What's the "Next Big Thing" in 2018?

Started by slarti76, February 08, 2018, 14:45:56

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After the release of 3.29 I wondered if there is a somewhere on the forum where Menion informs about the "Next Big Things" planned for Locus. I didn't find anything - I also filtered the Helpdesk list of Ideas for "Planned", but that only shows fairly minor stuff (<10 votes). So I'm starting this thread  ;)
I know, such a list would always feel at least partly like a commitment to some new feature. I can gather a few things from the discussions in the "current version thread" and from the Beta version (like track statistics customizable with dashboards). Still, I think it would be possible to, like, give a list of the next 3-5 bigger tasks that are planned or already in progress.

And I admit, I'd also like to ask about my personal and everyone else's favorite (by far most votes): Database sync (http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/cloud_map_and_data_storage_sync).
The cloud storage part of that is now more or less done, but there's no current statement about the sync. And even if some of the voters may be happy with backup-to-cloud only, I'm sure that a majority is still hoping for a real sync...
Opinions welcome!  :)
    The following users thanked this post: Menion


Good topic :).
Let's discuss basic plans for year 2018

I'll give here, at least, current state in our small team.

Little history:
I had (still have) large hope in live tracking system. Two years ago, I've hired one guy who wrote for me server side solution in nice Clojure language (after more then year of work!). And when first part was finished, he stopped to communicate. Nice .. btw. no one know Clojure :). My mistake ...

In November, some of you probably noticed, that our team had increased to 6 person. Milan > finally developer who should help me with Android. His first task was (still is) Wear add-on. Nice work I think ...
Since January, he work on 1:1 conversion of old Live tracking system to something, we may continue work on it and improve. ETA till middle of March. Then, Milan will work on new UI & various stuff around Live tracking system, also based on feedback. I expect, it will be work on few more months. And then ... sync server? ( most probably ).

Because number of people involved in work on Locus increased and for my suprise, all wants their monthly salary, and also because of number of sold Locus Map is still +- same ( slowly growing ), we needs to invest more work into interesting content, that may bring additional income. Because of this was created and published new Store, because of this I now needs to work on new system for login, new Start screen and third bigger thing will be new Map manager ( which is currently terrible user-experience ).

Most wanted feature: synchronisation. Some users wrote, it's now easy task with some existing stuff. Well, with Petr and Milan, we spend on discussions around this many many hours and we still do not have simple universal solution, that may be done within few weeks. Anyway few ideas are in our heads ... EDIT: and we also have it in list of top priorities!

Except few priorities, that I wrote before and that have to do ( even it's not kind of developement I like ), I really wants to focus in first half of year on:

  • better logging system for geocaching
  • fine-tune route planner
  • fine-tune track editor

And in second half of year

  • new design for main map screen ( close to what is visible in Route planner)
  • new track detail screen with better stats, chart, weather, etc.
  • improve Dashboard system & custom "dashboard" for track screen

My time estimates are really bad, so be aware of it ...
Uff, too long post ... sorry :).
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Hello menion,
thanks for an overview of your next tasks 8)
Quotebetter logging system for geocaching
whats the problem??
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Sure, I like to keep you at least informed :).

There is few major problems. Except fact that current screen where you write logs has problems with rotation of device, it stuck in case of any internet problem during logging etc. , it also do not allow to prepare offline logs with images, it complicates live when logging trackables , it miss display of logs with images (even that images are stored in config/fieldnotes.db file and so on ...
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download
    The following users thanked this post: tbkrtz


thanks for explanation,
waiting curiously ;)
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Thx Menion for that outlook - much appreciated. Also that you have sync on your mind :)

A little proposal: I remember that a while ago you made a little survey to find out what settings users need most in Preset system. I'm aware that the exact definition and expectations of "sync" probably differ from user to user. Off the top of my head, the following questions arise:

  • Sync only between devices (same user)?
  • Sync between different users? With permissions (Read or Read/Write)?
  • Always complete database, or tracks/points separate, or even on per folder basis?
  • If sync between users on folder basis, is it ok to only sync whole database among devices of a single user?
  • etc.
Perhaps another survey would be helpful to find out what users really want so you have a better basis for technical decisions.

If I may give a - in my view - example of a very well-done sync: The database app Memento not only offers own cloud space (another source of income), but also manages the sync very well. So far, I never had missing entries or the like, even when syncing with other users.

Ok, perhaps content for a separate topic ;)
    The following users thanked this post: Menion


As a more general thing, I wish for putting more love into a) POI and b) Statistics.

And not only statistics... There is/was that great Windows Application called "GPS Trackanalyse.net" which helped a lot not only in statistics, but also rebuilding of GPX files, minimize # of trackpoints etc. Since there is no really good application on Windows, Locus could fill the gap.

As for POI, they are still clunky to use. That scrolling and adding 100 thing, then show all on map, it is not really good. If we have already planned routes, we also only need POIs around the track. I think Menion you do not use POIs too much.

And as for another offline thing, Geonames  could also get some love. Auto download, help by the store, whatever. Currently we can use the text files from GNS server, but your naming convention is different to the files on the GNS server. http://geonames.nga.mil/gns/html/namefiles.html
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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