share/push location (POST-method)

Started by T-mo, September 08, 2017, 23:10:00

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I am currently searching for a function to push/share my current location to a custom web-service, i.e. url. I want to use POST-method.

what I found so far

  • quick www bookmark - does exactly what I want to use but is still limited to GET-method, which has its downsides
  • live tracking - beside GET also POST is possible and works fine (love it!). But by intent, self-explanatory, it's still active for a certain on-time, so not usable for a single push-/share-action

Any ideas?


Hello T-mo,
what is a major problem with GET method used in "Quick www bookmarks"? Because this feature should be, as you wrote, exactly what you need.
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Hi menion,
of course using 'share' with a set 'live tracking'(LT)-service is more simple and within 'share' :)
Came to my mind as the LT is already set up and could be used. I also could start+stop LT.
'Quick www' uses GET ( and I need to switch to the browser, so i'm leaving Locus.
All this forces me to be focussed to exactly this, so it binds attention, and changes the screen - I thought about a single-button-action, of course 2..3 clicks might also be ok..
Not a problem of course but I think it's useful.

edit: fixes


I still miss explanation, why GET is not usable for you use-case. One time push of location over Quick WWW bookmarks sounds still to me as a best solution for this use-case.
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GET transfers all data via URL which has it's downsides reg. security as everything still can be found in the URL if known - so I don't want to use it.
Even though it's my personal stuff and any abuses are more theoretically, from technically point of view I am still restricted to this and this share-option is the only way I can use this, and screen is changing, firefox, change to new tab, switch back to locus, .a small journey instead of a simple button-click.


Hmm to be true, I completely forget on fact, that Quick www bookmarks opens web browser!, heh ...

Understand. What you needs is a tool that send data/request directly on web address without a web browser and also over POST method and not the GET.

In this case, Custom live tracking is better, but unfortunately it is made for periodical sending of events in defined interval.

Hmm complicated task ...
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