[APP] - version 3.29.+ ( 1. 2. 2018 )

Started by Menion, February 01, 2018, 13:53:59

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Andrew Heard - now expired but can't exit - reverts to Locus free then exit msgbox asks "do you want to buy Pro now" - Cancel or Buy buttons. Tap Cancel ==> only returns to map screen. There is no way to just exit?? (other than task manager of course) RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hi Andrew,
back button display dialog with "Do you want to buy?" information? I'm testing it and for me it simply after start display information about expiration and nothing more. Then it normally works as usual free version, interesting.
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*** BETA ***
Again some problem with a version for 4.x devices, hope it will work fine.
I'm doing quite a lot of changes in code on the background (no changes in UI), that should help me unite some old mess made over years. So if you notice some unexpected, please let me shortly know here, thanks!
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Bucky Kid

Here's a minor bug:
If Locus left in background with opened route planner to terminate by system, on next launch opens directly to route planner, but maps not initialised (blank).

Sent from my phone using Tapatalk


Žajdlík Josef

Today, a couple of hours ago, a new beta was tested on an Android 4.3 device and there were no problems. I thought it was slower map loading, but it could have been caused by frost -10 ° C.

CZ: Dnes při několikahodinové turistice vyzkoušena nová beta na zařízení s Android 4.3 a žádné problémy nebyly. Zdálo se mi sice pomalejší načítání map, ale to mohlo být způsobené mrazem -10 ºC.


@Bucky Kid
ah reopen app on different place will be almost always problem. Thanks anyway, I think I may do at least some small improvement here.

@Žajdlík Josef
hmm slower map ... there were a lot of changes on background, but nothing was related to maps, so I'll hope that it was really because of nice temperature :).

Thanks for a testing guys!
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BETA The Dark Sky-Weather-Service doesn't work.


Don't work? Testing and seems to work fine. What is a problem? Any error message?
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Žajdlík Josef

Agree, the weather is not working. Error code 400

Žajdlík Josef


Viajero Perdido

Hi.  Here's another minor bug in most recent non-beta version.  (Hardly seems worth a separate bug report.)

  • With GPS off, tap Home button (lower left).  Confirm it shows recent position, your home/office/wherever.

  • Tap a nearby geocache.

Result: mini-map shows some ridiculous distance to the cache, eg 10434km.  Also, (C) and arrow are superimposed.


Problem Dark Sky Weather in BETA-Version
It is the same with me, too. Message: Bad Request code 400.
In Pro-Version 3.29.2 it works fine.


Map sticking on ZL9 still happens with new beta. Possibly associated with rapid zooming in(?)
Quote from: menion on February 10, 2018, 22:16:18
thanks for a video with map "stuck". Does this problem happen to you often? I have some feeling why this may happen and I know it will take at least a week to rewrite old system how map tiles are loaded. So wants to know, how serious this problem is ...
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Hi Menion,
just one issue I detect today, but its already in Locus PRO 3.29.2...

Locus > Settings > Miscellaneous > "Upload only when connected to wifi"  set to YES 
(BTW: Since which version this setting exist at all?)

Now, if you only have a mobile connection and try to upload/autoexport a track into  a cloud storage, Locus comes back with a message: "1 Track(s) exported"

But there is nothing exported to the cloud storage..... :-[

So I would expect an error message, if nothing is gone to the cloud service.

Ah... one more thing....I wonder about the behavior of the auto export at all.  If I remember right, in the past autoexport of a track happens more in the background, track dialog stays open and my latest manual export type was presented  in manual export screen.
Today I have to reopen my track details screen to perform a manual export and to reset my last manual export type.

Example step by step
1. Stop Recording >
2. Autoexport during save to GPX -file at dropbox  > Track details screen stays open >
3. Export to STRAVA (Export type reused from last manual export)

1. Stop Recording >
2. Autoexport during save to GPX -file at dropbox > Track details closed
3. Search track and
4. Reopen track details screen >
5. Switch export setting from "GPX-file at dropbox" to "STRAVA" >
6. Export to STRAVA


Thanks for an notification on problem with weather. It was a bigger problem in the end ... hopefully solved.

@Viajero Perdido
may you please show me issue with weird distance to cache? I'm unable to simulate this problem, thanks.

I'll need on this more time and mainly precise testing. So since next version (next week), I'll start work on this.

issue with applied "wi-fi only" is known and already fixed, thanks.
About issue with export ... hmm I'm using autoexport to Velohero few times per week and did  not noticed any change. Auto-export does not use last parameters, but parameters directly defined in recording profile. So suggest to check if auto-export is correctly set.
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