[APP] - version 3.30.+ ( 15. 3. 2018 )

Started by Menion, March 15, 2018, 12:35:05

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Hi guys,
new Beta version is just uploading. I've made some more serious updates in GPS system, so please test it if have some time. Compatibility mode was removed and app should work correctly for all now.

Anyway, one big problem remains. The second day I try to hack Android to allow generating Locus Map app also for 4.x devices. Unfortunately, Locus Map is so big, that Android 4.x is unable to handle it correctly. Will keep trying, anyway new Beta version is now Android 5.0+, sorry.

EDIT: Damn, it is so random. After some more modifications, it work again. So uploaded :/.
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+ GPS for the first look OK.
- Lost GPS notification does not work


Really? Testing and seems ok, hmm. This notification works on simple system ... timer counts since last received GPS location. When this timer reach 60 s, it do a notification. So were you waiting at least 60 seconds?
It may be simply simulate by enabling GPS in app and then in top system status bar, disable "location" source.
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


I did a new test:
System manual OFF GPS notification lost OK
With the actual loss of satellites (building), the notification followed about 5 minutes.

I'm still testing ... I have to go out and back in and over again and again...  :o

The last FIX GPS was 16:46:54
Momentally there is 16:55 and no notification yet ... Waiting ...

The sound of the notification was 16:56

After repeated attempts, the notification appears unpredictable for about 2-10 minutes after GPS FIX loss.



Very interesting. The only thing, that should affect this notification, is "GPS Auto-off function". Do you have it disabled? Just for sure.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Install today BETA and do not know what's default ... I looked and was ON.
Well, during my testing, the device was always turned on at all times!

Test now again. Auto Off GPS is OFF.
The result after 60s icon green to orange. Audible notification after 3 minutes.


Now I have noticed an interesting thing.
During the time without satellites, the green icon appeared. For a moment. FIX (New Time) was not recorded. This event is probably the reason for the incorrect notification.


Quotethanks for bringing back the "logs tab" ;D
but the Beta didn´t use the "order of tabs" from config.cfg

my setting: keep 10 logs
if i run "load logs" in log tab, they are downloaded but not displayed (temporary) as in PRO
no answer and no improvement in both points ??

Locus store> my account details> "Subscriptions" >> ERROR:Not found
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


I'm a beginner in beta testing.
Q: Any other features that have not been changed lately should work correctly?
For if so the list of errors will be very long ....

And one more Q:
How to use beta simultaneously with normal so G4L works?


ah sorry, I'll look at it. And "subscription" not yet work? I'll have to push Petr little bit, thanks :).

you have really very interesting device. Green GPS symbol will be definitely source of troubles. It means, that some GPS location was received. I'll try to improve it.
And Any other features that have not been changed lately should work correctly? There is really so many new problems? Should not be  :'(. Most serious please ... thanks
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Position - bad position about 10-15m next to the right one.
Navigation - rotation of map bad,
Lines GPS direction and compass direction bad,
Calculating route display changes brightness,
Position lines and arrow are in other positions,
When stopping the map turns like crazy (problem with year ago)
auto zoom ... etc.

Try to sit in the car with that beta and go to town.


Andrew Heard

My GPS tests with, Android 4.2 & 5.1: Only simple test - observe satellite map; time to notify GPS acquired; walking/ track recording; move inside, wait for time to notify GPS lost; check main screen GPS icon color is consistent. All seemed good to me on both devices.

I did have one observation/ question: below is Android 4.2 tablet screen: 0/13 Satellites in text but only 2 icons on map. This changed to more icons on map after ~10s but never full number of 18/18. No such issue on Android 5.1 phone screen. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

I have found one bug. Not sure if only latest beta, or also, but certainly a bug since 3.30.2 Pro. The static text fields in any custom dashboard are not updated when a preset is changed. To test: I have 1 dashboard per preset. Each dashboard has a top line with the name of the preset. For example I have dashboards/presets for riding/ walking/ driving/ default/ mapping. When I change the preset this top dashboard text line is updated in 3.30.2 Pro - of course, but with the text is mostly not updated. Some new repaint order issue? If I exit Locus beta & restart, the top dashboard text line is updated. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

More testing: Just noticed one annoying change: if phone Location service is disabled or location not known when Locus is started I now see a new message box "No location devices available... CLOSE" - this is displayed four times. I hope this can be removed. The GPS icon color is sufficient for this fact, or checkbox - "don't display again"; but not each time Locus is run. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

So far, three trials version, twice walking in the woods, one bike ride, always about one hour. The GPS records absolutely no problem on the Galaxy A3. I confirm the same dashboard problem as Andrew. If a dashboard is displayed on the screen and I choose a different one, the original one will be displayed. Just press the hide / show dashboard button to turn the tan right. The bug was in the previous beta, I forgot to alert.
The problems Condor points to, unconfirmed, on my phone.

CZ: Zatím tři testy verze, dvakrát chůze v lese, jednou jízda na kole, vždy asi jednu hodinu. Záznamy  GPS naprosto bez problémů na Galaxy A3. Potvrzuji stejný problém s dasboardy jako Andrew. Pokud je zobrazen na obrazovce nějaký dashboard a pomocí předvolby zvolím jiný, zůstane zobrazen ten původní. Stačí stisknout tlačítko skrýt/zobrazit dashboard a ukáže se tan správný. Chyba byla i v předchozí BETA, zapomněl jsem upozornit.
Potíže na které poukazuje Condor nepotvrzeny, na mém telefonu.


Cache details> click top right button > "Notes" > "Locus Map" wurde beendet "Bericht/OK"
info is in german although BETA is set to english?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4