gpx files automap to roads?

Started by tani, May 15, 2011, 20:11:08

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I would like to use this application to view offline maps and routes when cycling.  I tried to use .gpx files (created using, but when I opened them in the application I only see straight lines from each point instead of being matched to the roads. Is there a way to automatically have this done?

(I am new to apps such as these and could not find similar issues in your forums. Can you point me in the right direction if this has already been addressed?)


Hi Tani,
  this is really nice web page. Anyway it depend on format that is exported from this site. If exported data are only points you clicked, then you'll see only straight lines in Locus. If exported GPX file contain also all angles and path, just as you see on web, then all this you can see in Locus as well. Automatic compute of directions along imported track isn't possible in Locus
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