[APP] - version 3.28.+ ( 20. 12. 2017 )

Started by Menion, December 20, 2017, 16:51:27

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*** new version ***
- news after start as usually

Last change to fix/improve something before release next week ;).
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Stopped? Right at start? As usually? I thought that issue is already solved!

Ah damn, I just tried fresh installation on 4.x devices and you are right ... thanks
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Žajdlík Josef

Hi Menione, I do not know if it belongs here, but it is related to the new function of "InDoor Training". I have set the record according to the SCR parameters. Then I turn on the "GPS SImulation / Indoor training" GPS. I run the record and see my heartbeat. When I select "more about the route" from the Menu, I see the graph of the recorded values - see scr. But when I finish recording and view the recorded route, the heart rate can not be displayed on the chart. I think it might be because "time of the route" is running, but "time of movement" is not. So I want to ask: is that right or I have something wrong set up? I add in the name described by SCR.

CZ: Ahoj Menione, nevím jestli to patří sem, ale souvisí to s novou funkcí Bety "InDoor Training". Mám nastaven záznam dle parametrů z SCR. Pak zapnu v GPS "GPS SImulation/Indoor training". Spustím záznam a vidím srdeční tep. Když z Menu zvolím "více o trase" vidím na grafu zaznamenávané hodnoty - viz scr. Když ale ukončím záznam a zobrazím zaznamenanou trasu, tak na grafu nejde srdeční tep zobrazit. Myslím, že by to mohlo být tím, že "čas trasy" sice běží, ale "čas pohybu" ne. Tak  se chci zeptat: je to tak správně nebo mám něco špatně nastaveno? Přípkládám v náznu popsané SCR.



try another version please. I made no change, just few times refreshed whole APK generation tool and now it seems to work :/

@Josef Žajdlík
on chart, tap on bottom left button and set as X axis : time, should help. Anyway I'll check it, thanks.
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Žajdlík Josef

Unfortunately, it does not help. While in the details of the recording it is possible to select the possibility of displaying the pulse, the saved route can not be selected at all, see scr. Similarly, there are no results on the Dashboard tab.

Cz: To bohužel nepomůže. Zatímco v podrobnostech při záznamu jsou jde zvolit možnost zobrazení tepu, u uložené trasy nejde tato možnost vůbec zvolit, viz scr. Stejně tak na záložce Dashboard nejsou žádné výsledky.


john_percy No release notes on start up.

I think LoMaps are the only Vector maps in the Locus store. For another source of Vector maps, I suggest you look at openandromaps.

Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


I'm sure, most of users don't care if maps are vector or raster. LoMaps are with old good colored icon with big "LM" inside so they are recognizable. Also they are named "Country - LoMaps & addresses". Anything more needed?
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Viajero Perdido

Elsewhere (Quick Map Switch), you label vector maps as "Smart Choice" - which they are - and also as offline maps.

A little consistency might help.  Besides, anything that helps nudge people AWAY from using tiles, especially downloading massive amounts, is a good thing.  Right?
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- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Hi together,
I test the new feature with simulated GPS for indoor training. Within Locus all works fine. Great job!!
But when the "track" is exported to "STRAVA" , the file is not visible in, despite the "Successfull exported" message.
Export of a "normal" track works still fine.
I guess this has to deal with the 0 distance in the gpx file.   If I do the same stuff in the Wahoo tracker ( only heart rate for a training) the import to STRAVA works fine.

Any idea where to tweak?


Hmm thanks for a test. It seems that Locus needs to report to strava, that it's an indoor training. I see there should be an option ... will check it.
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    The following users thanked this post: jajaballard


Example for a Spinning Activity in STRAVA


Žajdlík Josef

@ jajaballard
Could you tell me what settings to use for simulating GPS? I can not make it work, although the record does work, but after saving, I can not get any data on the chart. See my posts above.


guys, issue in training found. Recorded track was really incorrectly stored so some post-process and also upload to Strava was not working correctly. Issue fixed ... next version (final) in Wednesday ;)
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Hello, @menion!
On last stable and beta version I have found small issue: tap on "Map Items" button, then menu item "Open in file browser", then I press back button or Cancel and Locus will get FC.