Crashing also when Switching settings for display activating...
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Rotating the portrait to landscape display deletes the text you wrote! Log geocach.


Hmm, I hoped that new version will be without issues and seems, it's maybe worst then before.

Global problem: setup of the compass & always screen on & presets that use this settings => fixed, thanks

"Locus down when trying to change texts, numbers, values ​in different places" ... where? Did not noticed any problem.

- rotation of "log a cache screen" ... I'll look at it, thanks
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Crashing  when open and close settings for "Display Activating" without changes


After the update, Locus began to fall in different places. I was looking for a bug on my device. When people began to report problems, I stopped exploring and using Locus. What I remember when changing the default log, then changing the time format, Sometimes changing the% zoom. (and all places reported by other people) I try to go back to what I wanted and find out where it all fell. I suspected it was happening when typing text or values ​​in general. So I tried randomly to enter text or value into different functions. Somewhere it went and somewhere fell.


*** Version 3.31.2 ***
Just published new Locus Map Free on Google Play. If someone uses it, please give it a try. If there won't be any more serious problems, I'll publish Pro version in the evening.

I have to change my internal system of creating bug-fix versions. It is not un-usuall that bug-fix version brings some new problems (like now), which is of course wrong ... sorry about this.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Just remind (unimportant) details.
If there is time, throw the new text on the crowdin.


--- 3.31.2 FREE ---

Compass - OK
Rotate log text - OK

Display Control crash - ? Pro *
Display Control value - ? Pro*
Display Control working display off - ? Pro*
Pre-text log geocaching - ? Pro *
Time format (pre-log GC) -? Pro *

* 30.31.2 BETA has published as Free.

Žajdlík Josef

30.31.2. is not Beta. Therefore, some features can not be tested. So far, it looks like FREE 30.31.2 is OK.

Proposal to change the distribution: Would it be impossible to first publish the PRO and FREE version of the BETA version for another day until it shows that PRO is a problem? Testers would be more likely to compare whether the problems were already in BETA.

30.31.2. není Beta. Nelze tedy vyzkoušet některé funkce. Zatím to ale vypadá, že FREE 30.31.2 je v pořádku.

Návrh na změnu distribuce: Nebylo by možné napřed zveřejnit verzi PRO a FREE nechat ještě jeden den v původní verzi v BETA, dokud dokud se neukáže, že je PRO bez problémů? Testeři by tak mohli snadněji porovnat, zda se problémy vyskytovaly už v BETA.


Would be nice if we could download older apk's to revert back.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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--- 3.31.2 PRO ---

Compass - OK
Rotate log text - OK
Display Control - OK
Display Control value - OK
Display Control working display off - IS NOT WORKING (only when guidance)
+edit new finding:
The display also goes out according to the Lokus setting even when you are alerting the POI. It does not matter the settings. (Control Display)
Pre-text log geocaching - OK
Time format (pre-log GC) - CRASH
