Beta messes up G4L - how to repair?

Started by Viajero Perdido, May 04, 2018, 05:21:45

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Viajero Perdido

I find Beta troublesome because it seems to mess up G4L in Pro - when I just want to USE the app combo to plan a trip.

Right now, when I enable Live Map in G4L with Pro, it keeps re-downloading caches endlessly, even though I haven't moved the map.  This is with Beta uninstalled.  Eventually Groundspeak's servers will say enough, it won't work for the rest of the day.

How can I un-mess-this-up?

I've already uninstalled and reinstalled G4L.  Beta is UNinstalled.

Please don't ask me to uninstall Pro.  I've got a ton of customizations I'd hate to lose.

Thanks in advance.

(Earlier, I had the opposite problem: G4L downloaded caches, but Pro didn't display them.  In the process of trying to fix that - by reinstalling Beta temporarily - I made it worse, as described above.)


Interesting. Anyone else troubles with G4L & latest Beta version? I was just playing with it for a while and no problem so far.
Even if you un-install Beta version, G4L is still stuck on never-ending loading? Looks more like some problem in G4L to me. Do you know about something like this @Arcao?
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Viajero Perdido

Also, when I'm in Cache Details (any tab) and go "Update cache" or "Download logs", G4L downloads the data, but Locus doesn't refresh.  I need to exit Cache Details, then re-tap the cache to see the new logs.

Is my installation totally messed up?

Is this related to all my settings disappearing a few updates ago?  Something corrupted maybe?

If it's just me having this problem, I guess I'll have to back up my maps and uninstall/reinstall everything.


This all looks like G4L has some problems with detection of currently active Locus Map version. This is something I fight with for some time, but it should be again improved in latest Locus Map & G4L versions, interesting.
Anyway if you remove your Free/Beta version, all should really work without a problem. Maybe rather restart device after un-install, just for sure.
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Viajero Perdido

I tinkered some more, and now it all works!   :D

Maybe it was the reboot after uninstalling G4L that fixed it.  (I did accidentally have Beta installed alongside Pro when I made my second post above.)  Anyway, after some uninstalls (everything but Pro) and a couple of reboots, and reinstalling G4L, life is good again.

Thanks for the help!