[APP] - version 3.25.+ ( 9. 8. 2017 )

Started by Menion, August 09, 2017, 18:25:00

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Andrew Heard

@john_percy - I think issue is running Pro/Beta simultaneously (agree sounds like bad idea) rather than just installing both. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Route planner

dragging the points often is very difficult, sometimes dragging occurs when unwanted. More usable is moving the points by modify menu and using pick on the map.
For me dragging is not convenient and produces more errors than results.
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yep, it was about "running" both at once as Andrew wrote. Both versions on device installed should be no problem.

what is main ( and more often ) problem here? Tap not too close to point, so it is not moving? Unwanted move instead of scroll of map? Are you playing with Route planner at home or outside during activity? How you imagine it should work, tap on point > edit > grid with options > and as result, moved point? So no dragging?
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what is main ( and more often ) problem here?
unwanted drag or missing dragging in the same way

Tap not too close to point, so it is not moving?
usually not but sometimes moving the map does it by accident

Unwanted move instead of scroll of map?
Are you playing with Route planner at home or outside during activity?
At home, but with gps fix most ot time
How you imagine it should work, tap on point > edit > grid with options > and as result, moved point? So no dragging?
Yes, this sequence always works and does not create problems, but this is my experience with the small screen of my device. I do not know if other beta testers had any problems with dragging.

Locus Map 4
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: lor74cas on October 06, 2017, 08:24:18
I do not know if other beta testers had any problems with dragging. [/b]
@lor74cas - I mostly use tap > Edit position rather than drag but drag does have advantage of quickly creating a Shaping point. If I drag by accident just tap the Undo button. Seems like good compromise to me. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a




Quote from: Andrew Heard on October 06, 2017, 11:15:37
Quote from: lor74cas on October 06, 2017, 08:24:18
I do not know if other beta testers had any problems with dragging. [/b]
@lor74cas - I mostly use tap > Edit position rather than drag but drag does have advantage of quickly creating a Shaping point. If I drag by accident just tap the Undo button. Seems like good compromise to me.
Dragging a point is very difficult on my small screen, but I have many unwanted drags. Dragging, to me, only works when I do not need it  >:(
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


I love dragging and it works fine and fast most of the times

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Quite surprising @lor74cas. I'm from time to time test Locus Map on older SGS2!! so did it now just for sure and all is absolutely fluent and perfectly working ( Route planner ). So personally do not see big problem here. I'm aware that problem may comes on new but less powerful phones.
I'm anyway sorry, for now dragging is a core feature and definitely can't be simply disabled. We may think about some "planning without dragging mode", enabled over settings, that should allow to control these points over "edit" button and disable also drag feature. For this, I'll anyway need topic on help desk & few more votes to be sure, it's not just a "one-men problem". Thanks for understanding.
Btw. suggest to improve app performance little bit: http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php?id=manual:faq:locus_performance , it should help here!
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Quote from: menion on October 06, 2017, 15:41:18
Quite surprising @lor74cas. I'm from time to time test Locus Map on older SGS2!! so did it now just for sure and all is absolutely fluent and perfectly working ( Route planner ). So personally do not see big problem here. I'm aware that problem may comes on new but less powerful phones.
I'm anyway sorry, for now dragging is a core feature and definitely can't be simply disabled. We may think about some "planning without dragging mode", enabled over settings, that should allow to control these points over "edit" button and disable also drag feature. For this, I'll anyway need topic on help desk & few more votes to be sure, it's not just a "one-men problem". Thanks for understanding.
Btw. suggest to improve app performance little bit: http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php?id=manual:faq:locus_performance , it should help here!
Don't worry about it I just reported my troubles in drag experience, you created the undo feature so I can always correct errors.
I agree, Let's wait the response when the beta will become main version from help desk.

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Locus Map 4
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Quote from: menion on October 05, 2017, 22:09:15
Hello, thanks for a feedback.
I have to ask, why you would like to create via-points by moving shaping points closer to existing points? Why not to directly tap on existing point and add it to plan?

Google Places fix: thanks for testing and confirmation!

Hmm using both versions at once is really not recommended. It may lead to unexpected problems like these you wrote about. No simple solution on this, sorry.

Hope you had a nice time!

The reason is probably the way I plan motorcycle tours: I first construct the rough plan (start, POI, end) and then search for things to enhance the tour (interesting roads, landmarks,...) and modify the route accordingly. Then I search for specific POI along this route, for example a resting area, picnic places, restaurants, gas stations, etc and modify the route again.

And here I would like to just move a shaping point to an existing point,for example by moving the red dot (middle of a segment) to the via point. With the add option of the point, I would need to specify where to insert the point, which is not necessarily the beginning or end (or second last) point.

For the other problem: I just wanted to let you know that while both free and pro can be installed side by side, having a track recording active and accidentally opening the other version leads to both trying to record. I noticed only while beta testing and was surprised, that was all :-)

The motorcycle vacation was awesome and for me, Locus plays a huge part in it (planning, recording, etc). So I would like to thank you again for your efforts and hope that you still enjoy working on it!


you wants to record a video how Locus Map works on SGS2? Oki, I'll do something short ...

moving with red points is really useful and quick ... sometimes. In case, you are far from nearest visible points, it is a pain! For this "+" button of points has three options, not just start and end of track. But also "nearest", which should really place selected point to nearest possible place in route. So planning should be really simple. You setup route by shaping points and interesting points along route you may simply add later by this third option.

And yes, for my own surprise, I still like what I do ... I believe that huge part on it has a nice and useful feedback from you and others here on forum and help desk. I'm also a little workaholic with sense for detail and head full of ideas, and too slow fingers to implement everything .. terrible combination :).
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New route planner: track width is 3px if I enter the planner. I change it to eg 6px as this is the width I'd like to see. When I enter the planner for the next time width is back to 3px again. How can I reliably store my setting if 6px?

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Žajdlík Josef

The latest beta version does not work for export to Openstreetmap. The Pro version is normal. Beta version reports Unautorized even when login to your account is OK.

CZ: V poslední beta verzi nefunguje export do Openstreetmap. Ve verzi Pro jde normálně. V beta verzi hlásí Unautorized i když přihlášení do účtu je v pořádku.


Hi guys,
some new problems with Dropbox forced me to speed up release of a new version little bit.
So I'm glad that after quite long time of testing, new version with new Route planner & Track editor is published. Thanks all for a big help with this task!

Problem with editing of track by dragging is big surprise for me. I'm still not sure how to deal with it to be true ...

default width parameter is globally defined in settings > maps > points & tracks > track width

@Žajdlík Josef:
thanks! fixed

And never-ending work continue, so let's look into the future ...
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