[APP] - version 3.24.+ ( 31. 5. 2017 )

Started by Menion, May 31, 2017, 14:48:21

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@Andrew Heard:
- I still have problems to simulate your issue with "function panels in presets". May you please record for me a video or describe more precisely your steps, so I may simulate this issue on my phone? Thanks

- unfinished compute with BRouter: again, needs to simulate so if this always happen for "from" > "to" pair of coordinates, write them here for me, thanks

- more ways to move "via point" > long click for now

- track editor : you tap on the track directly on a map and press from ">" menu "Edit on map (beta) and you loose zoom etc? Should not, weird.

@michaelbechtold: quick test and seems that online/offline address search works fine. Please specify problem more in detail, thanks
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Very latest Beta from today works again. It took a longer while for the first try, but then it was responsive as before.

Gesendet von meinem LG-H850 mit Tapatalk


Žajdlík Josef

Editing the route in the new editor works well. I just want to warn Menion about the inconsistency of control. For example, a modified path is saved and the editor closes with the arrow at the top left. The same arrow but in the beta conversion panel works as a cancellation. The panel must be confirmed with the "Next" button. In the screen settings, the changes are saved back to the right. The export of the route has the "export" and "cancel" buttons, but they are hidden under the keyboard, the arrow above works just like the "cancel" button. Perhaps it would sometimes like to find time and control a little to unify. Experienced users do not mind it, but for beginners it can be confusing.

CZ: Úprava trasy v novém editoru funguje dobře. Jen bych chtěl Meniona upozornit na nejednotnost ovládání. Například upravená trasa se ukládá a současně editor uzavírá šipkou vlevo nahoře. Ta samá šipka ale v panelu změn betaverze funguje jako zrušení. Panel je třeba potvrdit tlačítkem "další". V nastavení obrazovky se zase ukládají změny křížkem vpravo. Export trasy má zase tlačítka "export" a "zrušit", ale ta jsou schována pod klávesnicí, šipka nahoře funguje stejně jako tlačítko "zrušit". Možná by to chtělo si někdy najít čas a ovládání trochu sjednotit. Zkušeným uživatelům to asi nevadí, ale pro začátečníky to může být matoucí.


Thanks Josef, I'll look at it ...

generally I'm trying to keep control united with following conditions:
a) if window save changes automatically without need to validate anything, then close by hardware "back button" or "cross button" in top right toolbar do it's work
b) if window needs to validate anything ( like confirm of input text ), then "cancel / confirm" buttons are needed. "Hardware back" or "Cross button" just close window without saving. Rarely is used some "OK/set" button in top toolbar for final confirmation
c) if window contains in top left corner "back arrow" it should always work same as "hardware back" button

Absolutely agree that a) and b) options may be sometimes confusing. I anyway still have no clear idea how to convert b) to version a) ( without confirm buttons ).
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Žajdlík Josef

If you make any changes, I would recommend a little adjustment to the Export Route panel. It would be enough if the initial focus was not on the file name, so the keyboard would not always be activated. I think most people do not change the name anyway, and the "export" button is hidden beneath the keyboard. Thanks.

CZ: Pokud bys dělal nějaké změny, přimluvil bych se k malé úpravě panelu pro export trasy. Stačilo by, kdyby počáteční focus nebyl na názvu souboru, aby se vždy neaktivovala klávesnice. Myslím, že většina lidí název stejně nemění a pod klávesnicí se ukrývá tlačítko "export".  Díky.



GraphHopper online routing is not working.



Quote from: LocusUser#1 on July 10, 2017, 15:34:57

GraphHopper online routing is not working.

Works for me.

Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quote from: LocusUser#1 on July 10, 2017, 15:34:57

GraphHopper online routing is not working.

I've tested it a bit more.
The problem comes only if the check box is not set in "Compute instructions", when the check box is set all is ok.

I still notice that the set of the check box is not properly stored.


I can confirm that GraphHopper route planning with the compute instructions check box unselected gives "unknown problem". The state of the check box is preserved for me, however.
The navigation UI (as opposed to route planning) does not have the check box.

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Ah "Compute instructions" is the key!! Thanks, fixed!
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Andrew Heard

@menion some detailed preset/function panel testing
backup 3.24 pro, includes 15 right side panel buttons, 8 presets
restore settings and presets into
all RHS buttons and presets are present
edit 1st preset, add "set function panels"
observe correct 5|15 buttons displayed in preset
select preset, ok
edit other presets, observe all 7 already have new  "set function panels" added, and mixture of 5|0 and 5|1 buttons displayed
I now again edit 1st preset and original 5|15 button count has changed to 5|0
what ever I do, the counts do not stick, very easy to see and reproduce wrong behaviour I hope for you too?

Quote from: menion on July 09, 2017, 17:31:23
@Andrew Heard:

- track editor : you tap on the track directly on a map and press from ">" menu "Edit on map (beta) and you loose zoom etc? Should not, weird
correct 100% easy to reproduce
zoom in to small part of track
tap track
from track info > edit on map beta
observe whole track displayed and "no point selected" is displayed near top of screen

New route planner using BRouter: add point, add 2nd point, long tap either point, edit, cancel, current calculated track is *sometimes* no longer displayed, only straight line. Other times the calculated track is displayed. And even when point is moved there is no undo button.
No comments from other beta testers? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Listening Nightwish helped me to stay awake with still working mind so new Beta version just published on Google Play :).

@Andrew Heard: thanks for a feedback!! I'm anyway still unable to simulate any problem with presets & functions panel. Maybe if you backup for me Locus/data/presets directory and write me few exact steps I may follow to simulate this issue ...

Problem with track editor & selected point ... ah, got it. I suggested to tap on "Edit" button directly in popup, not in track detail screen. Anyway should be solved.

And issue with BRouter ... well I did a lot changes in whole system of undo/redo etc. so hope it work better now ...

I'll be probably +- all three days out now, so enjoy weekend and looking forward to read some nice discovered bugs ;).
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@menion, new beta is somewhat buggy  :) I can't create new point because Locus is crashing. Locus pro working correctly, so problem is not in database. In route planner moving from point to point is not always positioned on point exactly (it was the same in previous betas). In new version moving around start/end point sometimes disabling navigation arrows, look at video https://youtu.be/kIfBVDi4gf4


QuoteI can't create new point because Locus is crashing
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Ah thanks guys, issue found and fixed. As a workaround for now, create a point by long click on the map > point detail > "+" button at bottom left corner. It is needed to firstly open top map preview before editing point.

@alezy: really interesting issue with moving between points. I'm checking it and see no space for this issue. I may only add some debug messages to next version that may tell us more. It looks like flow movement is canceled before it reach final point, but there should be no reason for this.
Btw. do you have enabled GPS in Locus? Maybe running GPS with auto-zoom may do this ...
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