[APP] - version 3.26.+ ( 11. 10. 2017 )

Started by Menion, October 11, 2017, 14:11:54

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Andrew Heard testing: I like the new Nogo UI but recalculation after change of Nogo radius is not always performed:

  • add default 100m Nogo
  • route is correctly recalculated
  • change radius to 1km
  • route is correctly recalculated
  • change radius to 100m
  • route is not recalculated, whereas should expect revert to route after Nogo added RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@Andrew Heard:
same problem as with removing nogo! You reduced/removed radius and change does not cover any part of existing route => no recalculation!
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on October 19, 2017, 08:58:02
@Andrew Heard:
same problem as with removing nogo! You reduced/removed radius and change does not cover any part of existing route => no recalculation!
@menion I understand but I don't think a typical user would expect this behavior? Add nogo --> reroute. Delete nogo (yes, not over current route) --> no change. And no way to force recalculation at present, or until some suggestion like this http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/allow-3-26-route-planner-to-recalculate-route-with-different-profile. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

Hi Menione. The new NOGO panel is great. Good work. For less experienced users, however, it may be confusing that when changing the "use" of NOGO to a "ban", the route is recalculated itself, but when it is changed to "enabled", you must enter the recalculation manually by pressing a large button.

CZ: Ahoj Menione. Nový panel NOGO je skvělý. Dobrá práce. Pro méně zkušené uživatele ovšem může být matoucí, že při změně "využití" NOGO na "zákaz" se trasa přepočte sama, ale při změně na "povoleno" je nutné zadat přepočet ručně stiskem velkého tlačítka.


Quote from: slarti76 on October 12, 2017, 16:26:03
Route planner, elevation profile:
Some graph hiccup, seems to be going back, which makes no sense on a distance x axis.

Hi Menion!
Didn't see a specific mention of this in the release notes or here, but seems to be fixed in 3.26.2 - thx a lot!


two little problems with nogo points valid till yesterday
- i have set a few nogo points valid till yesterday, today i open route planner, for my surprise this nogos are visible today, i assume they disappear automaticly :-[
- if i click on these nogos > locus fc
on next opening of locus this nogo point is gone :)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Žajdlík Josef

Interesting blending of the PRO and BETA versions. When I create a NOGO point in the BETA version, I can see it in the editor after opening the PRO editor. I can edit it but I can not add new NOGO points.

CZ: Zajímavé prolnutí verze PRO a BETA. Když vytvořím v BETA verzi NOGO bod, tak po otevření editoru ve verzi PRO ho vidím v editoru taky. Mohu ho upravovat, ale nemohu přídávat nové NOGO body.


Route planner: Really great! Though I can't access everything from with inside I can leave the route planner and do what I need to do (e.g. change map theme) and then come back to the planner.

Also great is the possibility to add a point to the route at the beginning, at the end and to modify the route "in the middle".
But this is only possible for already visible points. What if the point is not visible or there is no existing point?

We also have the  <Hamburger menu>/Add point but it doesn't help with add a point to the route at the beginning or in the middle.
Request #1: Let user select if he wants to add the point at the beginning, the middle or at the end of the route.

The Add point looks quite similar like in other places where I can select a position. But it is missing few possibilities: Screen center and Select On Map
Request #2: Add Screen center and Select On Map in Route Planner/<Hamburger menu>/Add point

Ok, one might say that this can be done directly from the planner screen but then I come back with my Request #1...

I think implementation of these two requests would make the Route Planner more complete and consistent.
@Menion: Please think about it.


@Andrew Heard:
absolutely agree that users won't expect current behavior after removing Nogo. That's also one of main reasons, why Nogo is not yet public, only in Beta.

@Žajdlík Josef:
- problem with "unlogic behavior" > as discussion with Andrew before..
- using Nogo in Pro version ... well, yes. Expected side-effect.

ah forget to mention this in release notes, perfect

thanks, I made one small improvement, it should help on this problem

glad you like it.
About missing points on map. I believe most useful is long click on the map. This allows really quickly add necessary place everywhere into plan as you need. If this works, it should "solve" missing options in location selector, right?
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Quote from: menion on October 22, 2017, 17:01:34

glad you like it.
About missing points on map. I believe most useful is long click on the map. This allows really quickly add necessary place everywhere into plan as you need. If this works, it should "solve" missing options in location selector, right?

Yes, this is exactly what I need.
Good news!

Did you add that recently? I think I tried that about two weeks ago but it didn't work for me but I didn't find time to report my requests immediately and today I overlooked that long click does what I need.


It is possible, I'm not perfectly sure when I've enabled this option.
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- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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Quote from: menion on October 23, 2017, 07:43:27
It is possible, I'm not perfectly sure when I've enabled this option.
It requires "enabled address display", important precondition!

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Ah, this is correct ... weird settings, will consider remove it completely to simplify such tasks, thanks.
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Quote from: john_percy on October 18, 2017, 23:19:17
Quote from: menion on October 18, 2017, 23:14:54
Andrew, no please ... even now UI is really over-complicated. Such feature will need another additional edit field for some crazy value ... ah, crazy :).
It's quite possible that this idea could replace the choice between metres and pixels (neither of which are satisfactory) and so reduce the complexity of the UI.
@menion: Sorry to bang on but not another edit field; not crazy. See my revised suggested UI below

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