[APP] - version 3.24.+ ( 31. 5. 2017 )

Started by Menion, May 31, 2017, 14:48:21

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2. 8. 2017 - Locus RC - Beta version
- Release candidate version
- news after app starts

14. 7. 2017 - Locus - Beta version
- news after app starts

9. 7. 2017 - Locus - Beta version
- news after app starts

28. 6. 2017 - Locus 3.24.3 - new version
- news after app starts

20. 6. 2017 - Locus 3.24.2 - new version
- news after app starts

8. 6. 2017 - Locus - Beta version
- news after app starts

2. 6. 2017 - Locus - Beta version
- news after app starts

1. 6. 2017 - Locus 3.24.1 - new version
- news after app starts

31. 5. 2017 - Locus 3.24.0 - new version
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Bucky Kid

Hello menion, a minor bug report:
When trying to change icon for custom quick bookmark preset to external archive, I get error toast File not found. Only for quick bookmarks.

Henk van der Spek

I will try this one after our present holiday but yesterday after a serious hike with guiding and some geocaching, I dumped 3.23.2 if favour of 3.21.1  Every new version of Locus seems to need more memory and processing power. Our older Moto G's (mine the original, hers the Moto G 2014 dual sim, the last one with a compass) kept freezing for several seconds, the heading line went crazy in spite of compass calibrations. On a given moment the heading line was spinning around like a crazy clock. Several reboots/restarts of Locus on both phone's and (wat felt like) probably a higher battery consumption.
Setting both to "only hardware compass" helped a bit but it seems the older (manual setting) for the orientation filter was far easier on the processing power than the new "automatic" (not accessible by user) setting.
Not much use my reaction for the moment because we have a weeks hiking to go and after that I will try to give better information. :)
Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13


Thanks @Bucky Kid , this seems to be a general issue with custom icons, solved

@Henk : hmm weird is slower and slower ... any useful tips from this?
If this will continue, I think I may prepare a special version that may tell us more from your using and why Locus Map is sloooow. Let me know ...
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Hi Menion,

From "what's new" I learnt that there is Strava export. So I wanted to try it, but there is a problem.
When at the single track export page I select "export type" -> "strava" I am requested to log in to strava, but pressing the "LOGIN" button shows for a very short period (0.3s or so) a pop up saying "Working ..." and nothing else happens. I am not logged in.

I do have Strava installed if it matters.

And a separate question: is it possible to add Sports Tracker export?


hmm interesting. Is on your device any active working "web browser" application? Locus Map since this new version require external web browser to correctly login to these services.

About "Sports tracker": http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/sports-tracker , not much interest, so feel free to vote for this idea, but I do not see big chance, sorry.
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is there time to break? I don't think so :).

New Beta version is just uploading on Google Play and I'll need some help from You here.

1) thanks for push from c.s.g., I've rediscovered some possible problems with logging of caches directly on geocaching.com from Locus (not over field notes). So if anyone use it, please try it with latest Beta. "Log date only" checkbox should be fixed now and should works as expected. Geocaching web site now require directly UTC times over API. Locus was already doing this in case, "Log date only" was disabled!

improvements: my thoughts:
- editing of tracks should be improved
- current system with panel on main map screen is limited by space
- current system with panel on main map screen is not much intuitive because of huge number of already visible buttons, panels etc. on the screen
- etc etc

ideal solution I found?
- separate screen for editing a tracks that may be from begin optimized just on track editing (not creating for now).

So as a first step I wants to create a copy of current system ( in terms of "functionality" ) as a separate screen. Feel free to try it in new Beta and let me know.

why I'm doing it?
- because I do not like current system much
- because I wants to implement this function: http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/mark-a-section-of-a-track-and-get-statistics-for-it and it's really complicated to extend current solution
- because I want's to somehow modify bottom map panel, but it's not simply possible because of all these panels that appear above it ( track recording, add new route, edit route )

3) did you noticed improved system for creating custom icons packs? Hope I'll see some nice packs soon :).
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Andrew Heard

The new track editing mode has good potential. First feature I note lacking compared to previous version - long tap on back or forward point would move to first or last point. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

Route editing: unfortunately, when you apply changes, you almost always hurt Locusu. The database file is destroyed and Locus can not see any routes after restart. You need to restore the file from the backup. This is not a new mistake, but it was also in older versions. That's why I never needed locomotive routes in Locus. Android 4.3.

CZ: Editace trasy: bohužel při aplikaci změn dojde téměř vždy k havarii Locusu. Databázový soubor je zničený a Locus po restaru žádné trasy nevidí. Je třeba obnovit soubor ze zálohy. Tohle ale není nová chyba, vyskytovalo se to i ve starších verzích. Proto jsem trasy v Locusu nikdy needitoval. Android 4.3.


@Andrew Heard: good point, thanks, fixed

@Žajdlík Josef: this really happen to you?? Why I do not know it? :). May you please backup your data, try it once more with latest Beta version and if issue happen, create for me a log by known method right after crash? Thank you. Btw if you will need my answers in Czech, let me know, otherwise I'll keep it in English if this is not a problem as I'm little lazy to do dual-language like you :).
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Žajdlík Josef

@ Menion  How to create a protocol I do not know but I created a backup before and after the fall. I send. In the tracks, the folder is a try and there is one file in it. I've been editing with him. Edit / Swipe point with finger / save changes and fall of application. Maps and routes are stored on an SD card, Xperia M, adroid 4.3 I do not care about English, I prefer to put Czech text on my own, because sometimes I do not know it and the compiler does not manage it.

Files for download: ...

CZ: Jak vytvořit protokol nevím, ale vytvořil jsem zálohu před pádem a po něm. Posílám. V trasách je složka pokusy a v ní jeden soubor. U něj jsem prováděl editaci. Edit/posun bodu prstem/uložit změny a pád aplikace. Mapy i trasy mám uloženy na SD kartě, Xperia M, adroid 4.3 Angličtina mi nevadí, osobně raději přikládám i český text protože občas dělám překlepy a překladač to pak nezvládne.


Thanks. Issue is in your database, not in Locus Map itself ( well common question is why database is corrupted .. because of Locus Map? ... ).

Anyway by this method, I was able to fix it. I'll send you download link over PM. Try it, but I believe it will work as expected.
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Andrew Heard

@menion I am slow to report this, and I cannot provide any useful log, as I am cycle touring for 9 weeks. But for the last few releases I have noticed Locus pro crash a few times, no good reason, not using any new feature, just randomly. Previously #rock solid#. But I don't read of anyone else reporting such an issue. Second, again no good data, but sometimes the map is not repainted, only POI and track. Not even change of zoom level or theme or Locus restart helps, and I have had to restart whole phone. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Good day Andrew, 9 weeks trip, very nice, enjoy it!!

Problems: hmm sorry to hear this. If you will want any older version, just tell me. Anyway crash: immediately after crash take a log and send me it once you will be on internet. I have reported every day many crashes ... for example after last 30 days I see in crash console: 9308 crashes ... eh. All these are anyway just some automatic crash reports by Android system without any idea how and why happen. But I'm solving only these, that are repeated more often or better directly reported by users, so I may simulate them.

Problem with repaint ... more complicated, hmm. It should be useful if you find any key that starts this problem. I never saw this thought ...
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Žajdlík Josef

First experience with editing the route.
1) When you move to editing, the map does not move beyond the edit area.
2) It takes a long time to save an edited route. For example, deleting 20 points, saving even 10 minutes. Of course, I understand it's given even by the age of the phone.
3) It would be good to offer "rough" editing at street level.

První zkušenosti s editací trasy.
1) Při přechodu do editace se mapa nepřesune nad oblast s editací.
2) Uložení editované trasy trvá dost dlouho. Například po vymazání 20 bodů trvá uložení i 10 minut. Samozřejmě chápu, že je to dáno i stářím telefonu.
3) Bylo by dobré nabídnout i "hrubší" editaci na úrovni ulic.