Export brouter0.gpx how?

Started by NickJP, May 31, 2017, 05:29:23

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I'm using BRouter from within Locus to create routes using from / to / via1 etc, which results in BRouter creating a brouter0.gpx in the /Locus/mapitems folder. Is there any way from within Locus to export this file with a more meaningful name so I can then copy it to a dedicated GPS? When I view the gpx file by selecting Map items from the Locus menu, this is what I see - there doesn't appear to be any option to export the file. This is Locus Map Pro 3.23.2 on a Google Pixel running Android 7.1.2.



Good day Nick,
there is no option to "export", because this track is already exported to quite universal GPX format. I'm not sure what more you need.
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Quote from: NickJP on May 31, 2017, 05:29:23..... Is there any way from within Locus to export this file with a more meaningful name so I can then copy it to a dedicated GPS?

brouter0.gpx as a BRouter output is to be imported by LocusMap among its native tracks, therefore it cannot be exported.  All you may need is to directly rename the file before copying, in case you are going to copy multiple files.

The other way would be to import it to Locus, and then to export it.