Bug while downloading offline maps

Started by RChadwick, May 10, 2011, 08:26:45

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I was trying to download an area for offline use, but it keeps failing at the same point. When I viewed the map to see where it failed, I noticed it failed right at the coastline. My coastline is not exactly north/south, but goes at an angle. To get all the land in the map, I also have to select over the water. As I'm guessing Google doesn't bother having high resolution pics over the water, I'm guessing this is why the download fails.

Is there a way to get Locus to keep downloading the next section if one or more sections fail?


  I'm sure I was already fixing this issue. Do you have last version of Locus? If so, please tell me exact place you try to download and I'll look at it ...
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Actually, I have 1.5.1. I've avoided upgrading so I wouldn't lose Google Maps. I didn't think it would have been fixed so fast! Before I try the latest ver, could you tell me if Google decided to let you use their maps? Or is there a solid way to add full functionality back into Locus? Thanks!


No Google do not allow me this, and looks that never will. Solid way? I personally cannot help a much, but try to search, any way surely exist ... ;)
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I found the solution, and it seems to work well. However, when I tried downloading the same area, it stopped around 10%, and said I reached the limit for the day, and would have to finish tomorrow. Is that limitation built into Locus? I can connect to a number of IP addresses.


yes, this is limitation in locus and cannot be changed by any tool. 10%? hmm, you have what to do in next ten days if you want download so big map ;)
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That's a real shame. I can understand not annoying Google, but I think this goes WAY too far. I could download this much data just using Google Earth for a few minutes. Offline apps for the PC don't have these limitations. Personally, the only reason I became interested in Locus was for offline maps. To cripple Locus like this makes it MUCH less useful. Do I need to plan every Geocache trip two weeks in advance so I have enough time to babysit silly downloads? If Google has a problem with my downloading too much data, then THEY can block me for the day. Why do you have to play policeman for Google?


ONLYONE who have troubles from mass downloading is ME ... here http://gis.638310.n2.nabble.com/Paging- ... 8590.html!!

Now on all servers, Locus is very easily identified, so I don't really want to get message from google ... sorry, you app takes to much tiles from our server, we had to delete it! Too much data by Google earth by few minutes?? Are you kidding? 25 000 tiles is large city (cca 20 x 20 km) in very good resolution. Good enough I think ...

USE older version of Mobac or Locus, if you have problems with this. Anyway it's current situation and it will stay like this for a while. Dot.
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Quote from: "RChadwick"That's a real shame.

Offline apps for the PC don't have these limitations.

Why do you have to play policeman for Google?

First, it's a shame that people like YOU are abusing the terms of the map providers. People like you are leading to the current situation that nearly all map downloading programs have reduced the ability what and how much to download. Get the newest MOBAC version and you will be surprised that most map sources have been deleted. Why? Because of people like YOU!

menion isn't playing policeman for Google, he's just hindering stupid people like you downloading idiotic masses of tiles. Wouldn't he do that, the map providers would immediately block Locus from every existing map server.


So my questions
Is only download for offline maps restricted and is it possible to use online maps of the same, restricted, area at the same day? Is this only restricted for this mobile or for the user agent of Locus (for all Locus users)?
Is the limit set to 25.000 tiles? Is this limit set to all maps a day or for each map (so it is possible to download 4 x 25.000 tiles)?

please have a look here: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=496#p2441
Isn´t it possible to go geocaching with online maps?

Regards J.


I'm not going to address a fanatic moron who attacks me for expecting something completely reasonable. As for online maps, it's a bit difficult for my Nook Color, which has no 3G. I appreciate the link jusc, and I have that part figured out.

I only want this map once, but I've been trying to download it for weeks. After research, I found out there's a 2GB limit in Android (How about a pop-up message if the map you're about to DL is over 2GB?), then there was the bug with stopping at the water. At least in my case, Locus is responsible for a LOT more downloads than me. Also, with that experience, you now expect me to play with downloads for a WEEK, and THEN maybe find out it didn't work, and have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN. You won't have to worry about Google. Nobody will be using Locus.

Also, I'd think it would be better to download needed maps ONCE, perhaps during off-peak hours, instead of constantly. Also, I'm sure it would be a very easy task to have Locus report to Google whatever it wants. There are a number of programs that report something different. I can't think of a SINGLE program that arbitrarily throttles downloads, unless if it was a shareware limitation. If that is the case here, perhaps you should be clear about it. Otherwise, instead of buying Locus, I'll be uninstalling Locus, as it is completely worthless to me. I understand you don't want to piss off Google, but you don't want to piss off those who use your program, or nobody will use it! Balance!

Menion, if you were REALLY for Google, you wouldn't allow that .XML file that COMPLETELY restores Google maps, as well as all the others. It's like you are two people. One whispers that there is a way around Google's lawyers, and the other says you are SO deathly afraid of Google's lawyers, we will cripple the program so bad it's worthless. I don't get it. I likely never will, because at the end of this sentence, I will be completely done with Locus.


I'm little sorry you see this in that way ...

so, Yes, I'm two person in one. The first want to allow users what they want. Because I'm also user, and I using same Locus Pro as others for normal usage, so I feel also limitation of download. Second person do not want to have any troubles. This person feel really tired from own stupidity and naivete (that allowed all this) and from lot of emails of OSM server owners, some map providers, too many angry users like you ... But last few days, I don't care anymore. I really love my work and Locus program, I'm sure it's best mapping program on market and I'm also sure that I want still work on it as much as possible.

What I can say to your post? Download map once? How can I say to users ... download it only once? There is recommendation on Map manager screen, how to limit downloading ... nothing changed, in "Basic info" is written about limitation of 2GB ... and what I can see? Some user who want everything for free and feel cheated, when he now cannot have something that already had ...

Ah, as I wrote ... don't care about similar cases. Locus is now finally 99% (everyone can find something when want so thats 1% backup) clear and I'm sure, no more troubles will come. Providers.xml is mainly created for supporting own mapnik servers that works on this base.

uff ...

Jusc: yes, restriction is actually only on downloading. So when you reach limit, you can still use online maps. Restriction is on applied on one user. Limit is written on every map in info screen. ArcGIS have bigger limit, basic OSM lower, others around 25000, yes. And limit is on one map, so you can download 25k tiles from every map server.
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thank you for answer.

I wonder that the Nook Color has GPS? As I understand it´s an ebook reader. So how can you use it for geocaching? With TetherGPS https://market.android.com/details?id=c ... nsoft.tgps? Maybe this solution  very interesting, but please think about menions trouble and that Locus is a smartphone app for online maps too.
What you can do is: Use an (older) Mobac version + SqliteJDBC driver to create "sqlite-maps" and copy your maps to the offline maps folder of Locus. That works perfectly too.
Regards J.


Quote from: "RChadwick"I'm not going to address a fanatic moron who attacks me for expecting something completely reasonable.

You don't get it, yes?

There's NO map provider which allows downloading map tiles for offline use. DOT! They've all allowed it tacitly. Until now! Until people like you started mass downloading whole countries. Now they are thinking about blocking certain apps like Locus or to disallow it completely.

Therefore (sorry menion), I really hope that you are deinstalling Locus before it gets blocked by the map service providers.

Said the moron!