Annoying default behavior of WP/Track "Edit"

Started by twil69, September 11, 2017, 10:00:23

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It happened more than once that I was bitten by this, so I thought I discuss it here.

My problem:
When you select to edit an existing track/WP, the default behavior is, that the title is selected and the keyboard comes up. Unfortunately this happens with some delay. Now, there are quite some other things you can do in edit than renaming the item. So you aim for e.g. changing the folder or the activity or the color or another option, but when you hit the screen the keyboard has replaced the icon you were aiming at.
What happens then is that you hit some arbitrary character and overwrite the item name. To revert this you need to select the menu and discard your changes. As I mostly do not want to rename the item this bites me over and over again and I do not seem to get used to this.

I would prefer that Locus does not try to guess what I want to edit and just bring up the edit menu.
Maybe this is a problem with my decive (Moto G3), so firstly I wanted to check if anyone else faces the same problem.

Thanks !


i think it´s intended for now :(
QuoteI would prefer that Locus does not try to guess what I want to edit and just bring up the edit menu
+1 from me
after click on "edit"  keyboard shouldn´t be activated automaticly.

BTW: be patiente for an answer, menion is on his well-deserved vacation  ;)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


In case you really want to edit the item name it is of course convenient.
Otherwise selecting a potentially multi word name can be cumbersome, too.
(Mark one word, extend selection to entire title on a small screen....)

As the functionality to mark the entire title and bring up the keyboard is there already, the best of both worlds would be if we had a dedicated rename button.

Andrew Heard

@twil69 I feel exactly the same way as you. I've just never raised it in a topic so thanks. I often get caught by this behavior - you start tapping to change activity or folder or style...then the keyboard appears and you realize you are accidentally overwriting the track name by mistake, and have to Discard and start again, next time, waiting more patiently those fractions of a second until the keyboard is displayed, then exit the keyboard. However maybe your suggestion could be on the help desk so more users can vote? +1 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a



Žajdlík Josef

+1  The same thing when exporting a recorded route.


Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on September 12, 2017, 07:47:17
+1  The same thing when exporting a recorded route.

IMHO this is not exactly comparable.
Exporting/saving a new item usually follows a certain workflow that begins with providing a name for the new item, as you typically want to replace the auto-generated Date-Time Tag. So having everything set up for entering a new name is desirable here. My trouble occurs when working with existing items.

But in my particular case you are even right. Often, when I stop recording a track in the field, I am very bad at typing: fingers are wet or dirty, the display may be covered with raindrops after a bike ride so you cannot type well or  I may simply be too exhausted after a run. In these cases I initially accept the auto-generated name and just save. Later, in relaxed and dry conditions I make the modifications. So yes, even when newly creating a track/WP/route entering a name may not be the thing you do by default. But here I admit that this is subject to personal preference.
However: not so for the edit-later case, this really should be changed.

Žajdlík Josef

The similarity is that when I leave my home on a daily basis I export the route to Strava so I do not want to change the name. But the "export" button is hidden under the keyboard. It would be enough to change the focus after calling the panel to another, non-rewritable item.


Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on September 12, 2017, 10:50:55
I do not want to change the name. But the "export" button is hidden under the keyboard.

Thanks for the clarification, Josef. Your use case is then actually similar to my "not-now" one I described in the previous post.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on September 12, 2017, 07:47:17
+1  The same thing when exporting a recorded route.
+1 here too. Of course no right behavior, just personal preference. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hi guys,
thanks for a discussion.
I've improved current behavior for edit screen of points/tracks and export screen.
Let's try new system: edit field won't have focus at start so no text will be selected and no keyboard appear. Field will anyway have small "clear" button on right side ( already used in Locus on some places ) that allows to clear content and also display keyboard to start writing immediately. Test it in next version and let me know if it's ok.
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Quote from: menion on September 21, 2017, 14:14:39
I've improved current behavior for edit screen of points/tracks and export screen
Test it in next version and let me know if it's ok.

That's why I believe in democracy  ;)
Thank you for the quick incorporation of our feedback, menion.

Looking forward to the next version (which will be 3.25.6?)

Andrew Heard GOLD user ID:c7d47597a