[APP] - version 3.23.+ ( 3. 4. 2017 )

Started by Menion, April 06, 2017, 11:47:16

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@Žajdlík Josef: [CZ] psal jsem o tom předtím anglicky. Jakmile je řazení rychlosti špatně, nebude to určitě fungovat. Takže prosím odebrat definice a přidat je znovu. Měli by se již řadit v pořádku

- issue with "always screen on", sorry, I have no solution.
- issue with missing 0.0 in "edit text" field, thanks fixed
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Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: menion on April 27, 2017, 13:49:45
@Žajdlík Josef: [CZ] psal jsem o tom předtím anglicky. Jakmile je řazení rychlosti špatně, nebude to určitě fungovat. Takže prosím odebrat definice a přidat je znovu. Měli by se již řadit v pořádku
CZ: Sorry Menione, moje chyba. Měl jsem se lépe vzdělávat a nespoléhat na Google. Vyzkoušeno a je to už OK.


Hi menion
as i set first time inside "preset car" "speed autozoom" enabeled, it wasnt stored if i change to another preset and came back, it was always disabeled
After i opened once one "Zooms" of the default car zooms and confirmed it with "ADD" it work as expected and  setting is stored.
So it was only at first  default "virgin" using
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Thanks balloni, indeed enabling/disabling of this preference was not stored into presets, fixed thanks.
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once again 2 finger measure, the end dots are twize as big as in PRO

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hmm it's really huge in your case. Should be only 4 times wider that line itself. Oki, next version? :)

New Beta version just uploaded on Google Play. Hope that auto-zoom will be finally working as expected.

Last month ( maybe two already ), I was totally overwhelmed by support. Increasing number of users starts to highly limit my free time on new features & improvements, as you maybe noticed as well. Because I needed to do for a while something I like, I made during a day completely new screen for weather forecast, based on old screen but with some new features. Hope you will like it and if you miss there something, let me know.

Have a nice weekend guys!
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Hi menion
Quotethe end dots are twize as big
now it´s ok ;)

"speed autozoom"
-after update there are default values inside presets:
cycling > 0km/h/ZL19, 20km/h ZL18, 50km/h ZL17
car >  0km/h/ZL15, 50km/h ZL17, 100km/h ZL15, 200km/h ZL14

if i create a new preset these values are taken from the basic preset i use., thats ok :)
if i modify or add a zoom, this values are used as long as i didnt change the preset to another one :) but if i change the preset and come back only the default values are there, my modifications are not stored.  :-[

my experience in use:
- if i slow down my speed (car or bike) because I'm approaching a crossroad and i  need a more detailed map view to decide my further direction, zooming in work too slow.

if i set e.g. speed autozoom for cycling to:
cycling 0km/h/ZL20, 10km/h ZL18, 30km/h ZL15
i expected that ZL´s switch  20 > 18 > 15 or vice versa, but it switch through each ZL. Is this behavior intended? :-\
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


question to new "weather"
forcast for tomorrow 30.4.2017
why are the values different ? do you use different weather services?

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4



Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on April 28, 2017, 21:37:56
Last month ( maybe two already ), I was totally overwhelmed by support. Increasing number of users starts to highly limit my free time on new features & improvements
@menion - I hope more users & success eventually means you can employ new team member for support, and that frees you up to work on features & improvements. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Can anyone please comment how does the quality of the Locus weather information compares to the Meteo (The Weather) app? I used Meteo last year when cycle touring thru Slovenia/ Croatia/ Italy, and it was very useful. Now Locus has 3 hour intervals I'd like to uninstall Meteo if the Locus forecast is as accurate (or just as good). The screen caps below compare Locus/ Meteo data sources for 24 hour and 3 hour forecasts, and I can see there are differences. Location is Milan/ Malpensa airport where we arrive for 9 week 2000km cycle tour.

I much prefer the Locus presentation. More compact and much clearer text/ graphics. Well done Menion. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

Experience from today's several-hour autozoom bike testing. Functionality is perfectly fine. But I missed the opportunity to temporarily change the scale - perhaps when searching for a trip. Therefore, I would recommend a change. If you use the manual scaling with - / + buttons, the autosome should be turned off and the Autozoom OFF / ON button displayed on the screen. Clicking on it will automatically activate the autosoom and the button remains hidden.

CZ: Zkušenost z dnešního několikahodinového testování autozoomu na kole. Funkčnost je naprosto v pořádku. Hodně mi ale chyběla možnost si dočasně změnit měřítko - třeba při hledání cesty. Proto bych doporučil změnu. Pokud použiji manuální změnu měřítka tlačítky -/+ tak by se autozoom měl vypnout a na obrazovce zobrazit tlačítko Autozoom OFF/ON. Po klliknutí na něj by se autozoom znovu aktivoval a tlačítko zůstalo skryto.

Andrew Heard

@menion - beta has expired :( GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@balloni55: hmm I'm unable to simulate any issue with presets ...

My steps:
- create new "preset"
- edit preferences of "auto-zoom" to some crazy values
- activate preset
- check menu > settings > maps - advanced > auto-zoom to see if auto-zoom settings are really loaded
- activate different, already existing preset
- check again app settings to see if preset is correctly loaded

All works for me. Please, some step-by-step method to simulate your issue, thanks.

Slow zoom-in .. it is possible, I'll look at it.

Auto-zoom over all levels ... yes, it is intent. Fluent zoom over defined values. In worst case, you may try define something like 0 kmph > zl18, 19.99 kmph > zl 18, 20 kmph > zl 15 ... etc . This should work

Weather ... yes, this new screen use different weather source "Dark Sky".

@Christian: thanks, issue is already solved in Beta

@Andrew Heard, unfortunately all "simple" support tasks are solved by Michal, balloni :) etc. Rest are usually tasks that directly needs some changes in code. Ah, I do not complain ... too much support means problems in app, so my problem :).

On your screenshots is also older version of weather screen that is in Locus for a few years. New screen has button at top of menu > more list.

@Žajdlík Josef: thanks, I'll try to improve it somehow

And ended Beta ... damn. Anyway I still planned new version maybe today, so ...

Thanks for a feedback!!
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Andrew Heard

@menion - Locus Pro 3.23.1 - notice in this video https://youtu.be/d9PgosBKBO8 how when the track Folder list is tapped then scrolled the list suddenly fails to repaint properly; first one half is displayed at bottom of the screen, then the second/ top half is displayed. I have never seen this occur before. With expired beta I can't confirm in that version. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a