[APP] - version 3.28.+ ( 20. 12. 2017 )

Started by Menion, December 20, 2017, 16:51:27

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20. 12. 2017 - Locus 3.28.0
23. 12. 2017 - Locus 3.28.1
13. 1. 2017 - Locus
17. 1. 2017 - Locus
26. 1. 2017 - Locus
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Hi guys,
even it is not directly visible, I was forced to update many components that take care about creating app, like some build tools from Google, external libraries etc, so I really hope, there won't be any serious issue in this new version. Even some "holidays" are coming, I will be next days perfectly ready to do some fixes are release new bug-fix version as soon as needed & possible.

Otherwise, wish you nice coming free (for most of) days, enjoy it!

Btw. if you did no noticed, just yesterday we published new add-on for Android Wear, so it you wear such devices, you may give it a try. If not, please do not purchase them as a gift to anyone in family, because of new Locus Map add-on. I really do not want to be responsible for another sold watches till some fair-watches will be created :D.
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V 3.28.0
thanks for new version :)

1. planning a route (with e.g. 2 points) >next leave screen with back button > it takes ~ 3-8 sec till planned route disapeares from map
2. no recalculation after change of "drawing mode" e.g. hike>car, also no recalculation after long click on blue mode button
3. magnifier for changing a point appears only direct after a mapzoom and if it appears, i have to release my finger for a short time to move position, see screencast

thread title and date ????
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on December 20, 2017, 21:41:53

2. no recalculation after change of "drawing mode" e.g. hike>car, also no recalculation after long click on blue mode button

It was already like that in the old version. Since I did not have any ready-made German instructions, I have not said anything yet.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


1.This thread's title is wrong (should be 3.28.+ (20.12.2017))
2.The new popup "Session restored - cancel" after opening the Route planner with an unfinished old session appears for like 2s - hardly enough to hit Cancel if wanted.
3.Something wrong with BRouter integration: When I try to force him to a track that BRouter doesn't recognize, Locus doesn't display an error message, but the "Wait circle" turns forever. I can't compare this exact location with old version anymore (why do I always have to update all devices at once?), so it might not be new in this version... Is this related to the Release Notes entry "Problem with Locus-based Walk routing in BRouter"?
4.I can also confirm that a planned route stays on the map for some seconds after exiting Route Planner.


Quote from: slarti76 on December 21, 2017, 09:27:07
3.Something wrong with BRouter integration: When I try to force him to a track that BRouter doesn't recognize, Locus doesn't display an error message, but the "Wait circle" turns forever. I can't compare this exact location with old version anymore (why do I always have to update all devices at once?), so it might not be new in this version... Is this related to the Release Notes entry "Problem with Locus-based Walk routing in BRouter"?
Just for confirmation: Only happens in the Walk profile (I didn't realize at first, because the icons for Walk, Hike and Climb are the same). I tried a car profile (in the mountains), there I immediately get an error message. The message is a little technical "target island detected for section 0", but I assume it's coming directly from BRouter. Anyway, seems to be something wrong with Walk profile, still.


1. I'm finally able to simulate it on older Nexus 7. Seems to be some bug in Android, where real close event of RoutePlanner is called with 10 seconds delay! Fixed by small hack, thanks
2. as @freischneider wrote, this never worked as you write. Long click on route type button works only in Beta versions for a test purpose for now
3. really weird. I'm unable to simulate it. Does this happen to you everytime you start Locus Map?

1. based on balloni's note, fixed ... copy&paste in action :)
2. improved, thanks
3. Walking profile was updated with new @poutnik profiles. Are you using Locus internal profiles for routing or some your own or BRouter original profiles? With latest version I see no obvious problem, so please 1. use latest Locus Map, 2. update routing data in BRouter, 3. use internal routing profiles, 4. if problem appear, write here exact start > stop coordinates, thanks.
4. viz. above
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dear menion!
thanks a lot for the new version - especially for the "track analyzer"-possibility.
It would be so helpful, if you could include the possibility to show at the elevation profile the percentage of incline.
Best would be aswell, to show at each point you "click" for at the elevation profile simultaneously this point at the map shown above (in the analyzing display).


Thx for 1,2 & 4!

Quote from: menion on December 21, 2017, 11:48:34
3. Walking profile was updated with new @poutnik profiles. Are you using Locus internal profiles for routing or some your own or BRouter original profiles? With latest version I see no obvious problem, so please 1. use latest Locus Map, 2. update routing data in BRouter, 3. use internal routing profiles, 4. if problem appear, write here exact start > stop coordinates, thanks.
I re-downloaded newest segment with BRouter and tried again. I'm using the Locus profiles, and I found out that it does depend on the destination: Sometimes the mentioned message is shown, sometimes it takes very long and I stop it with the X.
Here are the coordinates:
Start: N46°46.499' E008°43.293' (Switzerland, near Bristen, Cable car Terminal "Golzeren")
End: N46°47.414' E008°45.346' (Mountain hut "Windgällenhütte")
When using another end point which would be on the way (Bernetsmatt, N46°47.113' E008°44.731'), an orange error message is shown.
Again, when choosing profile Hike, Climb, Cycle, a track is calculated, when using anything with car, the error message is always shown.
Could it be a bug in BRouter (some infinite loop)?

And just a question: Could you change the icons for Walk and Climb? Right now, they are the same as "Hike", although Locus has perfectly fitting icons for all three (as used in the activities) - I think it would make sense to use these.


Hello menion
Quote1. I'm finally able to simulate it on older Nexus 7. Seems to be some bug in Android, where real close event of RoutePlanner is called with 10 seconds delay! Fixed by small hack, thanks
thanks, we´ll see ;)
Quote2. as @freischneider wrote, this never worked as you write.
i know, but my hope was one of both actions start recalculating and in Beta long click worked well! :D
Quote3. really weird. I'm unable to simulate it. Does this happen to you everytime you start Locus Map?
no, today magnifier worked mostly as it should, but i noticed if
settings/Maps/Map control/Enable address display is on
magnifier and address label appeare at once and i have to release my finger to get controll over the magnifier :-\
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


hmm you are right. I've changed routing profile for  walking because of almost identical problem last month with one user and look, even a change profile has same problems. So another try with switched "walking.brf" to "hiking.brf" as profile for Walking-SAC1-SHRP.brf ( https://github.com/poutnikl/Brouter-profiles/tree/master/HikeProfiles ]. Seems to work now correctly, only "walking" difficulty may be now a little bit harder, which I believe won't be recognizable difference.

And icons changed, good point, thanks.

hmm so problem is with "long click"? Hmm it's a problem, because I believe it is quite useful feature in route planner. Problem is probably that you click on point you wants to move and keep fngers on same place for too long without a movement. Try to just grab and immediately move with a point. Or Locus is on your device too slow so this is a problem?
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If long press does not work. Then recalculation when changing the profile (drawing mode). From hiking to car
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)

Andrew Heard GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Yes, would vote for recalculation! Even to compare results of bike vs foot profiles or car short vs car fast...


Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)