Compass slow

Started by edo123, July 20, 2017, 16:11:47

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starting from some last versions the hardware compass is very very slow (Galaxy S6) : it takes some minutes to show North correctly. Therefore it's unusuable.
Thank you


Good day edo123,

may you please try to calibrate your compass (device )? Simply wave with your device around all three axis for a moment.

If this won't help, check also if hardware compass is correctly selected in menu > settings > sensors > kompass.

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Hi Menion,
I tried to calibrate but nothing has changed. In settings->sensors hardware compass is properly selected. I try the compass with other apps (Gps Status) and it moves correctly. The problem seems to be  only with locus.


Good day edo,
If possible, install this Locus Map Free Beta version and try open compass screen again. If same problem happen, close app in send me here logs from Locus/logs directory. Thank you.
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Hi Menion,
unfortunately no improvements. Here are log files.
Thank you


Thank you for the logs. I should give you some more precise instructions, because from logs it is not clear to me where is a problem.

May you please once more test this test version and try:
- open compass screen, point compass to north and wait till Locus Map display +- 0°
- quickly rotate device to 180° and again wait till it's stabilize little bit
- last step, continue to final 360°/0° and again wait a while.
Please do these rotations really quick ( should be around one second ), so in log I may see if this took longer or not. Thank you!
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Hi Menion,
here is the new log file.


Thank you edo for a log, appreciate it.

I never saw such problem, but as you say ... rotation of compass in Locus Map take really long time. Reason is that directly source compass data comes so slow to Locus Map. Same problem will be probably in all applications that use method called "Orientation vector" to obtain device orientation. Did you tried for example Google Maps app or GPS status apps?

I also sometimes use for testing this application , where you may test various sensors ( also problematic "Rotation vector" ) directly, so please give it a try.
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Andrew Heard

I just checked the Sensors multitool app. For what it's worth I have found Z-Device Test has a more extensive range of tests & for some tests even more useful info. I have no connection with either app. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hi Menion,
I tested GPS Status,  SensorsMultitool and Z-Device Test all are working perfectly: compass (or magnetic sensor) is fast and accurate. Problem is only with Locus. How can I guess a clean installation of Locus?
Thank you


ah, this is unexpected. Interesting ...

If you may, give a try to:
- "clear data" in system list of apps > Locus Map. This won't delete any data or maps (if you have Locus in default root directory of internal memory) , just clear preferences.
- try latest Beta version:
- if Beta will work same, please try new parameter I just added "compatibility mode" in menu > settings > sensors.
Thank you and sorry for a complications
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Hello Menion,
compatibility mode switched on is the only thing that solves the problem! With this setting now compass is working ok. I hope you'll release this new version as soon as possible.
Thank you


ah ok, thank you for testing. To be true, I hoped to solve this with any extra settings anyway for now, I do not have better solution. New version is planned on Wednesday 9.
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Quote from: menion on August 05, 2017, 07:11:01
ah ok, thank you for testing. To be true, I hoped to solve this with any extra settings anyway for now, I do not have better solution. New version is planned on Wednesday 9.
I just recognized the option, I hope it is a solution for Sony Z1, it often shows wrong directions on using hw compass. A weird behaviour.

I found, other communities had a hard time with this (and wow, what an amount of work):

Here is, I think, the logic they use now:
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Thanks tapio for extra information.
These three steps wrote in c:geo site are exactly same as are implemented in Locus. Even their "force use of orientation sensor" is exactly same as in Locus so called "Compatibility mode". So I see no space for improvements.
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